siwmasas t1_izakc5q wrote
Reply to comment by woutomatic in Skeleton Spectre by Alex_Sisyphus
Only took me 5 replays to see the skeleton!
siwmasas t1_iyn7rej wrote
Reply to comment by MechanicalBirbs in Local hunters call for repeal of Massachusetts ban in Sunday hunting by HRJafael
Absolutely, no argument from me there. But factory farms aren't going around the state shooting at whatever they deem shootable. That doesn't mean we should allow hunting for sport, nor does that mean I condone the treatment of animals in factory farms. Two wrongs don't make a right
siwmasas t1_iyn7489 wrote
Reply to comment by MechanicalBirbs in Local hunters call for repeal of Massachusetts ban in Sunday hunting by HRJafael
I'm not against meat eating. Nor am I against hunting for survival. But there is nowhere in this state where you need to hunt to survive. I don't trust police with guns let alone some redneck twat with a gun. fuck that. If you get pleasure out of killing an animal you should be in a mental institute.
siwmasas t1_iyn5gx6 wrote
Reply to comment by MechanicalBirbs in Local hunters call for repeal of Massachusetts ban in Sunday hunting by HRJafael
Exactly, there is no need to hunt here. Go buy a steak at market basket. Sport hunting should be outlawed here.
siwmasas t1_iyn54di wrote
Reply to comment by MechanicalBirbs in Local hunters call for repeal of Massachusetts ban in Sunday hunting by HRJafael
If your 'hobby' is killing animals, fuck you, find a different way to spend your time. No, you don't need to kill a deer to survive the winter.
siwmasas t1_iy6ctao wrote
Reply to comment by fugsco in Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
HDMI Repeater - one of these is a great choice for monitors, looks like some other good recommendations have been linked by you and others
siwmasas t1_ixo9hvx wrote
Reply to LPT: Place silverware at the END of the buffet, not at the beginning by whereverYouGoThereUR
Stick 'em in your pocket if they're first!
siwmasas t1_ixnok82 wrote
Reply to comment by Few_Radish_8423 in Can we please get a wawa in Boston metro? Or at least have Cumberland farm step up there game?? by Few_Radish_8423
I'm not comparing to cumbies, their 'food' is another level of terrible. Only gas station food I'll take is a dunks. Even that's still a last resort.
I guess I'm just anti gas station food
siwmasas t1_ixkcf6f wrote
Reply to comment by Kaio_ in Here’s Gov. Baker’s plan for dealing with the influx of migrants to Mass. by bostondotcom
Oh piss off you loser magat. I'll take more potholes for a while if it means people aren't starving and or living outside in this cold. You're a terrible person
siwmasas t1_ixjmtlp wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMortum in Here’s Gov. Baker’s plan for dealing with the influx of migrants to Mass. by bostondotcom
Lmao, far from it brochachio. Spent 3 months homeless in 2011, definitely not fun, I wouldn't recommend it. Work in the trades and own an old POS house now which I'm pouring my heart into. I'll vote for or support anything that helps the poor and expands access to health care and support for everyone, regardless of any increase in taxes.
siwmasas t1_ixik4eh wrote
Reply to Can we please get a wawa in Boston metro? Or at least have Cumberland farm step up there game?? by Few_Radish_8423
I really don't understand WaWa. Their food is mediocre at best, their facilities are not usually clean, and they're always mobbed. I'll pass
siwmasas t1_ixijdiu wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMortum in Here’s Gov. Baker’s plan for dealing with the influx of migrants to Mass. by bostondotcom
ah yes, the "fuck these people, me first" approach!
you sound like a real humanitarian!
What you don't seem to understand, is that these people are exactly the same as us, just from somewhere else, they're humans and they're here. Did you even bother to fucking read what he's proposing? This isn't a help the migrants only plan, it's expanding the state's capacity to handle anyone in need of housing.
siwmasas t1_ix4fdjg wrote
Reply to comment by MoonlessPrairie in Higher energy prices are a call for more renewables and maybe nuclear, not more pipelines by TeacherGuy1980
Ah yes, because we all know municipalities make decisions based on reddit threads. Regardless, bring it the f on, I'll take a reactor downtown. Maynard is already a superfund site! All you seem to care about is somebody else's money. I don't give two shits how much it costs if its massively better for the environment in the long run.
How is everyone burning fossil fuels not an immediate danger to everyone on the planet, regardless of proximity to where the fuel was consumed?
So how safe are nuclear reactors?
>In the 60-year history of civil nuclear power generation, with over 18,500 cumulative reactor-years across 36 countries, there have been only three significant accidents at nuclear power plants
one of those three is Three Mile Island in NY, nice cherry-pick. How dangerous are they?
>Of all the accidents and incidents, only the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents resulted in radiation doses to the public greater than those resulting from the exposure to natural sources
Same sources as above.
So how do nuclear power plants compare to fossil fuel powered ones?
>On a levelized (i.e. lifetime) basis, nuclear power is an economic source of electricity generation, combining the advantages of security, reliability and very low greenhouse gas emissions. Existing plants function well with a high degree of predictability. The operating cost of these plants is lower than almost all fossil fuel competitors, with a very low risk of operating cost inflation. Plants are now expected to operate for 60 years and even longer in the future. The main economic risks to existing plants lie in the impacts of subsidized intermittent renewable and low-cost gas-fired generation. The political risk of higher, specifically-nuclear, taxation adds to these risks.
Cheaper than fossil fuels. The main barrier to nuclear energy is politics, not cost. CO2 emmisions for nuclear are 12g/kWh vs 41g/kWh for rooftop solar and a whopping 820g/kWh for fossil fuels.
So, your assertion that nuclear is more expensive, less safe, and unreliable is pure fabricated BS. Do some more research before you continue blabbering
We need more R&D to improve some of the designs, sure, but thats not a reason to discredit it, the same can be said for
siwmasas t1_ix20w1w wrote
Reply to comment by MoonlessPrairie in Higher energy prices are a call for more renewables and maybe nuclear, not more pipelines by TeacherGuy1980
its more amazing that you don't get this... I have neither the time, patience, or crayons to explain this to you in a manner you'd understand
siwmasas t1_ix20p0p wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in Higher energy prices are a call for more renewables and maybe nuclear, not more pipelines by TeacherGuy1980
oh ffs...
siwmasas t1_iwje5tr wrote
Reply to comment by ccasey in What the hell is going on with Egg Prices...... by bostonmacosx
well that too, but he aint wrong
siwmasas t1_j25of0k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Help drilling a hole through kitchen countertop & flange of undermount sink for a water filter by [deleted]
A 1/2" hole in the flange isn't going to compromise the sink's structural integrity regardless of what that wood strip is doing.