
si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j67pd1s wrote

They've got quite a nice bounce to them yes :) they are very comfy chairs to relax in. I do want to eventually get a eames chair (not a genuine one of course) as I love the look of those :)


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j67p7mx wrote

Think I will order a pair of kph30i then as I prefer more emphasis on treble and brighter sound:) shame amazon UK don't stock them will have to order from America but hopefully be worth the wait :)


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j62prxd wrote

Brilliant thanks. I've had a look at them on amazon and apparently the clear colour versions sound different to the rest. And yes they look very flimsy lol do they sound better than porta pros?


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j62pn9k wrote

Thanks :) I did check out the portal pro's but read that they sound slightly different. I have to have the Bass knob set to halfway and the Treble knob to halfway also as they sound abit empty and tinny otherwise and very harsh with treble set any higher than halfway so perhaps the porta pros are the way forward. They look even stranger too haha but who cares if they sound so beautiful haha


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j60cjg9 wrote

Absolutely love the sound of these Koss KSC75 headphones. The perfect sound signature for me. Can't believe they only cost £24. The build quality is pretty awful and they look abit spaceage (not such a bad thing lol) but the sound to me is absolutely perfect. I'm wanting some overhead headphones with a similar sound but a better build quality. I've been recommended superlux and Samsons which apparently have a similar sound signature. Can anyone recommend any others with a price range around £100-£150ish. Been looking at AKG K702 and 701s. Senheisser 560s. Beyerdynamics dt990. Any that sound like these koss headphones tbh.


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j2d0ftm wrote

I've just tried the EQ on USB audio Pro player and it makes a huge difference thanks :) just a shame it doesn't work with Amazon Music :( may have to swap over to tidal once the free account runs out


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j2aeep8 wrote

I feel like mine sound abit too deep and bassy through the amp but it may just be down to the source from amazon music. Amazon definitely sounds better than tidal on them though I think as tidal seems even deeper and flatter. Perhaps I should give them a go straight into phone and see how they sound then. I prefer abit more treble so probably suit me better lol


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j2a77mx wrote

Definitely comfortable headphones yes :) I've got led zeppelin playing at moment which sounds pretty good. I've been listening to sennheiser hd250bt and was really impressed with the sound considering they are wireless so thought I'd take a chance on these :)


si_ro_le_88 OP t1_j2a32uy wrote

The build quality seems pretty good for the price. Not sure if they'd be worth the full asking price though. Much prefer the black and silver SE as apposed to the ivory and brown coloured originals. The sound So far seems pretty good but not sure if the amp does them the justice they need. New to all this so may be missing something