
sade1212 t1_jc0eyqj wrote

We're arguing back on forth on the details of how Star Wars droid naming conventions have changed over time on reddit dot com, so I'm pretty sure that relative to normal, well-adjusted human beings, neither of us have any business claiming the high horse on social anything.

I'm unsure why you addressed GOTO for a second time - jokes aside I can see how the unique circumstances make it a bit of an edge case - but not any of the other examples I brought up in the last post. Or, again, why this extremely esoteric detail is a "ruination" of anything, or how it could even possibly make sense for no one in the entire Star Wars galaxy to ever happen to use a different method to come up with a designation-based droid nickname.


sade1212 t1_jc059xz wrote

Yes, I played KOTOR 2, and as I recall Goto is still pronounced Goto even after you find out he's really a droid. Maybe I am misremembering, it's been a few years.

The goalpost move is when you went from "Kenobi ruined it" to "[anything that's not the old EU] ruined it". I don't know what you're hoping to achieve by quoting all the times you mentioned the EU after that.

Here: I'll concede that, every single droid in any Star Wars material released prior to 2014 did not receive a nickname of any form except the exact same one as R2 and 3PO (Goto doesn't count because he was trying to hide he was a droid, and RX-24/Rex doesn't count because he's from a theme park ride, and gonk/GNK and mouse/MSE don't count because they're clearly fairly clunkily reverse-engineered and are names for groups rather than individuals, and BLX-5/"Bollux" doesn't count because the Brain Daley Han Solo novels were written so early on and his model number was a later addition, and all the various droids who were given nicknames with no relation to their model numbers whatsoever like "Mynock"/"Jawaswag"/"Catch" don't count either because that's not quite the same thing - and "Mynock" becoming "Gate" instead of "Gee Eight" also doesn't count because, well, I know you said "fully pronounced" before but that's close enough, right) and that the subsequent deviation from this inexplicable but essential Star Wars tradition has made the franchise worse.


sade1212 t1_jbz0z52 wrote

So you've now moved the goalposts from OWK back to any of the "new material" - does that include TCW too, a show with the exact same creator as Rebels? Are we going to go back over 15 years to the good old days when Star Wars wasn't ruined because it improbably had all characters follow one specific droid nicknaming convention, just for the sake of it?

This must be the absolute tiniest, silliest nitpick I've seen yet. It's also not even true - G0-T0 in KOTOR 2 is "Goto", not "Geeo Teeo" or whatever, the exact same pattern as "L0-LA" becoming "Lola". Did KOTOR 2 ruin the EU?


sade1212 t1_jbyiog2 wrote

>which Kenobi promptly ruins

If we're only considering the EU, Obi-Wan Kenobi isn't included so it doesn't ruin anything. If we're considering the new canon, Rebels did a similar thing nearly a decade before Kenobi.

Most importantly... Why would everyone in the whole Star Wars galaxy nickname their droids in any kind of consistent way anyway? What's the value in doing it the exact same way as it was done in the first movie every single time, besides sheer self-referential backpatting? It'd be ludicrous to suggest in-universe that, presented with "LO-LA59", anyone would go for "Ello Ellay Fivenine" or similar over "Lola".