ryeley323 t1_j2thszi wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
Spit it out then. Enlighten me.
ryeley323 t1_j2tgwpc wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
So, then you can give us the history of the southern realignment?
ryeley323 t1_j2tehta wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in I discovered a lot about PA by simply not using the Turnpike. by Yinzerman1992
Na, stretch from Greensburgh to Chambersburg is quite nice.
ryeley323 t1_j2teb16 wrote
Reply to comment by all4whatnot in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
Equal liberties? Certainly not the D.
ryeley323 t1_j2tclr6 wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
Oh yea you're talking about the dixiecrats. Yea that was 1948. 3 dixiecrats moved to the republican side and the rest were absorbed back into the democratic party.
ryeley323 t1_j2tauru wrote
Reply to comment by fenuxjde in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
Yea you didn't look that it was democrats that objected most of the civil liberties we have today.
ryeley323 t1_j2t9bhl wrote
Reply to comment by fenuxjde in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
You should look up how the parties voted for the civil rights acts of 58, 60 and 64.
ryeley323 t1_j2rlp83 wrote
Rt 30 is a great road to bypass the TP.
ryeley323 t1_ivmoa0p wrote
Reply to comment by CPBOMBAA in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Oh I'm here at work now. I'm the super. All my guys are doing their jobs. Hour commute. I'm just laughing at the irony of people complaining about mail ins. What so you expect when your ballot get handled by a dozen people before getting counted. But it's Republicans fault. Ya'll need a life. If you're that passionate about voting. Do it in person.
ryeley323 t1_ivmmf9a wrote
Reply to comment by CPBOMBAA in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Pot calling the kettle black.
ryeley323 t1_ivmgequ wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
You knew this was going to be an issue. Your delusional if you think other. Your relying on USPS. Now come up with another excuse simpleton.
ryeley323 t1_ivmeea4 wrote
Reply to comment by DavidLieberMintz in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
OK. It's a shame the Astros beat the Phillies. One of the few times I was rooting for a Philly based team. Maybe next year.
ryeley323 t1_ivmdxsh wrote
Reply to comment by DavidLieberMintz in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
David no one has time for you bologna tonight. You seriously have a reddit addiction that you need to kick.
ryeley323 t1_ivm2dyy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Vote in person then. Hey, I gotta go to work so go back to the basement and come up with some more conspiracy theories.
ryeley323 t1_ivm1zpy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Laughing right back at your excuses.
ryeley323 t1_ivm1lzh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Go get triggered somewhere else. Falling on deaf ears
ryeley323 t1_ivm1g17 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Excuses. All you lefties are good for.
ryeley323 t1_ivm18o2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Lmao. You're a joke. Both sides are having issues.
ryeley323 t1_ivm04w5 wrote
Reply to comment by jmdunkle in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
I call BS. This is happening to both sides from the posts on here today.
ryeley323 t1_ivlzbk7 wrote
Reply to check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
So do we agree that there's a problem with mail in ballots?
ryeley323 t1_j2tkipi wrote
Reply to comment by tyrael459 in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
Relax. Reading up on the southern strategy now. Sounds eerily familiar to what's happening today. Sounds like history is repeating itself. Looks like your knickers are twisted.