scotticusphd t1_iub95lp wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
>Why do you think literally every single objectively elite person is/was against Donald Trump?
Because he's been recorded talking about sexually assaulting women, amongst many other reasons. I personally don't associate myself with people who behave that way and elite people, likewise, often choose to avoid people who treat others that way.
You can take your condensation and shove it. Welcome to my blocked list.
scotticusphd t1_iub7y4g wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
I understand what an elite is, but I think it's funny that you somehow don't think Donald Trump is one of them. Trusting him, in the face of his documented lies, is insane.
scotticusphd t1_iuazaqm wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
You have some odd ideas about how you think "elites" work. What's more elite than being a billionaire whose daddy bought his way into Wharton? I'm nowhere near as elite as Trump, yet I know people who are more elite than me who have been ostracized for their bad behavior.
Trump was ostracized because he bragged about grabbing women by the pussy without permission. He was ostracized in NY circles for being a slumlord and failing to pay people who do work for him. He was ostracized in political circles for race-baiting and shitting on everyone who disagrees with him. He was ostracized by the media for calling them the enemy whenever they asked him hard questions. He had more turnover in his cabinet than any other modern administration and more successful prosecutions for perjury as well.
You can't behave like an asshole, regardless of how elite you are, and expect to not get kicked out of the club. You can't behave that way as a normal person and expect to keep your friends, so it's just funny to me that you choose to believe someone who has shown such a poor lack of emotional control and moral character over anyone else.
It's a very strange choice to make and it makes me wonder how many friends you actually have, if this is the type of person you look up to.
scotticusphd t1_iuari2o wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
You don't think Donald Trump is elite? Rudolph Giuliani? These are elites by any measure of the word and you believe them. Why?
By most measures my education makes me elite and I, too, have looked into these allegations of voter fraud and everything that I looked into was baseless.
I don't think you're necessarily unhinged from reality but...
scotticusphd t1_iuai9he wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
Yes. All sources have bias. Even media companies with strong right-wing bias have accepted that Trump lost fair and square.
Are you aware that you're consuming media without fact checking or editorial standards?
There's a huge difference between having a difference of opinion about the relevance of facts and making up facts without fact-checking them.
scotticusphd t1_iuag0uz wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
When you scratch the surface of the avalanche of lies, very little actual evidence is there. People have done this journalism. Trump lost in elections where republican governors and congressional candidates and senators won. If this were a democratic conspiracy, and it's not, then that wouldn't have happened because they would have taken those seats too. Trump is a loser, he's always been a loser, and he barely won his first election. It's much more reasonable to believe that the majority of Americans were sick of his bullshit.
You might want to seek out therapy for your issues.
scotticusphd t1_iuaeivs wrote
Reply to comment by ROTLA in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
Threading is hard, but somehow they manage to beat police with flag poles.
scotticusphd t1_iuae9wi wrote
Reply to comment by Fitzgeraldfan7193829 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
It's scarier you eat this shit up. Hillary Clinton called him on election night and conceded.
Donald Trump has yet to concede despite mountains of evidence that he lost. That you can't tell the difference says a lot about how gullible you are.
scotticusphd t1_iu49npm wrote
Reply to Ex-Bucks County D.A.R.E. Police Officer James Carey Pleads No Contest to Sexually Assaulting 5 Teen Boys by ninjascotsman
Now prosecute the people who protected him.
scotticusphd t1_itl6w0e wrote
Reply to comment by N8ball2013 in City officials grease light poles ahead of possible Phillies celebrations by discogeek
Competitive greased pole climbing should become a Mummers day event.
scotticusphd t1_itkodpf wrote
Reply to comment by RUIN_NATION_ in Trump Plans to Challenge the 2022 Elections -- Starting in Philly by CQU617
You didn't post any facts. I just see rambling opinions.
scotticusphd t1_itjrka1 wrote
Reply to comment by RUIN_NATION_ in Trump Plans to Challenge the 2022 Elections -- Starting in Philly by CQU617
This is all utter nonsense.
Bill Clinton's impeachment was enormous news. Rob Blagojevich was huge news as well. Al Franken stepping down was on the front page of newspapers.
If you stop getting your news from Twitter and actually read the news you can get details on criminals from the left and the right, but it requires you to not be a functional illiterate.
It sounds to me like you have a victimhood complex from hitching your wagon to a grifter and are looking for excuses to deflect from your poor judgement in backing Trump.
scotticusphd t1_itjey91 wrote
Reply to comment by RUIN_NATION_ in Trump Plans to Challenge the 2022 Elections -- Starting in Philly by CQU617
If you do research (i.e. read Twitter) and not watch the news (i.e. ignore sources that have editorial standards and verify information before publishing) you can just make shit up and say whatever you want to believe.
scotticusphd t1_itekop6 wrote
Reply to comment by augustoersonage in Warehouses, a manufacturing plant, a Chick-fil-A and Sheetz among more than 30 projects planned for central Pa. by elanlift
Maybe central PA shouldn't keep electing the same shitty politicians who'd rather impeach Philadelphia's DA instead of doing their fucking jobs.
scotticusphd t1_itcd8or wrote
Reply to comment by TheInnerHam in For anyone else who wasn't sure // Pa. election 2022: There will be no constitutional amendments on the Nov. 8 ballot by LightInTheAttic3
The comment precisely demonstrates how fascists obtain power. People who ignore racism and look the other way are literally how Hitler rose to power in the 1930s. Mastriano and Trump are following the same playbook.
Mastriano also has ties to antisemitic groups, and the Christian nationalist site Gab. He's made it clear that he only intends to govern for white Christians by the company he keeps and the prayers he starts his rallies with. I'm happy for you that you can look tgr other way, but I can't. He's a danger.
scotticusphd t1_itbda0p wrote
Reply to comment by TheInnerHam in For anyone else who wasn't sure // Pa. election 2022: There will be no constitutional amendments on the Nov. 8 ballot by LightInTheAttic3
You're voting for the Confederate uniform guy, though?
scotticusphd t1_istb4p3 wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
Yeah, you keep saying it's a scam and fake but you haven't shown any evidence of a scam. You really have no idea what you're talking about, but you're continuing to run your mouth anyway.
Goodbye forever.
scotticusphd t1_isqat3f wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
It's a small, progressive local news organization. Your characterization as a scam or malicious propaganda has everything to do with your unwillingness to accept someone else's point of view. You STILL haven't addressed any of the substance of what they're saying, and you're fixated on the quality of their website, a website which is just fine, by the way.
>No, but most competent adults, let alone professionals in any field that involves using the internet, can put together a marginally competent website.
...and they have a marginally competent website. It's no better or worse than most other small Bucks County businesses. Jesus. It's not the New York Times or Mother Jones caliber because they don't have that much money and their beat is a semi-rural county.
scotticusphd t1_isoyzx7 wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
Who cares if they're using a WYSIWYG editor? Most journalists aren't web developers... most of the internet is Wordpress, so I don't understand why you're bent out of shape about that.
It says a lot more about you that you're not engaging with the facts of the article and instead choose to attack their choice of web technology. My hunch is that their reporting makes you uncomfortable, which says to me that they're probably doing a great job.
scotticusphd t1_isoglwa wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
What's the con? Can you dispute the facts being reported? Are they stealing money? Or are you just slandering them?
Their website is fine... it's no different than most websites, and frankly looks nicer than Reddit.
scotticusphd t1_isofbfv wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
... or maybe you just don't like their message. It's not uncommon for new businesses to not have their SEO sorted out, in the same way that it's common for scams to exploit SEO to make themselves look legitimate.
Methinks you just don't like hearing about gay people so you're looking for any excuse to attack the messenger.
scotticusphd t1_iso9af5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
Shut up. Just shut up.
scotticusphd t1_iso5916 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
War college professors aren't exactly left-wing extremists.
It takes a particular kind of idiot to call everyone who disagrees with them extremists, when it's your party, and your party's leader that attempted the violent overthrow of our government.
You people are modern-day Nazis.
scotticusphd t1_isnqohv wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
Do you also get mad when a new restaurant pops up in your neighborhood? Jesus...
scotticusphd t1_ivbu4y4 wrote
Reply to To the person who defaced all the Mastriano campaign signs in my neighborhood by phasechanges
Someone spray painted the Mastriano sign close to where I live with a huge blue dick.
I live in a Jewish neighborhood and my neighbors find the presence of enormous signs backing a racist, anti-semitic, christo-fascist far more upsetting than the big blue dick.