smartest_kobold t1_j6phnlq wrote
Wow, you experienced everything State College, PA had to offer. You're so cool and worldly and cosmopolitan.
smartest_kobold t1_j6osg5n wrote
Reply to Southern NH Services Needed? by AVCEnterprizes
Always work for a good haruspex.
smartest_kobold t1_j6oj87k wrote
Reply to State Rep. Gerhard Wants Gun Ownership Rights Restored To 'Ex-Felons' Like Him by slimyprincelimey
This asshole acquired guns to help in a stand off with the feds.
There are nonviolent felonies we probably should consider being less punitive about with firearms and voting, but keeping this dumbass away from firearms seems prudent.
smartest_kobold t1_j6j2rv9 wrote
Reply to The reddit anti-evil team removed a post from this subreddit where a guy was trying to sell airgun equipment and permanently suspended the user who posted it, because they claim he violated the "no selling firearms" rule. This was not my doing and there's nothing I can do about it. by Senno_Ecto_Gammat
Oh don't worry, we'd never confuse you with someone who does things.
smartest_kobold t1_j6j1729 wrote
Reply to New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
Fat chance unless he's willing to switch parties real quick.
smartest_kobold t1_j6ejjpz wrote
Urine is not actually sterile.
smartest_kobold t1_j6bcpvr wrote
Boo that headline.
smartest_kobold t1_j660d1j wrote
Reply to If you're driving around with 2lbs of weed, don't point your gun at people on the highway. by Bill2k
Only break one law at a time.
smartest_kobold t1_j63kikh wrote
Reply to comment by nicefacedjerk in Hudson, NH woman found guilty on charges related to Capitol attack by rabblebowser
I know how much those fancy AR-15s cost. This was petite bourgeois on bourgeois violence.
smartest_kobold t1_j63kbqs wrote
Reply to comment by V1198 in Hudson, NH woman found guilty on charges related to Capitol attack by rabblebowser
Never true. Reconstruction was actually far too soft.
smartest_kobold t1_j631ein wrote
Always nice to see a Proud Boy and landlord get convicted.
smartest_kobold t1_j5v115l wrote
Reply to comment by chain_me_up in A dog was found dangerously close to the edge of an N.H. bridge. Now, its owners have been arrested by rabblebowser
Oh, I don't like it. It's just so common I'd like to know why this case.
smartest_kobold t1_j5v07fm wrote
>If I am driving my ill dog (or cat, or other pet) to the vet for medical attention or to be euthanized, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will have (and have had) that animal in my lap for that possibly final trip with them,
I'll give you my cold dead dog when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
smartest_kobold t1_j5uuljm wrote
Reply to A dog was found dangerously close to the edge of an N.H. bridge. Now, its owners have been arrested by rabblebowser
Wait. They found a loose dog and arrested the owners?
I don't know if any of you have visited up state, but a whole bunch of people take a free range approach to domestic animals.
Edit: The article implies the dog was abandoned on the North Road bridge. The linked police tweet says the dog was abandoned on Hogan Road, i.e. not on a bridge. That is a little weird. You'd need a witness to know that. But if there's a witness, why would they need to search social media? At best, it's lazy record keeping.
smartest_kobold t1_j5tmns7 wrote
Reply to Best cocktails in Portsmouth? by jepppej
The Problematic Bachelor- equal parts vodka and sea water in an unwashed energy drink can
smartest_kobold t1_j5mil5y wrote
Reply to Scoreboard: Chinese Take-out by NewHampshireDude
Union - P. F. Changs
Submitted by smartest_kobold t3_10gzgw1 in newhampshire
smartest_kobold t1_j54moum wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in This is currently an anti-trans bill sitting in our house at the moment, and frankly, I don’t see enough people talking about it. by Jtagz
Puberty creates a number dramatic bodily changes. Puberty blockers prevent a developing young person from going through a body changing in ways they do not want, may have to pay to reverse as an adult, and going through a second set of gender affirming changes. With all the trauma of those experiences.
Allowing children who are questioning their gender to delay that decision a few years with relatively safe medication is the better choice.
smartest_kobold t1_j540huw wrote
Reply to comment by bitspace in This is currently an anti-trans bill sitting in our house at the moment, and frankly, I don’t see enough people talking about it. by Jtagz
I just read through it.
It makes a pretty good case for better long term assessment of various types for gender affirming care for minors, but "higher" incidence or regret" was 4/200 instead of 2/200.
>substantially higher number of people for whom their mental health challenges did not improve after transition.
Lots of confounding variables with this number, given the rates of employment and social discrimination trans people face.
smartest_kobold t1_j53zx29 wrote
Reply to comment by ninjamansidekick in This is currently an anti-trans bill sitting in our house at the moment, and frankly, I don’t see enough people talking about it. by Jtagz
Why don't we treat diabetes with more blood sugar? Natural sugar treatment would be temporary, but less likely to cause long term damage. Unpopular idea, but...
smartest_kobold t1_j4wyw00 wrote
Reply to Things to do in New Hampshire by Beautiful-Sense-3337
Most of the people are edible.
smartest_kobold t1_j4wxpsk wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Asking for a friend, does anyone know what kind of drug test is issued to state police? by [deleted]
It's a mood ring with a billion dollar reputation. The only use for a polygraph is to bully the gullible into saying what you want.
smartest_kobold t1_j4wllr8 wrote
Reply to comment by marshal1257 in Asking for a friend, does anyone know what kind of drug test is issued to state police? by [deleted]
What state doesn't tell its Troopers that a polygraph is junk science?
smartest_kobold t1_j79gng7 wrote
Reply to Dominoes Employees in North Conway are quitting. by Gree-Grump
Don't be a snitch kid.