sagarnola89 t1_iy007fv wrote
Reply to I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
Another problem not talked about enough is that Maryland and Virginia drivers know they can do whatever they want while driving in DC and won't be accountable since DC can't touch them.
sagarnola89 t1_iy000it wrote
Reply to comment by beltway_lefty in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
And worse yet we are continue to self-impose isolation. People refuse to get out and socialize again and instead keep advocating for work from home, further exacerbating, IMO, isolation and anti-social behavior.
sagarnola89 t1_ixzzq44 wrote
Reply to comment by IcyWillow1193 in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
BS. Most "defund the police "types ride public transit and actually care about lessening congestion and pollution. The aggressive drivers are entitled conservative car drivers.
sagarnola89 t1_ixzzcdd wrote
Reply to comment by goodbyewindshield in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
At least here we have the option of not driving. I've never owned a car in DC and have been just fine. In most of American driving is literally the only way to get anywhere. When I visit my parents I can't even buy milk without driving.
sagarnola89 t1_ixzz2tn wrote
Reply to comment by rlpw in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
100% agree. Compare this to transit safety standards. Metro has one derailment 14 months ago where no one was killed and we sidelined the majority of the fleet for 14 months. 45,000 Americans die in car crashes/yr and we build more highways.
sagarnola89 t1_ixzyu4r wrote
Reply to comment by veloharris in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
Ya if you ever want to be depressed, sit on the metro when it's on I-66 and observe how many of the drivers on the highway are on their phones. It's literally more than half.
sagarnola89 t1_ixzyitl wrote
Reply to comment by idkman_93 in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
That's kind of an unfair comparison. Car dependent areas are safer for pedestrians because there are no pedestrians. But I do agree that in the U.S. in general, not just in the DMV, drivers are entitled assholes. It's cause we have subsidized them for far too long and signaled that they, not pedestrians or cyclists, are what matters. And the second I say that I get accused of being elitist and anti-car. We can't even get a bike lane on Conn Ave without entitled drivers complaining.
sagarnola89 t1_ivi7wwb wrote
Reply to comment by murphski8 in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
If only we actually passed the Sunshine Protection Act and the earliest the sun would set would be 546. Would be so nice...
sagarnola89 t1_iu4uyk6 wrote
Reply to Running after dark in NW DC by melancholyduckies
Where in NW? Are you talking Columbia Heights or Chevy Chase?
sagarnola89 t1_iu4uoff wrote
Reply to comment by Gamer1189 in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
Ya thats why I usually walk, take bikeshare, or take a scooter if I'm going less than 2 stops.
sagarnola89 t1_ir79uvh wrote
Reply to comment by budgethell in Favorite way to take a weekend trip out of DC without a car? by [deleted]
Flix Bus and VA Breeze are great options as well. Penn Line of Marc train gets you to some interesting places on weekends as well.
sagarnola89 t1_ir79rnd wrote
I've done dozens of weekend trips by bus and train. Amtrak goes all over in both directions (Philly. Baltimore, NYC, Wilmington, Richmond, Williamsburg, Charlottesville, Virginia Beach, Harpers Ferry, etc). Flix Bus and Megabus are also good options and I've met some really interesting international travelers, especially on the Flix Bus. Annapolis is $5 every day on the Flix Bus. VA Breeze gets you to tons of Virginia towns (Lexington, Blacksburg, Roanoke, etc) and runs every day. Lots of options!
sagarnola89 t1_ir73cih wrote
Reply to comment by BoozAlien in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
Honestly,, I lived in London for a year, which obviously has a great transit system. The DC Metro is by and large much cleaner and nicer, and in the summer the lack of AC on the London Tube can be brutal. But, that didn't stop wealthy Londoners from gladly taking the Tube. I still maintain you can't disconnect public transit issues in the US from cultural and racial factors.
sagarnola89 t1_ir6j1tp wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainObvious110 in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
Agree 100%. And the worst are the people I know who claim to be progressive and care about the environment but never use public transit.
sagarnola89 t1_ir6hx8d wrote
Reply to comment by well-that-was-fast in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
That's fair. Alexandria is especially bad. Better examples would be Arlington, Bethesda, and Silver Spring, all of which have walkable urban cores around their metro stations.
sagarnola89 t1_ir6ho31 wrote
Reply to comment by AfghanHokie in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
I don't disagree with you. My dream is to transform the U.S. into a transit friendly country like most of the rest of the developed. Sadly, it's not the reality currently. DC transit is still light years ahead of most American cities (the fact that I can live a high quality life without a car would be impossible in 90% of American cities).
sagarnola89 t1_ir6ghrl wrote
Reply to comment by Aonswitch in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
Its unfair because we all know the politics when it comes to government funding of public services (unfortunately) is completely different in the U.S. than it is in Western Europe.
And it's cultural. In the U.S. taking public transit is considered something "poor people" do. I don't own a car and only take public transit, and most of my friends and family are absolutely flabbergasted that I don't buy a car and drive. Or when I suggest we take the metro instead of an Uber. In Western Europe, a man in a suit on his way to the opera would take public transit, no problem.
sagarnola89 t1_ir6g6e7 wrote
Reply to comment by well-that-was-fast in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
Agree wholeheartedly except I'd amend this to say outside of the Beltway. Stations outside of DC but within DC (Arlington, Alexandria, Bethesda, Silver Spring, College Park , etc) usually aren't on suburban parking lots.
sagarnola89 t1_ir6fini wrote
Reply to comment by Bobdude17 in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
There's some nice breweries and wineries out there. Otherwise, not sure.
sagarnola89 t1_ir6fbg1 wrote
Reply to comment by AfghanHokie in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
Well primarily because one of our two major parties is against funding public transit and would rather fund new roads and interstates.
But additionally, I'll defend the Metro a bit. Ashburn is 35 miles from Washington DC. Trains to Ashburn are much more analogous to commuter rails, not rapid transit. Expecting a train from 35 miles away every 4 min is simply unrealistic and not done even in Western Europe.
sagarnola89 t1_iy03hcm wrote
Reply to comment by veloharris in I'm legit scared of people in cars these days. Why does it feel like society is breaking down? by MintyLacroix
True. That's bad, but that bothers me less than the thousands of people driving 75 mph on the highway while straight up playing on their phones.