The majority of us want to be with the cool kids like Australia, Denmark, France, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden, but too many Canadian's have drunk the U.S. Right wing fascist movement coolaid that clogs up our media and the dumb dumbs want to make us more like the U.S.
(EDIT: the downvotes are proving my point about the uproar)
shpydar t1_is7h1cj wrote
Reply to Police Killings per Capita v Homicide Rate per Capita for Select OECD Countries [OC] by dr5c
And people here in Canada are in an uproar because we recently banned assault weapons and banned the import of handguns due to our glaringly obvious gun problem.
The majority of us want to be with the cool kids like Australia, Denmark, France, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden, but too many Canadian's have drunk the U.S. Right wing fascist movement coolaid that clogs up our media and the dumb dumbs want to make us more like the U.S.
(EDIT: the downvotes are proving my point about the uproar)