seanner_vt2 t1_ja8i2u1 wrote
Reply to comment by Runetang42 in How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
How much is a landline now? And is it still copper? If it's not, is it worth having?
seanner_vt2 t1_ja8hw15 wrote
Reply to comment by Jerry_Williams69 in How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
Yes they do, esp if you are a gamer or streamer and don't want to pay out the nose for higher speeds
seanner_vt2 t1_ja8bhww wrote
Reply to How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
I've had a couple of hiccups but otherwise its been great! No outages, no throttling and no big bill as compared to Spectrum.
seanner_vt2 t1_j8spv5u wrote
Reply to Vegetable garden seeds by WCDavison
Gardner's Supply carries seeds. Not sure of the brands. High Mowing Seeds out of Wolcott sells online and in local stores like Aubuchon & Ace. Check your library too for seeds. Some do seed exchanges or get donations from seed companies to hand out
seanner_vt2 t1_j8rj6ji wrote
Reply to Top story in the Burlington Free Press? Fire prevention in Rhode Island. by VermontArmyBrat
I saw that and was like WTF
seanner_vt2 t1_j7zl81s wrote
seanner_vt2 t1_j7qwkkk wrote
Reply to Antidotally - Covid seems to be exploding in Northern & Central Vermont. Anyone else seeing this? by JerryKook
Central Vt, just had it go through the office. Five of eight were hit, plus family members
seanner_vt2 t1_j7351ed wrote
Reply to Post your temps at home! by portersthumb
Currently -8 in Barre
seanner_vt2 t1_j6yds46 wrote
Reply to Severe weather Saturday by Stockmom42
Just getting groceries so that can still be done
seanner_vt2 t1_j5uxb1j wrote
Reply to What is the best place to live in Vermont within an hour drive from a large airport? by FormalPound4287
An hour drive to a large airport? Other than BTV, which isn't large compared to others, you have more than an hour to Manchester, Boston, Albany. So your best bet would be to live in NH, Ma or NY
seanner_vt2 t1_j2mjr5t wrote
Reply to Fidium repairs after storm? by Elegant_Dish_8790
Mine went out a couple of times but no longer than 30 minutes. I'm much happier with Fidium than the crap Charter is selling
seanner_vt2 t1_j23qs09 wrote
Reply to comment by JankyIngenue in Best fish and chips by aqhamills
Union Jacks all the way! I miss them now that I'm in Barre
seanner_vt2 t1_j198u9q wrote
seanner_vt2 t1_j0viqzo wrote
Reply to Upcoming changes in Delta Dental... curious how many dentists will drop as in network providers? by kittybellyfulloflies
A few years ago my insurance did the same and my dentist dropped out. I had to find a new one. Took me 15 tries with each one being a new office, cannot use old office info/x-rays/etc. Cost the insurance co. a nice bit of change to cover it. When I was confronted by them on it, I explained if they hadn't changed what was covered, I would have stayed with my old provider. Now they get to pay til I find one I like. Or they can opt to pay what they used to pay.
seanner_vt2 t1_j0grbqe wrote
Four years old, stepping off the porch and disappearing into the snow. Completely missed the steps or the fact that fresh powder isn't a true solid surface. Took my mother 10 minutes to stop laughing then another 10 to find me
seanner_vt2 t1_iz4w6zo wrote
Aldi or Price Rite.
seanner_vt2 t1_iz4f8po wrote
Reply to What are the best sources for finding out about fun events in and around Burlington/Waterbury? by edjennersmilkmaid
Front Porch Forum for both areas
seanner_vt2 t1_iv2bxwq wrote
Reply to With Republicans threatening violence if election results don't go their way and voter intimidation out in full force what is Vermont doing to combat this? by [deleted]
I think intimidation is a non-issue in this state. Both red and blue have firearms and no qualm against using them to protect themselves
seanner_vt2 t1_iv0lxh5 wrote
All the more reason to keep him out of office
seanner_vt2 t1_itzbmo2 wrote
Reply to Does anybody know anything about the panhandling family in Williston? by New-Initiative-4280
They travel to Barre too
seanner_vt2 t1_itkx61z wrote
Reply to Thoughts on Bennington college? by Complex_Flatworm7399
My Dad was a security guard there for years and loved it. Always loved meeting new freshmen. Hated finding the kids strung out on something or the 3 times he found the body of a kid who did a bit too much heroin.
seanner_vt2 t1_is6eyku wrote
Reply to This piece of garbage by Vermonter623
Maybe when he's in prison they get rid of his balls and put them in their own little prison on his wall. He can look @ them every day and know he'll not be able to do it again
seanner_vt2 t1_ja8rwsn wrote
Reply to comment by Jerry_Williams69 in How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
If you still see it happening, if 'could' be the line coming in. Depending on how old it is, the bitter cold we had could crack the casing and that would affect speeds. But that is not a 100% guarantee of the issue. I would watch times/days when its happening. If there is a pattern then file a complaint with them.