
slimzimm t1_j67zsr3 wrote

Thanks! I’ve been wanting to try some new footwear. I live in Hawaii, and I’m always wearing slippahs, but sometimes they’re not the best thing. Like if I’m camping at the beach, the ironwood tree spikey balls get stuck between the shoe and the foot.


slimzimm t1_j2cl2p1 wrote

I know I’ll get downvotes for saying this but I really think the people of Reddit have a problem with saying things in absolutes. Maybe OP isn’t a terrible PERSON but OP did a terrible thing in that moment. If I do something idiotic, I don’t mind being told I did something stupid, but I really hate being called an idiot just because I did something wrong one time. OP you need to work through this, get counseling, end your current relationship, and learn from this bad experience.


slimzimm t1_j15raep wrote

My friend, you can be honest. Straight up lying isn’t helpful. “Am I annoying you?” “I can see you’re trying to blow off some of that great energy you’ve got but yes it’s a little bit much for me right now”. When being honest, you just have to be choosey about how it’s said. You don’t have to be a dick, just use your words.


slimzimm t1_ixzcfj9 wrote

Maybe a little sexist and something you should try to tamper down at work. When you exclude any group of people from a more “elite” group of people, you’re qualifying them as “less than” and that’s not good to put into your superiors mind. Closed door, you and I just talking, yeah maybe men are better at driving because on average we are pushed to be physical and care about cars, and men are better at spacial reasoning than women on psychological tests, but it’s also true that some women are better than some men at driving. Therefore to say that men are born drivers comes off as exclusionary. Women can be excellent drivers too. You live and learn, it’ll probably be forgotten soon but just try to keep in mind that at work the best policy is to think about how others will perceive your thoughts and use inclusive language.
