sheeplewatcher t1_jcl8dnr wrote
Reply to Building code / septic question by thafunkyhomosapien
House could have 20 baths and as long as the bedroom count matches the Septic design, that’s what will be the primary concern.
sheeplewatcher t1_jcikbwp wrote
Reply to comment by KKay62 in Are closets required in bedrooms? by HomeBeets
At least a septic design doesn’t constrain the number of bathrooms you have in a house, /s
We have septic and having come from a house with sewer I miss it the most. I like the idea of crap leaving the area vs. sitting in my back yard.
sheeplewatcher t1_jbqs9ch wrote
Reply to comment by 1diligentmfer in Dogs outside barking for hours. by madeoflimbsandleaves
20 minutes the place will be swarming with mailmen
sheeplewatcher t1_jbqr3u9 wrote
Reply to comment by 1diligentmfer in Dogs outside barking for hours. by madeoflimbsandleaves
Elaine: “Shut up you stupid dog”…
…”Alright, Let’s do it”
Newman: “Excellent, Excellent”
sheeplewatcher t1_j9hdnfz wrote
Reply to comment by gangmasterfader in I know nothing about the roman empire. Will i understand Gladiator? by [deleted]
I was surprised it was nominated and won an Oscar for Best Picture. At the time it seemed to be out of left field for a summer movie to win.
sheeplewatcher t1_j7nmv39 wrote
Is he deep with loan sharks/gambling? Based on the story pics and previous bankruptcy filing, he doesn’t look to live extravagantly or carry debt.
Something is shady if he is blowing through approximately ~2500 week take in take home pay and can’t pay a $200 oil bill.
sheeplewatcher t1_j4ydi9m wrote
Reply to comment by downwardspiralstairs in Somewhere in Springfield, MA I presume. by fuertepqek
I can imagine the conversation where william Morgan says “hey, why not have the bottom removed to save the work needed to pull out the ladder, etc.”
James Naismith and his supporters- “GTFO and take your ball to Holyoke”
sheeplewatcher t1_j46ipjt wrote
Boston’s street traffic is compounded by the streets matching the contours of the original waters edge and then the harbor/rivers subsequently filled in and more streets added. On top of that, Boston is made up of annexed towns that each have their own street layout now combined into one city.
The highway system in Mass is half-assed. There should be at least 3 more highways going into/through Boston (Rt2/US 3, I-95, I-695). Not saying they should have been built but the current highways were designed with more in mind.
When they converted the highway funds to transit, The extension of the Red and Orange lines in the 70/80s could have helped, but again the effort was half assed. The red line extension stopped at Alewife instead of going out to Lexington and the Orange line stopped at Forest hills/Oak Grove instead of 128 Canton and Reading respectively.
sheeplewatcher t1_izmeanv wrote
Reply to comment by Cloudstar86 in The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has approved a sports betting license for Encore Boston Harbor. by nhggfu
Reading through the articles on Masslive again, sounds like MGM was lazy and just trying to submit 1 application for both in person and online.
sheeplewatcher t1_izkxqb4 wrote
Reply to The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has approved a sports betting license for Encore Boston Harbor. by nhggfu
Curious why Encore received the go ahead while MGM has to wait. From the articles I read, both will be utilizing their online platform for odds, wagers, etc.
sheeplewatcher t1_izkvhoc wrote
Reply to Fostering/Adopting rescue dogs by flying-cunt-of-chaos
We had a foster for 3 months. It has probably slowed down as people return to work in the office. Potential adopters have probably decreased In availability. On top of that , potential adopters had already reached their personal limit of two dogs in the home. That was a common response I received in that people did not want to take any in more dogs.
sheeplewatcher t1_iu0c1tl wrote
Reply to comment by lotusblossom60 in RMV - Can I just walk in? by SermonOnTheRecount
I haven’t set foot in an RMV in over 10 years. AAA has been worth the price for that reason alone.
sheeplewatcher t1_ity683i wrote
Reply to comment by TheDizzyTablespoon in Relocating to CT but working in MA. by J_Bro00
Excise tax in Mass
sheeplewatcher t1_ity5ie5 wrote
Reply to comment by Aeronaute in What’s up with all the NH ads… by snow-covered-tuna
WMASS/Springfield is it’s own media market as well. Thankfully we don’t get bombarded with the NH ads.
sheeplewatcher t1_jd3bjr1 wrote
Reply to comment by Alluminatus in East West Rail Commission by Alluminatus
I know it’s asking a lot from the Feds, but a good long term plan should be to electrify the BOS - SPG - HFD - NHV route to allow an alternative NEC route around the CT shoreline.