
smartest_kobold t1_ja85z76 wrote

They'd be fools not to apply for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. There's an Affordable Housing Fund that supplies low interest loans and grants. Plus, if they pay their employees poorly enough for them to qualify for housing vouchers, they get the money they save on labor and that sweet government subsidy.

They run a private business and have no reason or obligation to announce to a local reporter where the money comes from gets made on this feel good story with an easy SEO boosting buzzword.


smartest_kobold t1_j9o2jcc wrote

Aside from dating teenagers? Yeah. America already has at least one major party dedicated to privatization and amoral profit seeking.

You want to see what happens to real disruptive and socially unacceptable politics, look at how the state treated the Black Panthers. Heck, the FBI tried to blackmail MLK into killing himself.