
silvers_3629 t1_j9o14vp wrote

"how did you even manage to get up here?" I knew if the dragon had hands he would be rubbing his forehead due to how tired he was. Yeah so I am a princess of desertia. I came here along with my people, soldiers and you name it. I wandered off around midnight in my mood of defiance, anger, frustration of closed life and started climbing this beautify tower from the rope hanging from one of its windows. I think I was possessed as I didn't look and entered through this window I am right now trying to get out from. I saw the majestic dragon cleaning itself. He was suprised someone made it their and now I know why.

I was above 20 m from ground. And it was morning. I could see how far I managed to come and needless to say I was proud. But now I am stuck. I can't go out cause I am terribly afraid of falling. It was easy to climb up.

"I think the king has sent someone." Oh gosh that's apart of army. No I can't let them attack the kind dragon but how do I get down. I was frustrated. I pulled up the tope before any of them could realise.

"Dragon you have to do this." "Do what princess, fly again after century." Muttered the sarcastic head back to me. Looking at my eyes he stammered. "Wait, you don't actually mean that. Why did you pull up rope? .... No... No you can't possibly be thinking of tieing it around my neck... Oh gosh no... You could die this tower could fall it would be too risky, no.." I saw dragon shaking it's head and reconciling into the wall.

"Let's do this before they come here. I won't die, nothing will happen. I will hide myself in your scales and everything will be okay. But if the knight reaches here I will lose all my chance to freedom. You give me the biggest chance to be myself, to explore this world, please don't refuse. Hurry, I beg you."

He moved forward but didn't say anything. I slowly put the rope around his neck and tied a basic knot I learned from my maids. I used his scales to climb up and his my face between his neck and shoulders.

"Are you sure Princess?" "As sure as I can ever be." I held on tightly to rope and his scales as he howled to warn the knight and his soldiers. He took off. Neither Indies nor the tower fell. Few scraps did but nothing to hurt anyone. I knew the soldiers saw me riding the dragon and I held my head high to show them the real picture. They didn't have to know how afraid I was, nor would they know if I had my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes after what seemed like minutes and I realised it wasn't fear of falling but rather fear of not having someone to catch me. But today with dragon, I could enjoy the skies and flight of freedom.