sad0panda t1_j799sbm wrote
Reply to comment by AdventureSheepies in How is Google Fi in Vermont? by Reasonable-Sock9551
I get 5 bars 5G in downtown Bratt on Fi.
sad0panda t1_j799mwg wrote
Reply to How is Google Fi in Vermont? by Reasonable-Sock9551
I'm in southern VT and service is great down here. Better than my Verizon work phone. I get coverage on Fi all the way up route 30, Verizon drops off before you hit Dummerston.
sad0panda t1_j74mtua wrote
Reply to Post your temps at home! by portersthumb
-15 -19 in Athens but it's windy as fuck out there
sad0panda t1_j6yzge3 wrote
Reply to comment by Moth4Moth in Kingdom folks: drip your faucets! Dry your wood, stock up on supplies, check on your neighbors... by mister_record
Gotta keep the hose from freezing!
sad0panda t1_j666zgp wrote
Reply to comment by GrilledSpamSteaks in Please don’t be like this person by vtham
Not quite. MA technically doesn't have a law to cover snow removal either, they cite you for an unsecured load instead which is also technically possible in VT.
sad0panda t1_j663cc5 wrote
Reply to comment by polarpanzie in Even the State Police don't clean off the snow by phoebe7439
No, but I've seen a VSP cruiser driving up I 91 more than once with a roof full of snow.
sad0panda t1_j3ubpl4 wrote
Reply to Winter heating cost survey: Last month how much do you pay, what source, how much space, and what temp? by Ok_Slice_2952
2000 sq foot log cabin with insulated roof. Oil and propane. Primarily use propane, about $250/mo average across a Rinnai wall heater (basement, used sparingly) and a faux wood stove (main floor). Keep it between 70-75 when this is running.
Oil forced hot air furnace backup. 275 gal tank, fill it once a season. So an extra ~$60/month across 12 months since I filled it at >$5/gal most recently.
Furnace is set at 60 most of the time, use it to warm the house to 70 in the morning and then propane rest of the day unless it's a super cold day.
Have good southern exposure, this can keep us from using the stove on a sunny day even in winter.
sad0panda t1_j3u9ru1 wrote
Reply to comment by happyriverone in Why doesn’t Vermont bury its power lines? by tcchen
Keyword: started. Major utility in the most populated state in the USA has just begun burying their utilities and we are supposed to be surprised the 49th most populated state hasn't done it yet?
sad0panda t1_j39ug14 wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
It happens!
sad0panda t1_j39u7td wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
I didn't say I was confused.
sad0panda t1_j39e319 wrote
Reply to comment by vinsalducci in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
My neighbors are all armed. No one voted for Trump.
sad0panda t1_j39dcac wrote
Reply to I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
I'm pretty sure every state has "a certain type of people".
sad0panda t1_j24r91m wrote
Reply to comment by landodk in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
> The inhabitants of this State shall have liberty in seasonable times, to hunt and fowl on the lands they hold, and on other lands not inclosed, and in like manner to fish in all boatable and other waters (not private property) under proper regulations, to be made and provided by the General Assembly.
sad0panda t1_j18cvns wrote
Reply to comment by ceiffhikare in Everyone has been posting pictures of their dogs in the snow and it’s helping my depression IMMENSELY. PLEASE drop more!!!!! by Icantwriteforshit-
What "karma" are you hoping for?
sad0panda t1_j109oaa wrote
Reply to comment by Real-Pierre-Delecto2 in Cell Coverage in VT - Now I know... to switch provider by ExpressionFamiliar98
I get great 5G on US Cellular in southern VT
sad0panda t1_j0xfqls wrote
Reply to comment by anothervtcouple in I’m tired of melting snow so we can flush. by IndefinableMustache
Yeah, "dead battery" has never been a reason my generator won't start. Heck, I never even connected mine, the pull start is easy on mine and I've never needed the electric starter.
sad0panda t1_iz54piq wrote
Reply to comment by Syncope7 in Anybody else hoping Market Basket comes to Vermont? by Unique-Public-8594
sad0panda t1_iz54ii2 wrote
Reply to comment by takecaretakecare in Anybody else hoping Market Basket comes to Vermont? by Unique-Public-8594
This is the answer. All this grousing about price increases and how much the cost of eggs has gone up this week. My prices have stayed relatively stable. Why? I buy local.
sad0panda t1_iyowj4w wrote
Reply to comment by Constant_Honey_3965 in License Plate Question by Constant_Honey_3965
Wonder if there's a difference for truck series.
sad0panda t1_iykjjeq wrote
Reply to comment by Internal-Fudge8578 in License Plate Question by Constant_Honey_3965
Same. I don't think so.
sad0panda t1_iykf6av wrote
Reply to comment by Internal-Fudge8578 in License Plate Question by Constant_Honey_3965
I got mine last December and was a 79xxx. Surprised you got a 6!
sad0panda t1_iyjhwpe wrote
Reply to comment by Internal-Fudge8578 in License Plate Question by Constant_Honey_3965
Standard (non-vanity) conservation plates are always 5 numbers. I think I saw some 80000 series on the road recently.
sad0panda t1_ixqfvnt wrote
Reply to comment by varadins in Darn Tough Seconds Sale? by PsychologicalBite468
sad0panda t1_j9bkbar wrote
Reply to Organizations that help with home repair by BTVwifey
Your town may have a housing rehab program, e.g.
Here are some other ideas:
> The Resource, for Community and Economic Development, Inc. (TRI) is a non-profit corporation founded in response to a consortium of town and private sector representatives who wished to more actively and innovatively impact housing and economic development in Southeastern and Western Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and Martha's Vineyard.