
siouxze t1_ivpcjai wrote

>recklessly poisoning ones family.

Lol. Ok. If these things have been recklessly poisoning families for 50 years, why isnt everyone walking around with cancer? Maybe it's because my cancer had nothing to do with a crockpot and everything to do with the american healthcare systems failings and bad genetics. If these things were as deadly as people claim they'd be banned from thriftstores, ebay, etc like the corningware electric kettles.

Wait until you find out about nonstick coatings. You will shit a brick.


siouxze t1_ivlg2rr wrote

And yet you've never fallen ill with lead poisoning. I wouldn't worry too much about about it unless somebody can provide an actual credible source showing where people have been harmed by the lead in these products. If these things were the death machines that this thread would have you believe, you would have heard about it outside of this thread.


siouxze t1_ivleexy wrote

Got a credible source for proof that it is anyone has ever been harmed by its "toxicity"? Or are you parroting what you read in a comment somewhere?

I have been eating meals prepared out if one of these beasts for 35 years and never once have I tested positive for lead on my bloodwork or fallen ill. They were a staple in most american homes for a very long time, yet there were never any hysterics about everyone testing positive for lead. Maybe because whatever lead that could be leeched from it is neglible at best and nothing to worry about?


siouxze t1_ivl8q62 wrote

I have the same exact crockpot. It was my moms, now it's mine. I've neen eating meals from it my entire life and Never once in 35+ years of use have I (or anyone else in my family) ever popped positive for lead in a blood test. I've never heard of anyone being lead posioned by vintage kitchenwares. I've seen plenty of overreacting and pearl clutching over the alleged lead content. Given that these products were in a substantial number of american homes one would think that a big bold direct line back to these products would have been drawn LONG ago if there was actually any real threat to anyone.

Edit for the idiots who just parrot what they've read in other reddit threads: But consumers need not fret in the dark. The FDA maintains a list of products it has tested that have revealed lead contamination. The good news: Not a single crockpot is listed.
