saigonk t1_jdp712n wrote
Reply to comment by not-cowboy in Visit These 90+ Farms, Sugarhouses This Maine Maple Sunday Weekend by Shake-Spear4666
I saw that was well, I laughed because I knew of that fact as well. Marketing right? Ha!
saigonk t1_jdmxmcw wrote
Reply to comment by GreenStoneRidge in Visit These 90+ Farms, Sugarhouses This Maine Maple Sunday Weekend by Shake-Spear4666
You've never once asked about something online? Never asked people their thoughts on Reddit about something you aren't sure about? a DIY project, a hobby?
I call bullshit.
saigonk t1_jdmux9z wrote
Reply to comment by yawnfactory in Visit These 90+ Farms, Sugarhouses This Maine Maple Sunday Weekend by Shake-Spear4666
Same principle. Jesus why is that so hard for people to understand?
Let’s make it less money then, so you’ll go spend $20 on something you know nothing about because “it’s local!”
saigonk t1_jdmq8dn wrote
Reply to comment by GreenStoneRidge in Visit These 90+ Farms, Sugarhouses This Maine Maple Sunday Weekend by Shake-Spear4666
I’ve been to places where the reviews are good and the place is not good (to me) and the exact opposite. But if multiple people say it’s good then it’s a good chance it is, if multiple say no, probably a chance it isn’t good and we find somewhere else.
And it isn’t a bad thing to not blindly go somewhere, show up, spend money and time to then find out it’s not good.
Do people buy a car simply because someone says “just go support your local car dealer”? No. It’s the same thing.
saigonk t1_jdmo2bh wrote
Reply to comment by yawnfactory in Visit These 90+ Farms, Sugarhouses This Maine Maple Sunday Weekend by Shake-Spear4666
As much as that is a standard statement around here, i prefer to find out if something is decent or not before I spend money on it.
saigonk t1_jdmnxzu wrote
Reply to comment by pinetreesandcake in Visit These 90+ Farms, Sugarhouses This Maine Maple Sunday Weekend by Shake-Spear4666
Treehouse Maple in Auburn
saigonk t1_jdm1fiw wrote
The new place they built a train as the sugar house is around the corner from my house, anyone know if it’s any good?
saigonk t1_jdb2z4r wrote
Reply to comment by Arsenault185 in Maine's Energy future by mainething
No worries, underground would be amazing everywhere, but all the money, upkeep, etc. can be astronomical.
Even the ground above the pipes should be kept clear of vegetation so that roots don’t penetrate or shift conduits, now another added cost.
I get the idea the OP is trying to spin, but it just isn’t feasible.
saigonk t1_jdb1syu wrote
Reply to comment by Arsenault185 in Maine's Energy future by mainething
No, you can’t bury excessive amounts of power underground. Insulation is the issue.
It’s also somewhere on the order of 7-8x more expensive to run underground.
saigonk t1_jd8vx6n wrote
Reply to Maine's Energy future by mainething
The maximum voltage underground is way less than overhead, so that means it takes more lines and more conduits to feed more power I believe it is like 70kv vs 400kv so there's that part.
Thats a huge, and I mean HUGE expenditure before you even move one ounce of electricity, and with pre-existing lines it makes no sense to do that based on cost alone. Now you want to add in the infrastructure of all that solar in the middle of the highway?
Mainers love the idea of underground power, hell I have it in my neighborhood, but I also have a pole at the corner of our road that ties into other poles. Trenching underground is an expensive proposition.
No one in their right mind would replace existing lines that can carry close to 6x the power that already exist with underground lines.
saigonk t1_javx76i wrote
Reply to How often are you shoveling today? by PelvisPresley208
I’m not, plow guys does the driveway. I’ve got a small snowblower for my deck which I usually do twice to keep extra weight off it.
This is going to all melt over the next week anyway.
saigonk t1_j8ul3dt wrote
Reply to I, too saw the Musk satellite stream. I’m concerned we will one day look up and see advertising instead of points of light. by k_mainer
Not a fan of Lightspeed Briefs? 😀
saigonk OP t1_j6fz7pt wrote
Reply to comment by tehmlem in My father in law makes cutting boards, asked him to make us one to use as a charcuterie board. by saigonk
I see what you did there =)
saigonk OP t1_j6fz4ui wrote
Reply to comment by iamloeky in My father in law makes cutting boards, asked him to make us one to use as a charcuterie board. by saigonk
He doesn’t make them for sale, but I imagine I could ask him.
saigonk t1_j5to4zu wrote
Reply to comment by Muted_Discussion_550 in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
And what would you propose is a solution?
saigonk t1_j5thkxp wrote
Reply to comment by gjazzy68 in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
Good retort there. If someone makes money it isn’t a crime and it isn’t wrong, it’s how they act as a person. I don’t fault anyone being rich, they either earned it, got lucky, or were given it. All of which you or I could also do in one fashion or another.
Being jealous of those individuals is understandable, they have so much money, why don’t they give to things I want, etc.
It’s “what-about-ism” at its finest.
saigonk t1_j5s1g7y wrote
saigonk t1_j4b3s10 wrote
Reply to comment by heavymetaltshirt in Help identifying French slang? by [deleted]
For sure, don’t say tabernac up north, it’s like screaming the C word in a room full of women.
saigonk t1_j49qygd wrote
Reply to Plymouth, all this rain is going to make a great skating rink! Where are all my hockey players? by FrenchToaststrea
You wouldn't catch me on a lake right now, the ice is shit,
saigonk t1_j49qkh2 wrote
Reply to comment by DrDirtPhD in Help identifying French slang? by [deleted]
This is it right here.
It means chalice, or the chalice that the wine for church is in, its slang and when used is considered a curse term, like god dammit, or Jesus Christ!
saigonk t1_j49puff wrote
3200 square foot colonial, my bill this month is $347. We do have a hot tub, so thats a fair amount of electricity. No heat pumps here.
Filled up the tank for the 2nd time in the last 12 months, we dont use a ton of heating oil, 2x6 construction with spray foam insulation and smart thermostats in the entire home. Makes a huge difference.
Entire home is all LED lights, inside and outside. Our biggest consumers of power are (not really in order):
- Oven
- Dryer
- Hot Tub
After those, everything else is minimal draw. (in the winter)
In the summer it climbs to as high as $500 for a month with the stand up A/C units we use in the home, my plan is to install a couple of heat pumps to dehumidify the house and "cool it" so that I am not using the ridiculously inefficient A/C units all the time.
saigonk t1_j24ux0p wrote
Reply to Wagyu steaks? by awmtank
So there's a place outside of Canton, a small farm that does their own Wagyu, I just cant recall the name of it....somewhere near Hartford I think.
Found it when we had to drive from Canton over to Harrison. Ill see if I can find the info.
saigonk OP t1_j1zrwey wrote
Reply to comment by tinfoiltank in An attempt at lunch was made - Bobcat vs Turkeys by saigonk
Central Maine, L/A area
saigonk t1_j1yzi6l wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in Group opposed to Maine consumer-owned utility turns in signatures for a ballot question of its own by DrMcMeow
The issue with VT is power isn’t decentralized so you can’t shop for better pricing, you’re stuck with the price they provide.
saigonk t1_jebs6kd wrote
Reply to Those of you on Fidium Fiber, how do you like it? by Prestigious-Sir-695
They are doing some fiber work in my area (L/A) cant wait for it to go live so I can ditch Spectrum finally. Honestly 2GB is overkill, 1/1 is more than most anyone would ever need.