sleepyguy22 t1_ja9dl1g wrote
Reply to comment by Werewolfdad in helping my 21 y/o with taxes - does he even need to file? by No_Knowledge_5885
Right back at you on most of the posts here! :) I always am relieved when you and DeluxeXL concur with my advice and I haven't completely butchered my understanding of taxes.
sleepyguy22 t1_ja9cl0y wrote
Reply to comment by No_Knowledge_5885 in helping my 21 y/o with taxes - does he even need to file? by No_Knowledge_5885
1099-NEC means he was self employed, and thus owes payroll taxes (i.e. social security & medicare) on his earnings. That's separate from income taxes, which he owes nothing.
File and pay the tax, otherwise the IRS will be sending a letter sometime in the next 12 months asking for their share, plus interest.
sleepyguy22 t1_ja9c3b7 wrote
If he has no tax liability anyway, (e.g. he made less than the standard deduction of 12,950) then there's no requirement to file. However, if he had any federal income tax withheld from his paycheck, it makes sense to file to get that money back. However, instead of paying turbotax, use something free like
But you're saying that the tax screen showed he does owe taxes. Maybe a 1099, and he owes some FICA taxes?
sleepyguy22 t1_j9fyttm wrote
Presumably more than one moving company can use the service elevator, no? It would be a bit of a dick move to refuse access of the service elevator to anyone else who wants to move on a particular day.
sleepyguy22 t1_j6okad7 wrote
Reply to Down payment refund on car by This_Neighborhood511
Yeah no that's a bunch of bullshit. A downpayment reduces the amount you have to take out in a loan.
sleepyguy22 t1_j6ojr80 wrote
Reply to Can I boost my credit by closing a young line of credit to increase my average account age? by JMDilly
No, it won't help - average age of accounts takes into account closed accounts for FICO scores. (Vantage score does not, but mortgage lenders use FICO)
sleepyguy22 t1_j6ogx8n wrote
Reply to Borrowing from Other Categories by thmsra
This is totally allowed. Not only borrowing, but flat out taking/moving money from one category to another. A flat $200/month is not a really good budget for shopping like clothes - some months you may be under $100, but once in a while you may find a good deal or something that fits super well and you want to spend 5 times as much. As long as you're able to cover it from another category without dipping into debt, go for it.
There is a popular budgeting app called "YNAB", and they have a set of 4 guiding principles. This adjustment of categories is number 3 of the 4 rules:
sleepyguy22 t1_j6no5cf wrote
Reply to Tax Claim Question for new job by has_potential
Under step 4(c), put in as high a number as you feel comfortable in your budget.
sleepyguy22 t1_j6ngoxr wrote
Reply to comment by Tech_geek23 in Traditional Savings vs HYSA Savings by Tech_geek23
Calculate how much monthly/annual interest you would make in a high yield account and then compare that price to the convenience of instant transfers.
sleepyguy22 t1_j6ja0jy wrote
Reply to Did I mess up in making a Savings account by SKSword
Not too fucked, especially since you have instant transfers. Usually, fees and totals and stuff get assessed at the end of the business day. If you have a positive balance by the end of the day, you should be golden.
sleepyguy22 t1_ix89i39 wrote
Reply to How is Newark Airport these days? by gonerlover
It got ranked as the worst of the 20 largest airports in the US, just behind JFK. Reliability was the worst performing indicator by far.
You're flying on thanksgiving weekend. Usually I'd say 5 hours is a bit extra, even for newark, but all bets are off on thanksgiving or christmas periods. So maybe 5 hours isn't outlandish at all.
sleepyguy22 t1_ix88nr1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Fare evasion by [deleted]
For future reference, if you're ever late again and don't have the patience to wait at the full service machines, there's a vending machine that sells pre-packaged metrocards for $10, no need to wait in line for that one.
sleepyguy22 t1_iu9evgs wrote
Reply to comment by AdditionalAttorney in Monthly to Bi-Weekly Checks by LaceMeUpp
Question - why put in a 'next month' category instead of immediately budget for "next month" when you get your paycheck? I use YNAB and sometimes budget up to two months in advance, e.g. with my paycheck that came in today I budgeted for December 1st's mortgage payment (among other things in Oct and November)
sleepyguy22 t1_itcuvct wrote
Reply to Favorite front yard trees? by whippnj
I love love love my japanese maple.
sleepyguy22 t1_itcusoh wrote
Reply to comment by Algae-Ok in Favorite front yard trees? by whippnj
Hah! There's someone a few streets over from me who imports a huge palm tree from god knows where every spring, then it inevitably dies in the fall/winter, they tear it out, and the subsequent spring they haul a brand new one. Repeat, every... single... year. It's a bit extra.
sleepyguy22 t1_jcz3r8l wrote
Reply to How do I use my Exxon Mobil Rewards card at the pump in NJ? by linzanity
They do the exact same thing you would do in another state- they dip it in the CC reader on the pump, select the grade of fuel, plug the nozzle into your car, and press the handle to make it pump.
When full, they pull out the pump, close the cover, and give you back your card and receipt.