sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_j0dmd4g wrote
Reply to comment by bnlas in WBZ-TV's Katrina Kincade competing in Miss America pageant as first Muslim woman to represent Massachusetts by alanboston
I can't tell if you mean that Muslims are vile scum or Muslim-haters are vile scum. Please clarify.
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_j03u488 wrote
Reply to comment by datawazo in Tesla value as it relates to Twitter's purchase [OC] by datawazo
Goddamn default settings. Fuck you up 3 times out of 10.
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_j03sua7 wrote
What is this, r/Data_with_no_control_and_misleadingly_shortened_y_axes?
Elon's shown himself to be a a weird Q-adjacent redpill troll, but that doesn't excuse OP's misleading data visualization.
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_iye9svt wrote
Reply to comment by BsFan in Massachusetts place names and corresponding locations in the UK by roadtrip-ne
Sure, but the emotional valences are all fucked. "I'm from Chelsea" rings different, na' mean?
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_ivq9dv8 wrote
Reply to comment by FeralGinger in I’m surprised by this Essex County by A__SPIDER
Yah as soon as people start having houses with >$1m in appreciation they start thinking this tax will kill them.
(How dare the state fund public expenditure by raising the taxes on the sale of my $1,400,000 home, which I purchased 25 years ago for $300,000, by $4,000! Do you know how much bananas cost, Michael?)
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_ivpjzy6 wrote
Reply to comment by BrockVegas in 3% of Massachusetts voted for The Green Party by Linux-Is-Best
I'm not in the Green party, nevermind in charge of it, but I'd probably work on running for city council in Chelsea, P'town, and Somerville (or other dark-blue districts). Reassuring voters they're competent and sane has to be the first step to winning a mayoral or state-wide race.
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_ivpdd1w wrote
Reply to comment by BrockVegas in 3% of Massachusetts voted for The Green Party by Linux-Is-Best
No dispute. But sad, because Howie Hawkins, the Green party candidate in 2020, was a decent guy. (Nowhere near qualified, mind you, but as an unqualified outsider, he'd have done a better job representing the interests of the WWC than Donald Trump.)
sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_j0dnggj wrote
Reply to comment by bnlas in WBZ-TV's Katrina Kincade competing in Miss America pageant as first Muslim woman to represent Massachusetts by alanboston
Gotcha. Yes, they suck.
On the other hand... trading cards!