smartest_kobold OP t1_ir9ns71 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
Sysco chose to cut healthcare for supply chain workers during a supply chain crisis despite a 159% increase in profits last year.
smartest_kobold OP t1_ir7btis wrote
Reply to comment by invenio78 in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
>"Mean" is the average,... not a median or mode.
It's probably a mean, but you probably couldn't be successfully sued for defrauding the shareholders if you used the most flattering.
>The regulations strictly say 60 hours in 7 days or 70 hours in 8 maximum. So I don't know where you are coming up with those numbers. And that's a maximum. Where are you getting that over 60 hours per week would be attainable or 70 in an 8 consecutive period.
FMCSA Interstate Truck Driver's Guide to Hours of Service March 2015
"If you follow the 70-hour/8-day limit and work 14 hours per day for 5 days in a row, you will have been on duty for 70 hours. You would not be able drive again until you drop below 70 hours worked in an 8-day period. However, if your company allows you to use the 34-hour restart provision, you would have driving time available immediately after 34 consecutive hours off duty. You would then begin a new period of 8 consecutive days and have 70 hours available"
"The use of a “valid” 34-hour restart resets a driver’s “weekly” hours back to zero. In addition, an individual may perform other on-duty tasks, such as loading or unloading and paperwork, after reaching the 60/7 or 70/8 hour limits."
smartest_kobold OP t1_ir76ki3 wrote
Reply to comment by invenio78 in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
>Actually, the company has legal obligations when it makes statements about employee costs as if it lies, it can be fraud against the share holders. So it is highly likely that those official quoted numbers are correct.
I never said otherwise. But a spokesman is going to pick biggest of mean, median, or mode and include all the bennies. Literally the job.
>Also, drivers are legally limited in the number hours and how long they can drive.
70-85 +/- just driving per average a week seems doable within regulations. That's not necessarily counting time/labor unloading.
smartest_kobold OP t1_ir728se wrote
Reply to comment by invenio78 in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
If a company spokesperson says they "get" $110k, you'd be a fool to assume anything is left out. A spokesman's one job is to make the workers look as well compensated as possible.
They're working 12 to 14 hours a day. I'm assuming a six or seven day week.
smartest_kobold OP t1_ir6xk5t wrote
Reply to comment by Aedan_Tanner in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
The contract expired last week.
smartest_kobold t1_ir6pwss wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
Vote blue no matter who is still stupid when you do it.
smartest_kobold t1_ir675th wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
An important part of policy is trusting the human being in the chair to implement it.
smartest_kobold OP t1_ir66l19 wrote
Reply to comment by rj218 in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
Assuming you even believe "company spokesman", $110k in compensation and benefits seems pretty fair for 70-90 hour weeks.
smartest_kobold t1_iqvwlta wrote
Reply to comment by Maldonian in Man arrested after allegedly waving gun and threatening people in Somersworth, police say by Peeeculiar
Not even a little. This guy was out on regular old bail.
This is an example of cash bail not keeping safe.
smartest_kobold t1_iqvooxo wrote
Reply to Man arrested after allegedly waving gun and threatening people in Somersworth, police say by Peeeculiar
For anybody keeping score, this guy was out on bail. This has nothing to do with bail reform.
smartest_kobold t1_iqte2zu wrote
Reply to I love Sununu's bluntness by SquirrellyDog2016
He says what he thinks you want to hear, just like every successful politician.
smartest_kobold t1_iqr6hen wrote
Should be a good time for peeping.
The Cog Railway is fine as long as you're ok with the price.
smartest_kobold t1_ir9s3gr wrote
Reply to The N.H. surgeon who had the worst record for malpractice death settlements by ChristopherDuntsch
Remember this the next time you hear about tort reform.