
smore_sesh t1_j2dnxgx wrote

I work in the addiction field, one of the many things I do as a re-entry specialist is helping people who have been institutionalized for a long time get their basic documents to obtain a state ID, I walk and accompany these people through the various steps to obtain the birth certificate, social, establish an address, etc. all of that is easy compared to the MVC. I always have such an issue. The interesting thing is the “issues” I experience were not an issue at a different MVC or even the same MVC with another employee. It’s like they do to work with the goal to see how many people they can screw over on purpose. I truly believe they have the mentality of “what are you gonna do about it” because honestly what can you do? It’s not like you can “Karen” and speak to a manager. There isn’t a customer service survey. You can’t say you’ll never go to their establishments again. Their an unfortunate necessary entity and the employees know none of us have a choice and there’s no repercussions on their end.