
smokeythemechanic t1_j0q4aie wrote

It's nihilism to be unwilling to keep doing the same exact thing and hoping for a better outcome?

From my perspective I have hope for something better and I'm not doing the insane thing of thinking two groups proven to collude against the population for literally a century are the answer to anything getting better at all. Like pay fucking attention to the world around you, read world history from the view points of the oppressed populations and the oppressors, and get a grip on reality not a narrative, both blue and red love their controlled narrative not the explicit truth.


smokeythemechanic t1_j0pw8pj wrote

The slew of political stickers while they contain different ideas are an equal but opposite response every time we switch the current group in charge. The left likes to think they own the moral high ground especially on Reddit, when in reality everyone voting for Democrats or Republicans are equally voting for more of the same corruption and collusion we have had for nearly a century while pointing at the other half voting for more of the same bs.