shant_jan t1_iwcy65m wrote
Reply to I’m in the middle of a mental health crisis. I’ve called a bunch of places and I’ve yet to hear from them. Please help me get services/reach someone soon. by Ok-Elderberry-3704
i'm not sure if they can get you in the system and through intake with someone as quickly as you may need but try Callen Lorde. Its a federally qualified health center so aside from free/low cost therapy, they might also be able to help with other things like medical and dental care.
They also have a crisis text line which might be helpful for what you are going through today and could help you get set up with one of their therapists quicker than the traditional avenues.
shant_jan t1_ivw5jl4 wrote
Reply to Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
if they don't fuck this up, it'll be great on so many layers.
it's just too complex of an interchange for our many, smooth-brained drivers to handle and it makes no sense that the arch is essentially an island detached from the actual plaza.
shant_jan t1_iudhga9 wrote
Reply to comment by TimSPC in NJ Clears $1.1 Billion in Ocean Wind-Power Line Projects by greenhousecrtv
playing the smallest violin for the view from their summer homes
shant_jan t1_itm8jv4 wrote
Reply to comment by webswinger666 in The NYPD’s Most-Complained-About Cop Speaks Out in Defense of Aggressive Arrests by LittleWind_
really wish they marketed that show as a pro-cop drama to trick all those back-the-blue types into seeing the kind of cops they are really sticking up for.
shant_jan t1_itl7q1f wrote
Reply to The NYPD’s Most-Complained-About Cop Speaks Out in Defense of Aggressive Arrests by LittleWind_
a good reminder of the adage: "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."
you can't become the most complained about cop in this bloated police force by doing your job right, by nature of the title you're just a bad cop.
shant_jan t1_irhciet wrote
Reply to Former President Of Law Enforcement Union Edward Mullins Charged With Defrauding Union And Its Members by Bluehorsesho3
i mean fuck him but this is just an old press release, no need for it to be here.
no real news since other than he's apparently changed lawyers.
shant_jan t1_iwsnun8 wrote
Reply to Federal Monitor Who Watches Over Rikers Island Has Made $18 million from NYC Taxpayers...and counting by mattkatz00
always appreciate your reporting! thanks!