sad0panda t1_je4segl wrote
Reply to comment by somewhere_in_VT in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
Howard Schultz doesn't own Starbucks either. It's a publicly traded company.
sad0panda t1_je24x8o wrote
Reply to comment by freakydeku in Greenland turns clocks forward for last,should Massachusetts/eastern US do the same by Hoosac_Love
I said summer, not winter. There is no such thing as a 4:30 sunrise in winter. Except in Australia maybe, but they call it summer too last I checked.
sad0panda t1_je24npy wrote
Reply to comment by ranaparvus in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
Big surprise
sad0panda t1_je24kft wrote
Reply to comment by redspiffy in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
Yeah, see my last sentence.
Chill out dude.
sad0panda t1_je2020k wrote
Reply to comment by redspiffy in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
It translates into the company seeing that customers prefer to shop at unionized locations. Starbucks is as anti-union as a company can be. There is a chance that driving more sales to unionized locations could change that. Or not, Howard Schultz seems like a pretty big dick no matter what.
sad0panda t1_je1zjxl wrote
Reply to comment by resistreclaim in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
Expecting small businesses to be unionized in a small state is just silly.
Sincerely, a union worker
sad0panda t1_je1pucn wrote
Reply to comment by snozzcumbersoup in Greenland turns clocks forward for last,should Massachusetts/eastern US do the same by Hoosac_Love
Standard time means the sun is directly above you at noon (or, roughly close to it). DST is the "switch". Until 2007, DST was 4 weeks shorter.
Personally I'm actually OK with the time change. Once you get to a certain point in summer, yeah, 4:30 sunrise doesn't really make sense. But it should happen in April and October, not March and November. This 6:30 sunrise is killing me, we were just making progress when the DST switch hit.
sad0panda t1_jdxob4w wrote
sad0panda t1_jdxk30w wrote
Reply to comment by cdmoomaw in Greenland turns clocks forward for last,should Massachusetts/eastern US do the same by Hoosac_Love
Thank you. I've grown really tired of people saying New England should be on AST or permanent DST. When we are on standard time we are right where we are supposed to be, in terms of solar time.
Yes, this means ~4:30am sunrises and ~7:30pm sunsets in the summer. 👍
sad0panda t1_jdqu48p wrote
Reply to comment by crisisfarmer in Large boom and shaking near Stratton? by chill_yeti
No, definitely thunder. I'm not that far from Stratton. Didn't seem like a thunderstorm night but it woke me up too.
sad0panda t1_jdkkvtm wrote
Reply to When will an abuser be served? by SoxPatsBruinsCelts
I had to take out a 258E (harrassment prevention order) and it was served the same day.
sad0panda t1_jdhqw0e wrote
Reply to comment by Recurringferry in Ford Mustang Mach-E Squad Cars by handyManDrew
Can you open the doors with the fob or do you have to press the little button every time?
sad0panda t1_jdcc9i3 wrote
Reply to comment by canadacorriendo785 in Is there a time frame for the Brattleboro Museum Expansion to move forward Looks Beautiful! by The_Idealist_Realist
I feel like it would match the coop building a little bit. Doesn't feel out of place to me at all.
sad0panda t1_jbj5upd wrote
Reply to What are your favorite local movie theaters? by RinSinn
Latchis theater in Brattleboro
sad0panda t1_japeinb wrote
Reply to comment by Tchukachinchina in PSA: Contaminated Gas in Brattleboro by No-Establishment3083
You are using two different phrases to describe the same thing.
If there is too much water in the fuel, that means too much liquid (water) is entering the cylinder, preventing complete combustion. Hydrolock. Can you explain the difference you are seeing between this and "lack of fuel"?
sad0panda t1_japdhsx wrote
Reply to comment by Tchukachinchina in PSA: Contaminated Gas in Brattleboro by No-Establishment3083
Technically speaking, an engine is hydrolocked when it stops running due to water in the cylinder, even if it hasn't caused mechanical damage. What you are describing is hydrolock, it's just reversible so long as you haven't destroyed the piston.
sad0panda t1_japcx5o wrote
Reply to comment by akmjolnir in PSA: Contaminated Gas in Brattleboro by No-Establishment3083
How does water being sucked into the air intake hydrolock an engine without also bending a connecting rod or otherwise causing the engine to stop? That is the definition of hydrolock. Too much liquid in the cylinder, regardless of how it got there (air intake being the obvious/common way).
sad0panda t1_jaatmg1 wrote
Reply to comment by CriscoCrispy in Anyone else have this problem in their town this year? by WhyImNotDoingWork
I was waiting for someone to point that out :)
Nonetheless I felt it was still relevant.
sad0panda t1_jaael9p wrote
> The town auditor plays a vital role in preserving the democratic nature of Vermont’s local government by ensuring that local officials are accountable for their expenditures of the taxpayers’ money. It is the auditor’s job to review the accounts of local officials and report the findings directly to the taxpayers for review. Because this report is presented only days before town meeting, the statutory scheme envisions that if the taxpayers do not like what the auditors’ report indicates about how the officials have spent the taxpayers’ money; the officials will be voted out of office.
Sounds like time for a new town clerk. And maybe a call to the State Auditor's office...
sad0panda t1_ja9s260 wrote
Somerset Reservoir, beautiful paddle, no motors
sad0panda t1_j9kbce2 wrote
Reply to comment by GrilledSpamSteaks in Boston Travel? by Check_Affectionate
A number of CR parking lots are not MBTA controlled and not on this list. (e.g. Wachusett allows overnight parking)
sad0panda t1_j9kasxg wrote
Reply to Boston Travel? by Check_Affectionate
You can park at Wachusett and catch the Fitchburg line. It's not the fastest way but I find it pretty convenient. $4/night parking and free on the weekends. No day limit as far as I've ever encountered, just prepay how long you think you'll be. I fly out of Logan using this parking lot.
sad0panda t1_j9gb7r7 wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in What are some legislative and day-to-day differences between VT, and MA? by spitsparadise
Same for 91 through WRJ
sad0panda t1_jeh4fuv wrote
Reply to Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
The application for registration is pretty clear. I am surprised it took them this long.
> NOTE: Dual Registration is when motor vehicles or trailers registered in another state need to be registered in MA under the dual registration concept (MGL Chapter 90, Section 3) and display plates from both jurisdictions (as required in MGL Chapter 90, Section 6). This applies to vehicles that meet all of the following conditions:
> • Owned by nonresidents
> • Registered in another state
> • In the possession of, or under the control of, MA residents for more than 30 days (not necessarily consecutive) within a calendar year period