samx3i t1_isyrd2g wrote
Reply to comment by Tootslama in TIL Pressure from a particularly intense cough may cause blood vessels in your anus to rupture by [deleted]
> Waddled home in tears
Please make this the title of your memoir.
samx3i t1_isync9a wrote
Reply to TIL Pressure from a particularly intense cough may cause blood vessels in your anus to rupture by [deleted]
Or worse!
Ever sneeze intensely and unexpectedly when you've got a serious case of the runs and you don't have time to properly prepare with a good clench and blow out the seat of your pants whilst attending a children's birthday party on the rare occasion you decide to wear light beige khakis?
Because I sure haven't.
samx3i t1_it2u09m wrote
Reply to [OC] How much have CO2 Emissions fallen compared to the all-time high? by 321159
Any other Americans surprised to see Canada doing worse than us in this regard?