samx3i t1_it9761p wrote
I read that as gay Superman.
samx3i t1_it8xiim wrote
Reply to Do any of you plan on being an author? by NubbyNob
Ideally, yes. I'd love it to be job and be able to give it the time and attention it needs, but that would be on top of a full time job plus my duties as a husband and father. It's just hard to find the available free time.
I could see it being a hobby in my retirement.
I like writing science fiction/fantasy type stuff.
samx3i t1_it87gw5 wrote
Reply to comment by hater_first in Why are black people inexistant in the fantasy/sci-fi genre by hater_first
I don't know her full body of work but Blood Child is dope.
samx3i t1_it7ekk5 wrote
samx3i t1_it2u09m wrote
Any other Americans surprised to see Canada doing worse than us in this regard?
samx3i t1_isyrd2g wrote
Reply to comment by Tootslama in TIL Pressure from a particularly intense cough may cause blood vessels in your anus to rupture by [deleted]
> Waddled home in tears
Please make this the title of your memoir.
samx3i t1_isync9a wrote
Reply to TIL Pressure from a particularly intense cough may cause blood vessels in your anus to rupture by [deleted]
Or worse!
Ever sneeze intensely and unexpectedly when you've got a serious case of the runs and you don't have time to properly prepare with a good clench and blow out the seat of your pants whilst attending a children's birthday party on the rare occasion you decide to wear light beige khakis?
Because I sure haven't.
samx3i t1_it98k7j wrote
Reply to comment by StefanEisele in Homo Metropolis, Me, 3D print and acrylic paint, 2017 by StefanEisele
Well, not quite to the first one. Homo is a genus which includes homo sapiens (us), homo erectus, and homo habilis.
But regardless, I read that as gay Superman