siebzy t1_iztfmce wrote
Reply to Central Maine Barber? by SnoglinMcSmellmore
Water Street Barber Co has been great to me a couple times. Great crew in there and a good atmosphere
siebzy t1_izgzfr1 wrote
Reply to comment by cathar_here in Sugarloaf or Lost Valley for christmas weekend by jellyfish2009
I was at the Portland Gear Hub today, and they had a handful of ancient crusty half used kick wax sticks on the shelf for $1. I couldn't help but think of my dad's ancient klister-encrusted waxbox, and him pulling out random shit and being like "Bill Koch won an Olympic medal on this wax, someone could use it"
siebzy t1_izgp71g wrote
Reply to comment by OustedStrongman in Hey Penobscot, two of your senators skipped work and couldn't vote for the bill to approve heating assistance today. It failed by 3 votes. by victorspoilz
Don't you go thinking I have any illusions on that score.
siebzy t1_izgozup wrote
Reply to comment by cathar_here in Sugarloaf or Lost Valley for christmas weekend by jellyfish2009
I was an xc ski racer in high school and college, but I had a brief (4yr) post-collegiate career as an alpine ski, snowboard, and telemark instructor.
I can talk about xc trail systems until your ears fall off lol
siebzy t1_izgbhwj wrote
Reply to comment by OustedStrongman in Hey Penobscot, two of your senators skipped work and couldn't vote for the bill to approve heating assistance today. It failed by 3 votes. by victorspoilz
Should have looked that up lol. Honestly to me that shows true colors.
siebzy t1_izg5swn wrote
Reply to comment by cathar_here in Sugarloaf or Lost Valley for christmas weekend by jellyfish2009
It's a 2+ hr drive to both Sugarloaf and Sunday River. But I would consider Sunday River to be more beginner friendly - the real value at Sugarloaf is for the advanced rider who wants the above-treeline terrain and the steep trees in bracket basin.
siebzy t1_izg3p2o wrote
Reply to comment by siebzy in Hey Penobscot, two of your senators skipped work and couldn't vote for the bill to approve heating assistance today. It failed by 3 votes. by victorspoilz
If anyone needs it explained to them like they are 5, these Senators knew that not voting for this bill would make them look like heartless, cruel hypocrites (because they are). Staying away means it fails anyway, but that they don't get put on the record as opposing it.
I'm not excusing Chipman here either - dude is just begging for a primary challenger.
siebzy t1_izg35ck wrote
Reply to Hey Penobscot, two of your senators skipped work and couldn't vote for the bill to approve heating assistance today. It failed by 3 votes. by victorspoilz
They all skipped rather than vote against it, remember that.
siebzy t1_izg0ebg wrote
Reply to comment by shmerham in Sugarloaf or Lost Valley for christmas weekend by jellyfish2009
Yeah there's a lot more going on in North Conway than there is in Bethel or (lol) Carrabasset Valley.
siebzy t1_izg06pl wrote
Reply to comment by cathar_here in Sugarloaf or Lost Valley for christmas weekend by jellyfish2009
Lol Sunday river is way bigger in every metric but vertical feet.
siebzy t1_izflzyt wrote
Reply to comment by Enigmedic in What’s up with Maine gas prices? by Anstigmat
And slower for the price to drop when wholesale prices do
siebzy t1_izfl8je wrote
The problem with Lost Valley is that they are more reliant on natural snow than a bigger resort like Sugarloaf.
For a beginner I would suggest Sunday River, or maybe even look over into NH at resorts like Cranmore, which are less of a drive than Sugarloaf.
If it's Sugarloaf vs Lost Valley and you're already flying, renting a car, lodging, etc - go Sugarloaf.
siebzy t1_iyiblx0 wrote
Reply to Skis for 4 year old by Dry-Date-6730
Google "seasonal ski rental". There are a few places in the Portland area I know of, and I'm sure somewhere closer as well.
Just an FYI they will likely want your little one to try the boots on in store to make sure they fit, so it might ruin the surprise a bit.
siebzy t1_ixrlmf6 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Signs your mailing list might be out of date - when you, the previous owner of your house, and the previous owner before THEM all get the same mailer from the Maine Republican Party by figment1979
If you dont return data to the system (whether collected via Mini VAN or printed lists), it doesn't work as designed.
Not sure who is making promises, or what they are promising, but VAN works pretty darn well for what it's designed for when used properly, even if the interface is clunky and outdated and overly complicated.
siebzy t1_ixqpomt wrote
Reply to comment by siebzy in Signs your mailing list might be out of date - when you, the previous owner of your house, and the previous owner before THEM all get the same mailer from the Maine Republican Party by figment1979
I agree that it's annoying, difficult to use, mostly dogshit piece of software, but most of the problems people ascribe to VAN aren't actually the fault of the software.
siebzy t1_ixqpg10 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Signs your mailing list might be out of date - when you, the previous owner of your house, and the previous owner before THEM all get the same mailer from the Maine Republican Party by figment1979
If anyone wants to talk actual facts about VAN, I'd be happy to do so in DMs. I've been working with the platform professionally for a decade and at an admin level for 5 years.
siebzy t1_ixpdq6f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Signs your mailing list might be out of date - when you, the previous owner of your house, and the previous owner before THEM all get the same mailer from the Maine Republican Party by figment1979
Most of this is incorrect or misleading.
siebzy t1_ix388ks wrote
Reply to I want a law that fines the sign-manufacturing political party $50 per sign left over after election day. by PlentyCommission166
My position: signs on your property = sure you do you
Signs on public roadways or sidewalk medians owned by the town or state = littering. Shouldn't be allowed.
siebzy t1_iweetlf wrote
Reply to comment by yahwehsruse82 in Visiting Maine soon by Apprehensive_Dog_916
I can't imagine relying on Google Pay or Apple Pay even in Portland.
siebzy t1_ivt0n21 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Does anyone actually like the political signs? by IoTPanic
So explain it to me like I'm in kindergarten.
siebzy t1_ivrpjow wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Does anyone actually like the political signs? by IoTPanic
I disagree with that interpretation of the first amendment in this case, and that's fine! Doesn't change anything
Sure, campaigns can spend whatever they want - I can also come on the internet and call them vain idiots if I want.
I can also be pissed that they litter our roadways and public spaces.
What was your point again?
siebzy t1_ivps2ae wrote
Reply to comment by siebzy in Does anyone actually like the political signs? by IoTPanic
Oh and candidates love them. They love driving around town and seeing their name everywhere, it gets them aroused.
siebzy t1_ivprwr0 wrote
I personally agree that they shouldn't be allowed on public right of ways or green spaces (medians, public sidewalk green strips, etc)
Research has been done on the effectiveness of signs, and at most the impact is very small (and the signs aren't super cheap to print, and are labor intensive to distribute). Some studies have actually found that signs are a net detractor because they take away resources from other types of outreach.
All that said, old people in Maine really love the damn things and I don't see that changing soon.
siebzy t1_izuuors wrote
Reply to comment by SnoglinMcSmellmore in Central Maine Barber? by SnoglinMcSmellmore
Yep and they'll give you a beer if you have to wait.