
sgmctabnxjs t1_iy4fvdq wrote

> one of the funniest comedic performances in movie history

Please, can everyone stop it with this shit.

There are over 100 years of films, 3000 new films every year.

It is unlikely you have any idea about film history.

Be a little humble and at least say "of the films I've seen".

I'd challenge people as well to come up with a second choice. This at least makes you have to compare it with something else.

Otherwise you're just saying "I like this", which, I'm sorry to say, isn't really that interesting.


sgmctabnxjs t1_iuazo8p wrote

Just to expand this answer a little.

I had to read Pride and Prejudice at school when I was 14. We had to write a summary of every chapter. There were 61 chapters! I found it really difficult at first, I wasn't in top set for English, probably have dyslexia/add/autism, but after a while I really got into it, and loved it. Still 35 years later one of the best books I've ever read.

You're at university. You can cope. Grow up and do the work.