
siebzy t1_j6kyxs9 wrote

No, I didn't. I went to a small college for undergrad and later lived right next to a bigger university campus for a few years post grad. As someone with introverted tendencies and some social anxiety, I much preferred the larger community where I could anonymously slip through the crowd if I wanted but also find people I really liked to spend time with, rather than feeling forced into social groups and cliques like I found at my small college.


siebzy t1_j6esypf wrote

Go to UMO not UMF unless there is a very specific program/career reason to choose UMF. At a bigger university you can find more people with all different kinds of interests and build your own community. At a smaller school you are kinda locked in to trying to be friends with whoever is there.


siebzy t1_j6eb9qz wrote

Is it not duplicative for both Dennysville and the County to spend money maintaining law enforcement infrastructure (dispatch, admin, etc) to cover overlapping areas? Is it not duplicative for the town to have its own code enforcement officer when the county already has the capacity to take that over?

This argument in favor of local control ignores obvious efficiencies of scale, and makes "taxpayer control" more of an issue than "crushing property tax bills".


siebzy t1_j6aq1fq wrote

The BDN basically reprints every single one of Susan Collins press releases verbatim and is where all the right-wing nutcases go to get their fact-free opinion pieces published.

They have decent local coverage but that's overshadowed by their willingness to do damage control for psychopaths.


siebzy t1_j5y6ajf wrote

Reply to comment by spatzelface in CMP shenanigans? by Ifellinahole

I don't do auto pay so there are no payments I don't explicitly authorize, and the biller can't automatically withdraw unless you specifically set it up that way.

I haven't had to contest a charge yet but my impression is that the bank would handle it just like any other cancelled check or fraudulent credit card activity, which they have been very responsive about in the past.


siebzy t1_j5tf1p0 wrote

My bank has an e-bill service that I use. My bank tells me when there's a new bill, I look, and pay it directly out of my checking account. That way I can view the whole payment history through my banks site and not CMP.

It's not ideal for detailed usage tracking, but it's been way less hassle than dealing with shitty CMP autopay or their awful payment website.


siebzy t1_j51bkor wrote

Well, there was the North Pond Hermit who lived in the woods for 20+ years up in the Belgrade Lakes. He would break into camps when people were away and take canned food and batteries and books.
