
sault18 t1_iv5e688 wrote

The difference is that most members of the tribe would have similar experiences instead of a ptsd sufferer being mostly unique in the tribe. So ptsd symptoms would be the norm. The nightmares and other symptoms of ptsd would most likely to be attributed to "bad spirits" or whatever the group's religious traditions said it was.


sault18 t1_iummiq4 wrote

No, in your analogy, the Montreal Protocol would be like solving homelessness completely in NYC. Now we just need to take that process we know works and repeat it for every major city in the world. Maybe tweak things for specific cities or whatever, but definitely repeat how this was done.

What I'm saying is we need more cooperation and comprehensive international agreements copying the example of the Montreal Protocol.


sault18 t1_iudn19y wrote

Need to label the USA, China and Russia. I know what bubbles these correspond to, but you absolutely need to label these major countries even if you have to remove other labels to keep the graph from getting too busy.

Kuwait data looks really faulty. They're not doing anything radically different than other Gulf States in reducing pollution deaths. More likely, they're underreporting deaths or they're more effective at shipping foreign workers out of the country once they get sick. Probably both.

Egypt is an outlier because of all the tourism income while also having atrocious air quality.