sandycassandy t1_j24htjk wrote
Reply to comment by SanderStrugg in Quentin Tarantino Character Battle Royal by Kitchen_Shine
I think only characters from the scene he directed count.
sandycassandy t1_j1xpv7w wrote
Reply to comment by easyjet in TIFU and almost killed my whole family by lizziebordensbae
I mean one of those: the driver doesn’t clearly have anything to do with cannabis use, and with your other friends there’s very weak evidence linking long term cannabis use with psychosis, if there is going to be a psychotic break then the user will experience it early on and it’s most likely genetically related AND very likely to happen in any case. It seems like you might just being using anecdotal evidence to justify your already existing conclusions about a substance.
sandycassandy t1_j1x8rl1 wrote
Reply to comment by SupaNarwhals in TIFU and almost killed my whole family by lizziebordensbae
sandycassandy t1_j1x67tx wrote
Reply to comment by easyjet in TIFU and almost killed my whole family by lizziebordensbae
Hi hi hi working on my master’s degree and on the dean’s list. I also work 3 jobs and have a functional life. I smoke a lot of pot and have for more than a decade. I’m sorry about your friends but they are exceptions not the rule.
sandycassandy t1_j9h6ili wrote
Reply to Are there any books that you actually would want to see figuratively or literally burned? by [deleted]
Anything Bill Cooper wrote.