sleevieb t1_jadk1ua wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Kings Supermarket near Hillside Court burns down. by freetimerva
the properties that could've been developed into grocery stores are owned by him from his ill gotten gains and stuck in a criminal case/bankruptcy limbo.
sleevieb t1_jacmkfv wrote
Reply to comment by ttd_76 in Del. Lamont Bagby receives Democratic nomination in SD-09 by Mad-Lad-of-RVA
They knew the time table when mcceachin died and left all of us in the dark.
The session is currently scheduled to be 1 day. Veto day.
sleevieb t1_jaaxlra wrote
Reply to comment by ttd_76 in Del. Lamont Bagby receives Democratic nomination in SD-09 by Mad-Lad-of-RVA
A 4 day campaign is not democratic and shame on the democratic party.
sleevieb t1_ja9a1c0 wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Kings Supermarket near Hillside Court burns down. by freetimerva
He bought the 18 most developable properties. Built 3 or 4 into half baked concepts and promptly got locked up.
The closest he came to a grocery store was turning the most beautiful grocery store building in town into a food hall. That never finished either.
You defending this charlatan scamster felon is all the argument I really need to make. The man is a plague on manchester and the fallout from his crimes hang over every vacant storefront like a diseased cloud.
sleevieb t1_ja99mo7 wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Del. Lamont Bagby receives Democratic nomination in SD-09 by Mad-Lad-of-RVA
There was no substance to this campaign because it was 4 days long.
Bagby won because he had cash on hand and name recognition.
I look forward to him trying to win in a VASTLy different district in the very near future.
sleevieb t1_ja99dmw wrote
Reply to comment by borkus in How long do you think it is before RVA meets the same fate of cities like Austin? by piratestears
UPS freight in manchester got bought out.
Unless you mean something else?
sleevieb t1_ja8hb71 wrote
Reply to comment by chasetwisters in Brewery self-distribution bill passes through GA, awaits Youngkin's signature by fanrva
iirc they got bought out by the big chicago based boy
sleevieb t1_ja8h9xo wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Kings Supermarket near Hillside Court burns down. by freetimerva
The crime killing strangling manchester is michael hildes white collar multi million dollar fraud not kids stealing candy bars.
sleevieb t1_ja8gzcy wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Del. Lamont Bagby receives Democratic nomination in SD-09 by Mad-Lad-of-RVA
The data is worthless as name recognition isn't the most important thing but arguably the only thing.
sleevieb t1_ja8gq63 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChildNextDoor in How long do you think it is before RVA meets the same fate of cities like Austin? by piratestears
The fortune 500s in town are all financial and lawyers, arent they?
sleevieb t1_ja8go9i wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChildNextDoor in How long do you think it is before RVA meets the same fate of cities like Austin? by piratestears
Commercial real estate for sure.
sleevieb t1_ja7uzs3 wrote
Reply to comment by poontong in How long do you think it is before RVA meets the same fate of cities like Austin? by piratestears
All cities are independent in Virginia. Charlotte ftucked their tax code base up to appeal to their banks and insurance. That’s why they out grew up and they very poorly managed their growth. Almost all sprawl.
I can’t speak to portlands 90s growth but their past ten years of urban planning have been great relative to other cities. Certainly better than Arizona, Austin or Houston.
NOVA exists in a vacuum. Even if a lot of departments and beuracracy move out west, congress, the president, and the pentagon will never leave each other and that white marble. Plus the metro is a huge part of war planning in the case of gas hitting $10/gallon.
sleevieb t1_ja7u8s6 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChildNextDoor in How long do you think it is before RVA meets the same fate of cities like Austin? by piratestears
Which sectors
sleevieb t1_ja7u05r wrote
Reply to comment by americanspirit64 in Brewery self-distribution bill passes through GA, awaits Youngkin's signature by fanrva
Distribution is monopolized.
They came here and killed brown about 7 years ago iirc
sleevieb t1_ja7tsa5 wrote
Now there really is no grocery store in manchester
sleevieb t1_ja7tk0s wrote
Reply to comment by okcknight in Have a court date for reckless driving 83/60 in Amelia county. by [deleted]
Amelia is an hour away
sleevieb t1_ja6tq13 wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Del. Lamont Bagby receives Democratic nomination in SD-09 by Mad-Lad-of-RVA
How can you even evaluate a 7k vote race as competitive?
The campaign was 4 days long.
sleevieb t1_ja6ppah wrote
Reply to comment by okcknight in Have a court date for reckless driving 83/60 in Amelia county. by [deleted]
they changed it to from 15 over
I would agree if it weren't for the many speed traps/counties. Even the recent change to 85+ and 20 over is more in line with the state but when you consider speed limits have been 80 since the 70s
Hopewell's million dollar mile just south of here has drawn the ire of the nation, including our own senators.
sleevieb t1_ja64ki3 wrote
This is the worst state in the country to speed in. Jason Serth did jail time for a similar crime. He made $24mil that year.
A lawyer is a must for a reckless here. It’s not like other states.
sleevieb t1_ja611x9 wrote
Reply to comment by Richmond_Mondo in Virginia Senate Resolution: Wes Freed by TheBovineWoodchuck
sleevieb t1_ja60mqb wrote
Send a certified letter about all this. Mention fearing for your safety and the night time disturbances. Give copies to your building neighbors about what’s going on, maybe a copy of the letter too.
sleevieb t1_ja60f00 wrote
Reply to comment by dreww4546 in Landlord/Tenant issues. Legal actions? by ThrowawayRVAlegal
This is the easiest state to evict.
sleevieb t1_ja206vu wrote
Reply to comment by rangerover-411 in Question about Richmond International by The-Potion-Seller
I understand the inferrence but it is a big leap to think they are going to pay probably 10,000x the price to ship them via boat, or even a hundred times more than regular air freight, just so they will be on one cargo plane that can't even land at some airports.
its not like cigarettes are better fresh? or are they? i have never heard that.
sleevieb t1_ja0tu9b wrote
Reply to comment by thinker5555 in Super cool building on Broad. Does anyone know what it’s for? by Shush808
sleevieb t1_jadkbl1 wrote
Reply to comment by freetimerva in Kings Supermarket near Hillside Court burns down. by freetimerva
Gentrification has its problems but buying 18 commercial properites in one area with ill gotten gains and then leaving them stuck in bankruptcy limbo is worst case scenario.