smokeythemechanic t1_j3yur9b wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in 5 Vt. utilities ask state regulators for rate hikes by thinkB4WeSpeak
Never mind all the record profits that have been posted by these companies the past 20 years alone, each year increasing.
smokeythemechanic t1_j3yujac wrote
Till the people at the top start bleeding money, like the people at the bottom have to, to survive, no rate hikes. Like for what electricity alone costs per unit from hydro-quebec vs what customers pay, with the infrastructure in place already 50 years, it's more corporate greed like everything else.
smokeythemechanic t1_j3qt0fb wrote
Reply to comment by Maleficent_Rope_7844 in Maple baked beans on public transport? by ThePotato06
To which I explained how it works. Idiot.
smokeythemechanic t1_j3qsq8t wrote
Reply to comment by Maleficent_Rope_7844 in Maple baked beans on public transport? by ThePotato06
Appropriate or not is an opinion. Till someone is doing physical harm or threatening physical harm, stay tf out of it, otherwise be prepared for people to physically harm you for getting in their business
smokeythemechanic t1_j3qrc6e wrote
Reply to comment by Maleficent_Rope_7844 in Maple baked beans on public transport? by ThePotato06
It's public transport, some people are incontinent, some are bums, some are drunks and some are you and I. Why is it appropriate to get into someone else's business because it makes you uncomfortable? When driving a car on a two lane interstate highway, you see someone coming up fast in the left lane, do you pull in front of them to slow them down, or do you let them do their thing? Also for reference the people eating durian fruit was 100% worse than the guy that shit his britches.
smokeythemechanic t1_j3qmr5p wrote
Reply to comment by Maleficent_Rope_7844 in Maple baked beans on public transport? by ThePotato06
Explaining how I would react and why, is what the OP was looking for.
smokeythemechanic t1_j3oawqb wrote
Reply to Maple baked beans on public transport? by ThePotato06
If someone tries telling me what I could or couldn't eat, or for that matter when or where I'd probably tell them to walk away before I react, because people trying to control my behavior in a free country run the risk of assault possibly even being thrown from said public transport. No I don't think that's too harsh, bothering someone else with your problems especially in public and on a transport is a recipe to catch a whooping. I've been on a bus with people enjoying durian, I didn't bother them about it, I've been on a train/ Boston T when someone shit themselves, also didn't bother them. If you feel the need to observe someone doing something not at all pertaining to you and then tell them what they can and can't do, it's your problem not their problem.
smokeythemechanic t1_j2efxh9 wrote
Reply to Why do so many people from out of state think that tire chains are the answer? by SnooMaps1313
This comes from people unwilling to buy actual snow tires with studs to accommodate ice here in the northeast as our west where ice is less likely to get over mountains tire chains are often required on a 4x4 to make the pass.
smokeythemechanic t1_j207i17 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
While housing is a need everyone has, Vermont in no way has ever been an easy place to live back to colonial times, expecting others to pay for fresh transplants housing is bullshit. There are plenty of states where you can survive year round outside if you don't want to work for a living. Vermont however isn't one of them, and yes you should suffer the consequences of your actions where if you are a shit person with no marketable skill to survive you do not belong here and if you try the elements will kill you. Try somewhere easy like the Carolinas, Virginias, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, or Florida. Those are all places you can be a vagrant all year long and survive.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1zuzh8 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
It's silly to focus on needs that everyone has, instead of special interest groups? Explain.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1zmoi2 wrote
Reply to comment by Real-Pierre-Delecto2 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
You sound like you have never been there, I have, and I asked friends parents there and such as I considered the move there 20 years ago. They literally said 3-5 " of snow total per year, none of the ice of the north east. Explain how they have salt use and cars from the 40's just sitting in people's lawns.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1zllwh wrote
Reply to comment by DragBunt in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
No snow in the valleys, no ice in your daily commute, no road salt. When you can still buy a Toyota from 1971 there, there is nothing trying to actively eat your car into nothing. It's almost like the high desert.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1zhpkw wrote
Reply to comment by Real-Pierre-Delecto2 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Try that with a cop, I'll wait.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1zgqnz wrote
Reply to comment by DragBunt in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Minnesota is flat by comparison. Literally that's enough to make it matter.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1zgbfo wrote
Reply to comment by Karness_Muur in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
The poors have spoken!
smokeythemechanic t1_j1ymqyu wrote
Reply to comment by homefone in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
And adding roads on top of maintenance to what we have is only one component that needs addressed.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1yk7j8 wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
I can't believe you didn't include a /s with that, it'd have been a fantastic sarcastic joke.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1xdqvo wrote
Reply to comment by manofsticks in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Yeah I mean you can have entirely missing lower control arm rear suspension bushings which on a Subaru for example can be 1.25" of play on just one tire both steering and braking are super impacted but it passes. Same Subaru has a failed intake air temp sensor which is a redundant sensor as it measures at the mass air flow sensor but trips the check engine light that fails. It's important to keep in perspective that our laws are largely made with media shock and awe tactics and law makers reactions to the emotional voting public, not based on experts in the field.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1xc1f9 wrote
Reply to comment by mycophdstudent in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Have to have an active farm to do that, I too want to exploit the loophole
smokeythemechanic t1_j1xapez wrote
If only they worried about the rest of our crumbling infrastructure the way they do affordable housing and bike lanes.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1wnobr wrote
Reply to comment by Footie57 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
I mean if you're good enough at being a mechanic, get a job at a shop and get an inspection license so you can just slap your own sticker on whatever you think is safe and have it be your liability.
smokeythemechanic t1_j1wn2oz wrote
Reply to comment by Footie57 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
A 17 year old kid died in Hinesburg from a cracked flex pipe under a Honda civic like 6-7 years ago for one, and for two, if the rot you can see is bad enough to fail you, how are the structural components that hold major components like the front and rear sub frame and safety components like the bumper rebar, and frame rails?
smokeythemechanic t1_j1wm92s wrote
Reply to Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
This stems from major local lawsuits regarding cars that have been inspected where someone died and people that inspected the cars in question get railroaded with giant fines and jail time. Mechanics do not want to fail your piece of shit that's already trying to kill you with carbon monoxide from a manifold leak. To be totally honest if I followed the law to the letter, no car over two years old would actually pass, and some new cars also would not pass. That being said a leaking exhaust manifold is super dangerous and you could all of a sudden lose consciousness in a moving vehicle as CO builds up in your bloodstream over time, so maybe 3-4 longer drives around an hour in a month could be all that takes to end your life. You might have gotten lucky up to now driving jalopies but when you let people drive cars that are unsafe for everyone no matter where you are, you can potentially be the one in a car that kills a bus full of kids.
smokeythemechanic t1_j0sc95o wrote
Reply to comment by _JunkyardDog in This person really has a thing for the President by aquarifaeri
Progress hasn't happened, the general population has lost ground especially since your generation started voting almost 40 years ago. At least then there were still 3 parties at debates, now because of people like you we have less of a chance of anything actually progressing towards a better future. And clearly you haven't been paying attention in recent years either, between the massive civil unrest with racial injustice and then at almost the same time a major almost insurrection and coup from the opposite side means we are about to face civil war due to the entrenched division created by the two parties of identity politics you all have voted for and want.
smokeythemechanic t1_j43l5i2 wrote
Reply to High beaming by ResponsibleExcuse727
There has been a ton of people recently not in newer cars just driving around even during the day with their high beams on, however mine are vastly brighter, and I will not hesitate to flash at someone, if they are doing it.