shiruken t1_j2zc89s wrote
shiruken t1_j2zbf87 wrote
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shiruken t1_j2zbafc wrote
shiruken t1_j2txh2i wrote
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A team of researchers have determined that the earliest cases of COVID-19 in humans arose at a wholesale fish market in Wuhan China in December, 2019. They linked these cases to bats, foxes and other live mammals infected with the virus sold in the market either for consumption or for their fur. by u/thebelsnickle1991
shiruken t1_j2tx5f9 wrote
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No worries!
shiruken t1_j2tsrsv wrote
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Link to the Reddit submission:
shiruken t1_j2tdoht wrote
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u/wlwyvern summarizes a study's findings on hormone blockers in transgender and gender-diverse adolescents:
shiruken t1_j2tciu3 wrote
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u/Ugly_socks explains how the brain communicates with the enteric nervous system:
shiruken t1_j2tadcj wrote
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u/anfornum explains induced immunogenic cell death:
shiruken t1_j2ta293 wrote
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u/eniteris summarizes a study's findings on mating preference and genetics:
shiruken t1_j2t894j wrote
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u/_CMDR_ explains the limitations of organizing eukaryotes:
shiruken t1_j2t79rd wrote
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u/GeoGeoGeoGeo explains the formation porphyry copper deposits:
shiruken t1_j2t61sr wrote
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shiruken t1_j2t5ik8 wrote
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u/DuploJamaal explains, with plenty of citations, the efficacy of transitioning as a treatment for gender dysphoria:
shiruken t1_j2t4wf9 wrote
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u/StoicOptom explains epigenetic reprogramming:
shiruken t1_j2t4pmp wrote
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u/Andromeda321 explains the first image of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of our Galaxy:
shiruken t1_j2t4i0a wrote
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u/drzpneal answers questions about their new study on childfree/voluntary childlessness:
shiruken t1_j2t406m wrote
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u/xixouma explains how viruses can evade immunity by imitating cellular components:
shiruken t1_j2t3kyz wrote
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u/Robo-Connery provides context on the fusion "breakthrough" achieved by the National Ignition Facility:
shiruken t1_j2t374w wrote
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u/Andromeda321 explains their new paper about a black hole ejecting matter:
shiruken t1_j2t26hg wrote
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shiruken t1_j2t21nz wrote
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In 2013, France massively increased dividend tax rates. This led firms to reduce dividends (payments to shareholders) and invest profits back into the firm. Contrary to some claims, dividend taxes do not lead to a misallocation of capital, but may instead reduce capital misallocation. by u/smurfyjenkins
shiruken t1_j2t1ycb wrote
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shiruken t1_j2zdam1 wrote
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E-cigarettes reverse decades of decline in percentage of US youth struggling to quit nicotine by u/giuliomagnifico