smartest_kobold t1_iy8jv06 wrote
Reply to comment by Maldonian in Man charged in Brookline shooting released from jail days before incident by [deleted]
>I might be misinformed, but I imagine that people only plead if they think it’s a good deal for them, like any other negotiation.
>“If we go to trial and convict you, you’ll get 10 years. But if you plead guilty today, we’ll agree to give you 5 years.”
>I can’t imagine anyone would plead guilty and accept the whole 10 years. That’s just not logical.
>Good deal for the suspect. And the prosecutor gets to do less work. But not a good deal for society.
Yes, but also no. A trial is unpredictable. The defendant doesn't want a trial because there's a chance they'll get the max. The prosecutor doesn't want a trial because the defendant might walk. The lawyers on both sides are guessing at the probability of every outcome and bargaining. That's most of the job these days.
>If there’s enough evidence for a conviction, maybe it’s about time we start getting convictions and some real sentences.
That's the other sticky thing. The jury is not always making a clear factual determination. You're asking a group of twelve amateurs to come to a consensus about some big gray areas, e.g. intent.
smartest_kobold t1_iy8c4t2 wrote
Reply to comment by Maldonian in Man charged in Brookline shooting released from jail days before incident by [deleted]
Most people plead. That means very little.
Getting a satisfactory plea is most of the prosecutors job and if they can't even do that, that speaks to the quality of the prosecution or the police work collecting evidence.
smartest_kobold t1_iy82hgi wrote
Reply to comment by itsallbacon in Man charged in Brookline shooting released from jail days before incident by [deleted]
If you think prosecutors have a massive caseload, imagine the public defender this guy almost certainly had. Regardless, if the prosecutor has too much work, what the fuck is taking priority over prostituting a minor?
smartest_kobold t1_iy7tbth wrote
Reply to comment by itsallbacon in Man charged in Brookline shooting released from jail days before incident by [deleted]
Sounds like quite a plea. So either the case was weak or the prosecutor thought he had something better to do.
smartest_kobold t1_iy7k1x4 wrote
More people can't afford to live indoors, but still have stuff they want to keep.
smartest_kobold t1_iy7jwg6 wrote
Reply to comment by itsallbacon in Man charged in Brookline shooting released from jail days before incident by [deleted]
No judge let him off. He pled guilty and served the time.
If you want to give repeat minor offenders life, say it.
smartest_kobold t1_ixy70z2 wrote
Surprise, it's our critically underfunded VA and fucking PEER SUPPORT.
No wonder so many cops claim they fear for their lives in a normal incident. Of fucking course they fear for their lives. They've got untreated PTSD. They can't have a normal trip to the grocery store without fear for their lives.
smartest_kobold t1_ixve63v wrote
Reply to Manchester question. by E46M54
Don't believe the hype.
smartest_kobold t1_ixueucs wrote
Reply to comment by NashuaGarden in The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
- Not investigating the first time he killed someone.
- The suspended sentence after he stole a gun and threatened police.
- He was at the scene, matched the description, and not questioned for some reason.
Probably others I missed.
smartest_kobold t1_ixued4e wrote
Reply to comment by Wtfisgoinonhere in The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
He may have killed before. There was barely an investigation.
smartest_kobold t1_ixrsp61 wrote
Reply to comment by Repulsive65 in The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
smartest_kobold t1_ixqxyfp wrote
Reply to The secret life of alleged double murderer Logan Clegg: a loner with a temper, guns — and a taste for travel by xforce4life
Anybody count how many times law enforcement dropped the ball here?
smartest_kobold t1_ixpqjg5 wrote
Reply to comment by Sylvio_ in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
At some point it's not about "living situation", it's about wealth as power. You're not living any more comfortably on $100 billion than you would on $1 billion.
smartest_kobold t1_ixofzh5 wrote
Reply to comment by tech1010 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
How is bizarro world? Bad?
smartest_kobold t1_ixofpcl wrote
Reply to comment by Ouijabored1776 in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
I'd like to play the game, any idea where I can get a quarter million dollar unsecured loan from a rich relative like Bezos?
smartest_kobold t1_ixofas2 wrote
Reply to comment by kmkmrod in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
He's not giving away enough to risk his unimaginably vast fortune.
smartest_kobold t1_ixnu049 wrote
Reply to Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
Give'em the rest of Bezos's money and we'll call it even.
smartest_kobold t1_ixjx2as wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manchester’s Dairy Queen has daddy issues 🤣 by smdifansmfjsmsnd
You think the boss lets the peons write the sign?
smartest_kobold t1_ixehhrx wrote
smartest_kobold t1_ixchf1i wrote
Reply to comment by alexkourtis in I'm European, how to move to New Hampshire? by alexkourtis
How much do you think it costs in America to fill a cavity?
smartest_kobold t1_ixc72an wrote
Why New Hampshire specifically?
smartest_kobold t1_iwwes4r wrote
No one is pregnant for eight months and three weeks for funsies and gets a last minute abortion.
Late abortions only happen in fairly narrow circumstances and for specific reasons.
smartest_kobold t1_iwrdrar wrote
Reply to The Quakers must be pissed! by TheMobyDicks
What are they going to do? Fight about it?
smartest_kobold t1_iwpxlq2 wrote
Reply to comment by pahnzoh in Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
Fed's raising interest rates specifically to increase unemployment. Got any other theories?
smartest_kobold t1_iyagua3 wrote
Reply to Coming to visit before potentially moving by chosen566