
slapshots1515 t1_iz9e3od wrote

I’m not so much accusing you of anything as just wondering if it would be more sad if you actually believed what you were saying and had to go about life being that dumb, or whether it would be worse if you were so pathologically opposed to admitting you misstated the smallest little thing that you would still be bothering to invent all of this two days later. Pretty sad either way, really.


slapshots1515 t1_iz8g4zx wrote

So just to clarify-rather than simply admit you are wrong-you’re going so far as to pretend to be so colossally stupid to apply “all” here to mean “100% of the Jackson State roster” rather than the group of people we were talking about the whole time, the players Deion recruited that had better offers from big schools.

I have to say, I’m legitimately impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone cut off so much of their nose to spite their face before.


slapshots1515 t1_iz8f074 wrote

…clearly, you’re not actually trying to stretch “all” in that quote to mean “100% of the Jackson State roster”, because that would take an incredible lack of reading comprehension.

It’s doubly hilarious you’re so pressed now you’re googling links to use on elementary school insults. Like seriously, is this all it takes to set you off?


slapshots1515 t1_iz8bqnu wrote

You are a special kind of stupid, aren’t ya son. This is the part where you’re supposed to show me, you know, where I actually claimed 100% of the Jackson State roster would transfer. You know, to show me I’m wrong. Which you won’t be able to do, but it’s super funny to watch you try.


slapshots1515 t1_iz7b9lz wrote

Rage? Stupidity? Lol.

That quote isn’t anything to do with me saying what Deion owes to anyone. Please try again.

I never claimed 100% of the Jackson State roster would transfer. Please stop lying.

Sanders and Hunter have both already announced their intent to leave. If you believe it won’t be official soon, you really are as gullible as you seem. If you don’t believe it, then please argue in good faith.

If you don’t believe there will be any more-especially since Deion already said more would be coming-then it makes sense why you bought this narrative hook, line, and sinker in the first place.

It’s really quite funny to watch you try to argue. You try to pull out the quote about accusing your enemy of that which you are on me…only to exemplify it yourself.

I asked two simple things of you, please try again. I know you can’t and that’s why you’re so mad.


slapshots1515 t1_iz75enn wrote

Please quote where I said anything about what Deion does or does not owe to anyone.

Please offer an actual refutation to the fact that these players have indeed left. If you’re so certain your premise is correct that these players were so dedicated to HBCUs and not Deion, explain using facts and not feelings why they left immediately after he did.

You can’t do either one.

That’ll about sum that up.


slapshots1515 t1_iz59bzr wrote

It absolutely does not, if you actually read instead of wish.

There’s about one kid your comment really applies to, Travis Hunter. Travis Hunter who, as a DB, gets to be the premier protege of a guy considered among the best DBs of all time. Travis Hunter, who as a result of this got a ton of publicity and now gets to play at a Power 5 school anyways. Travis Hunter who, for all of his talk about Jerry Rice and Walter Payton, immediately jumped ship as soon as Deion left.

If all these kids cared so damn much about reinventing HBCUs and being a leader for their race they would be staying at Jackson State. Instead, they are all leaving with Deion. It was always about Deion.

I’m sorry you bought into the narrative so hard, but that’s what it was: a narrative, a sell job, a recruiting tool. Sure, I don’t believe either Deion or these kids want to hurt HBCUs, but if it really was about what you say it was, they wouldn’t be leaving.

Making people into something they aren’t is a dangerous thing. Again, I tell you that these kids weren’t going to be the saviors of HBCUs, but that’s ok. Honestly, what they’ve already done for HBCUs is at least a step in the right direction, and now others need to step up and move it forward.

But, you are trying to make a bunch of 18-21 year old kids into holy warriors that they just aren’t. And if you do that, you’ll often find reality is disappointing. All of this-Deion jumping ship for a P5 and taking all the good kids with him-was utterly inevitable and completely predictable to anyone not drinking kool-aid.


slapshots1515 t1_iz2l1yl wrote

So it’s a pure coincidence that Hunter, the first recruit of his caliber to go to an HBCU pretty much ever, just happened to decide to do so right after NIL money became a thing with a coach who is basically one of the most marketable people on the planet purely out of the goodness of his heart to strive for HBCU’s everywhere.

You can believe it because he said a few nice things about Doug Williams and Jerry Rice, but a) if his big goal was to be HBCU Jesus, he wouldn’t have taken about ten seconds after Deion left to announce his transfer like he just did, and b) that would have been a financial disaster the likes we haven’t seen since people were giving Bernie Madoff money.

I get it man: you really seem to want these kids to be these altruistic crusaders. They’re not, and it’s ok that they’re not. I’m not even saying Deion didn’t sell it that way, and I’m not saying the kids don’t believe it some. But when the chips are down, NFL and NIL is what matters to them.


slapshots1515 t1_iz27o30 wrote

And if you think any of those players passed up a better chance at a multimillion dollar NFL career in support of a mission that will take decades to accomplish without netting them anything, let’s talk about that oceanfront property in Kansas. Players that had the offers you’re talking about went to Jackson State for two things: NFL chances and NIL money. They can get both at Colorado.


slapshots1515 t1_iz1u93b wrote

If you honestly think anyone that had “far better offers” signed with Jackson State for any other reason than that they believed Deion was capable of getting them to the next level, I have oceanside property in Kansas for sale that you should look at.

You can say all you want about Jackson State as a university, Jackson State fans, even HBCUs in general, and I can grant you it might be warranted. No college kid (Travis Hunter included) was giving up a potential multimillion dollar NFL career for a “movement.”


slapshots1515 t1_iuz51q5 wrote

> In baseball, a '''no-hitter''' is a game in which a team was not able to record a hit. Major League Baseball (MLB) officially defines a no-hitter as a completed game in which a team that batted in at least nine innings recorded no hits. A pitcher who prevents the opposing team from achieving a hit is said to have "thrown a no-hitter". In most cases, no-hitters are recorded by a single pitcher who throws a complete game; one thrown by two or more pitchers is a combined no-hitter.

K, but, you wrong tho
