smartest_kobold t1_ixrsp61 wrote
Reply to comment by Repulsive65 in The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
smartest_kobold t1_ixqxyfp wrote
Reply to The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
Anybody count how many times law enforcement dropped the ball here?
smartest_kobold t1_ixpqjg5 wrote
Reply to comment by Sylvio_ in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
At some point it's not about "living situation", it's about wealth as power. You're not living any more comfortably on $100 billion than you would on $1 billion.
smartest_kobold t1_ixofzh5 wrote
Reply to comment by tech1010 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
How is bizarro world? Bad?
smartest_kobold t1_ixofpcl wrote
Reply to comment by Ouijabored1776 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
I'd like to play the game, any idea where I can get a quarter million dollar unsecured loan from a rich relative like Bezos?
smartest_kobold t1_ixofas2 wrote
Reply to comment by kmkmrod in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
He's not giving away enough to risk his unimaginably vast fortune.
smartest_kobold t1_ixnu049 wrote
Reply to Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
Give'em the rest of Bezos's money and we'll call it even.
smartest_kobold t1_ixjx2as wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manchester’s Dairy Queen has daddy issues 🤣 by smdifansmfjsmsnd
You think the boss lets the peons write the sign?
smartest_kobold t1_ixehhrx wrote
smartest_kobold t1_ixchf1i wrote
Reply to comment by alexkourtis in I'm European, how to move to New Hampshire? by alexkourtis
How much do you think it costs in America to fill a cavity?
smartest_kobold t1_ixc72an wrote
Why New Hampshire specifically?
smartest_kobold t1_iwwes4r wrote
No one is pregnant for eight months and three weeks for funsies and gets a last minute abortion.
Late abortions only happen in fairly narrow circumstances and for specific reasons.
smartest_kobold t1_iwrdrar wrote
Reply to The Quakers must be pissed! by TheMobyDicks
What are they going to do? Fight about it?
smartest_kobold t1_iwpxlq2 wrote
Reply to comment by pahnzoh in Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
Fed's raising interest rates specifically to increase unemployment. Got any other theories?
smartest_kobold t1_iwpxgem wrote
Reply to comment by KrissaKray in Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
While the Fed is raising interest rates because the unemployment rate is too low?
smartest_kobold t1_iwpv5qk wrote
Reply to Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
Hey, what was the Republican plan to reduce inflation?
smartest_kobold t1_iwpv29w wrote
Reply to comment by ScottieWP in Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
Pretty sure they're just patsies.
smartest_kobold t1_iwmtwjs wrote
Reply to Kayla Montgomery is expected to serve 1.5 years based on plea deal paperwork. by rahpugapumpum
People get more than that for being rude to a cop
smartest_kobold t1_iwmo754 wrote
Reply to lonely single dad by Zestyclose_Fun_7083
Are you the guy who was trying to lure women into his boat or was that another creep?
smartest_kobold t1_iwktedf wrote
Reply to Republicans' margin in N.H. House shrinks again, after recount flips 2nd seat to Dems by rockonritalin
Wow, recounts flipped two seats in a close election in a state with a tiny voter to representative ratio.
smartest_kobold t1_iwgr8wa wrote
Any bar I walk into ;)
smartest_kobold t1_iwekz1n wrote
Reply to comment by kells938 in PSA: Sicknesses in the coming months by SpringLover455
No one cares.
smartest_kobold t1_iweagy2 wrote
Reply to PSA: Sicknesses in the coming months by SpringLover455
Number #2 would be a lot easier with mandatory paid sick days.
smartest_kobold t1_iwd4qxf wrote
Reply to I’m looking for a place that would feel like a “tropical getaway” during January for a girls day trip in either New Hampshire, MA or southern Maine. I’ve already considered an indoor water park but I’m curious and open to any suggestions! by [deleted]
Right before you die of hypothermia, your body just gives up and lets all the blood flow away from your core, giving the impression that you are suddenly and unbearably hot.
smartest_kobold t1_ixued4e wrote
Reply to comment by Wtfisgoinonhere in The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
He may have killed before. There was barely an investigation.