
s_decoy t1_jdwx08o wrote

Yeah, when I was still living in my dad's house we had a family of raccoons living in our roof. When he finally got around to hiring an exterminator to trap them, they had eaten multiple holes in the roof which started leaking when the rainy season came. Unfortunately, the exterminator only caught the mama raccoon, and was going to leave the babies to starve to death inside. So, my dad baited them out onto the roof, grabbed them with a claw stick, and made me hold them down while he shot them.


s_decoy t1_j7owkyx wrote

I did something similar once and accidentally got a coworker fired because of it... I had to send a write up of an incident where one of my cashiers yelled at a little kid in our store to the HR manager, because the kid's parents were rightfully very upset. I was not familiar with the email address book on our computers, there were multiple categories with the same addresses so I just sent it off to "Human Resources"... I come back from my day off to find that I sent that email to the ENTIRE HR department, and when so many people saw this incident, there was a lot of pressure on the store manager to fire her immediately. Though it was on accident, everyone working there was sort of relieved - she was rude, racist, and generally a pain in the ass anyway.