sad0panda t1_iwme8hl wrote
Reply to comment by Coachtzu in So when do you expect Malloy to deploy his picking up litter skills? And Rohan can come get his crap. This is opposite my house I don’t want to see this little anymore. by Rincewindisahero
Yeah, I think that's the intent as well, but the language of the penalty section just refers to "the provisions of RSA 664:17 relative to removing" so I can see how it could be broadly interpreted to mean either someone who removes a sign when they aren't authorized to or a candidate who fails to remove their own sign.
sad0panda t1_iwm7uak wrote
Reply to comment by Coachtzu in So when do you expect Malloy to deploy his picking up litter skills? And Rohan can come get his crap. This is opposite my house I don’t want to see this little anymore. by Rincewindisahero
Like they have in New Hampshire?
> 664:17 Placement and Removal of Political Advertising. – No political advertising shall be placed on or affixed to any public property including highway rights-of-way or private property without the owner's consent. All political advertising shall be removed by the candidate no later than the second Friday following the election unless the election is a primary and the advertising concerns a candidate who is a winner in the primary.
> The court, upon petition of the attorney general, may levy upon any person who violates the provisions of RSA 664:16-a or the provisions of RSA 664:17 relative to removing, defacing, or destroying political advertising on private property a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000 per violation
My read on that is the candidate is liable for $1000 per sign they fail to remove.
sad0panda t1_it7ltsw wrote
In Greenfield there is one of those "sponsored" benches where people can buy a memorial slogan printed on the bench, this particular bench just says "HE TRIED"
sad0panda t1_it0b752 wrote
Reply to comment by WinsingtonIII in Massachusetts is 3rd most stressed state in the US, study says by Omphaloskeptique
Yes, it certainly helps that my employer is in MA, still pays me the same wage, and lets me work remote.
sad0panda t1_it09744 wrote
Reply to comment by ARealVermontar in was trying to wait as long as possible before cranking up the woodstove, then this came in the mail. now i don't have to yoink a stack of 7 days to start my fires. thanks jebus! by brainzilla420
Just FYI you pasted the same link twice.
sad0panda t1_iszyyl7 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Massachusetts is 3rd most stressed state in the US, study says by Omphaloskeptique
I moved from Mass to VT and my stress level went way down.
sad0panda t1_is5kv0j wrote
Reply to comment by sindach in Looks like Vermont maple syrup by Ok_Reference_9222
There is no way to tell from the generic bottles of maple syrup in the photo whether or not they are actually VT syrup, as the post suggests they are. From what I can make out of the sticker it looks like it's probably something from Costco as others have stated. Could be VT syrup... or not.
sad0panda t1_irxu15a wrote
Reply to Getting Paid Lunches in MA by stuartroelke
It's not that lunch breaks "may not be paid", it's that they may be unpaid (or paid). The way I read your post made it seem like you think lunch breaks must be unpaid.
sad0panda t1_irvl480 wrote
Reply to comment by suzmckooz in Thanksgiving questions from a foreigner by obcork
Or a farm.
sad0panda t1_iru8pbc wrote
Reply to comment by cjrecordvt in Subaru “all weather tire” question. by BallLikeLucky
Yes, but if you want to ever leave Bennington...
sad0panda t1_irsu6yw wrote
Reply to comment by dougman7 in Flavia Sabora: Lost Roman town is rediscovered under a crop field in Spain by marketrent
Flavor Flavor.
Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this.
sad0panda t1_irsmzvz wrote
Reply to comment by Ausmith1 in Subaru “all weather tire” question. by BallLikeLucky
Even in town, snow tires are helpful. I did plenty of slipping on city streets in my old Forester before I decided to invest the extra $.
sad0panda t1_irsmqub wrote
Reply to Subaru “all weather tire” question. by BallLikeLucky
All-wheel drive can easily turn into all-wheel slip without proper tires. I had fun in my last Forester during the first snow before I changed over to snow tires. The wrong kind of fun… luckily no person or vehicles were injured, so I guess it was still a little bit the right kind of fun.
sad0panda t1_ixqfvnt wrote
Reply to comment by varadins in Darn Tough Seconds Sale? by PsychologicalBite468
Why wait?