
series_hybrid t1_iy8znee wrote

It was never a question as to whether or not it would work. The theory is soud,'s already been dine before by Lockheedin the late 1960's.

The problem has always been how to transport the fuel, and what form of H2 fuel was viable.

Which usually translates into short range.


series_hybrid t1_iy5r1ch wrote

Butterflies should be considered as disgusting as flies, but they don't land on our food or buzz around our mouths. Same with rats and squirrels. Squirrels are "cute", but they are just a tree rat with a bushy tail and good PR.


series_hybrid t1_ixqk7hr wrote

I think he may have had what we now call "anger management issues", which led to his brushes with the law. At one point, I believe he was at a fork in the road, and he decided to play up the "maybe I'm crazy" angle, so he would go to a mental facility, instead of a violent prison. This is all speculation...


series_hybrid t1_iwo5oe3 wrote

I think everyone has heard of an example similar to the child who ate the oreo cookies, and when the three kids were asked who ate them, they all three said "not me" of them has black cookie crumbs between their teeth.

Even a "good" kid is curious about how to exert some little bit of control in their lives, and getting away with some minor offense can be exhilarating.


series_hybrid t1_iwloend wrote

I have a theory that it doesn't do much involve a fascination with fire per se, but rather that a child who is evolving as a sociopath and possibly a psychopath, seeks power over others.

Guns are unavailable to most children, and even readily available knives leave fingerprints and blood.

A fire is powerful and destructive, and children would easily see how they could set a fire and "get away with it".

The question then becomes...if a psychopath had fire available plus other methods of striking fear into others, would they still choose fire?


series_hybrid t1_iwlnl8r wrote

Bed wetting is often associated with terrifying nightmares. In the dream, the child becomes extremely frightened, and literally urinate as they would in real life when shocked by an unimaginable horror.

I'm not sure how that either influences the evolution of psychopathy, or simply reflects that its roots may be present.

It highlights a powerful experience where the child feels powerless in the face of something that has power over them.


series_hybrid t1_iweop18 wrote

Cargo-ships were easily sunk when found. The first year of WWII, the Germans called the east coast of the US the "happy hunting ground" when we were sending supplies to England.

Since Japan was an island empire, their ships were criss-crossing the south Pacific, and books about submarine list them sinking cargo-ship after cargo-ship...

Early in the war, it was often customary to stop the ship, and give the crew a chance to man the lifeboats. However too many submarines were then chased down by destroyers.


series_hybrid t1_iw0kg0e wrote