sheds_and_shelters t1_je1sa9g wrote
Reply to comment by vodkaismywater in Is there any sort of tiki subculture in the Philadelphia area ? Not seeing much of any tiki bars on a Google search by CVM525
The place above Abyssinia? Not sure if it’s changed significantly as I only went there for the first time a few weeks back, but it’s still in operation and delightful.
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdy5g79 wrote
Reply to comment by filladellfea in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
Cool, thanks for confirming. They did an incredible job on Lunar and that new high rise across the street on Richmond looks great as well. I know a bunch of businesses have spoken highly of them, and I love that they have an office right there on Richmond — becoming even more personally invested in the immediate area.
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdx2a4g wrote
Reply to comment by quieromofongo in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
Good to know, thanks!
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdx0sn9 wrote
Reply to comment by quieromofongo in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
Ugh, I just returned from a vacation in Puerto Rico yesterday and your username is making me hungry.
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdwuh10 wrote
Reply to comment by Umphreeze in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
For sure. Unfortunately, it's hearing the "Facebook-esque" comments said in real life here in the neighborhood, loudly and proudly, that tend to freak me out more.
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdw2otr wrote
Reply to comment by internet_friends in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
The local Proud Boys leader lived on Almond when the FBI came to take him away, I believe. Some of the things I’ve heard said over my fence are absolutely heinous. It’s less an “undercurrent” than it is something many in the neighborhood actively cultivate.
You mentioned the pro-cop businesses, and it’s hardly limited to Gaul. Look no further than Debbie’s, where I regularly see cop cars parked in the middle of the street with perfectly good spots to be had mere feet away to pick up their donuts or whatever mid-shift. Predictably gross. The same goes for plenty of other mainstays.
That being said, it is becoming more diverse and progressive and I love that places like the ones mentioned on Richmond are facilitating that transition (even if I don’t have any hopes that it’ll ever get rid of those vibes entirely).
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdvtm3c wrote
Reply to comment by IPA_lot_ in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
For sure. No worries if you end up not liking it obviously… but they do change it up here and there, and worst comes to worst it’s some decent / reasonably-priced cocktails and beer.
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdvsozq wrote
Reply to comment by IPA_lot_ in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
Eh, it's pretty standard bar food with some rotating specials and vegan options. Not sure when you were last there, but I do think they've had turnover in terms of the chef in the past like... 18 months or so. I'm more a fan of their great happy hour / drinks than I am their food (although their pretzel was killer, RIP).
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdvmib1 wrote
Reply to comment by ADFC in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
I know there were COVID/construction delays, but it feels like they've been slated to come back "this fall" for three years running lol.
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdvh268 wrote
Reply to comment by IPA_lot_ in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
I've never heard anyone have a bad thing to say about Lunar. I'm not sure I even want to know... but I'm curious, what's your issue with them?
sheds_and_shelters t1_jdvgwvb wrote
Reply to comment by Chimpskibot in Is Richmond Street the next hipster strip? by thecw
Yup. This exactly.
I'll add to your list and throw out Launderette Records, Corpse Flower Tattoo... and then nearby Nemi and La Roma... as places that fit into this niche and deserve a shoutout.
edit: Also shoutout to A Frame Constructs who, I think, have helped to design and develop both many of these business (Lunar, Launderette) as well as some of the new residential building(s?) on Richmond that look super nice. Their office is on Richmond.
sheds_and_shelters t1_j9648dl wrote
Reply to comment by fightinforphilly in Pliny the Younger Day fundraiser returns to Monk's Café for first time since before pandemic by outerspace29
Yup — good info for anyone looking for RR generally (and nothing against those beers, I actually prefer Blind Pig to both Plinys), I just was under the impression that nowhere else in the city would have Younger available this year based on radio silence or closings from the usual suspects.
sheds_and_shelters t1_j962nq5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pliny the Younger Day fundraiser returns to Monk's Café for first time since before pandemic by outerspace29
Do you know of anywhere else getting it in the city? I know Memphis and Eulogy had it in past years, but they've both closed.
sheds_and_shelters t1_je1ui2w wrote
Reply to comment by jbphilly in Is there any sort of tiki subculture in the Philadelphia area ? Not seeing much of any tiki bars on a Google search by CVM525
Ah my mistake, thanks — I saw that it was just called “Upstairs” now so I wasn’t sure if that’s what they were talking about.