snausagesinablanket t1_jbyy8l6 wrote
Reply to comment by Hi_Im_zack in PsBattle: Wasp carrying a fly by freddy_is_awesome
This is the best thing on the internet today.
snausagesinablanket t1_jb7fqe4 wrote
Reply to comment by kabukistar in PsBattle: Jerry Seinfeld driving his 1970 Targa Florio-winning Porsche 908/03. by stash3630
What isnt anymore?
snausagesinablanket t1_jad33ie wrote
Reply to comment by 4tehlulzez in Incredibly well-performed skull deformity reconstruction by HealerMD
In the abdomen silly!
snausagesinablanket t1_jad22ab wrote
Don't just take away her excess food, ween her off it. You can also add water to dry food to stretch it and make her feel full.
snausagesinablanket t1_jabcvkd wrote
Reply to comment by EV-CPO in TIFU by giving away a seat that wasn’t mine. by tomfoolery77
Today I farted up.
snausagesinablanket t1_ja58ulk wrote
At least you arent the person that farted so bad they thought the plane had a gas leak and had to land.
snausagesinablanket t1_ja0flmk wrote
Reply to comment by TheTrub in Couldn’t stop laughing as soon as I took my wallet out by ddrac
Which side is he on?
snausagesinablanket t1_j8xuvue wrote
Reply to Unpermitted work: Should I come clean? by rojopolis
snausagesinablanket t1_j81m6z1 wrote
Reply to comment by right_closed_traffic in Only One Factory in the United States Still Makes Washboards, and They Are Flying Off of Shelves by davster39
And using gallons of faucet water doing it.
snausagesinablanket t1_j6bcy8f wrote
So much plastic.
snausagesinablanket t1_j61xjnv wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Lady Gaga clubbing in Paris by IaryBreko
This was tough one.
snausagesinablanket t1_j2watar wrote
Reply to comment by dystopika in PsBattle: Wild mushroom rising up from the ground. by ExoGeniVI
This needs more updoots.
snausagesinablanket t1_j2j9907 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: This guy with a very big mustache by oru13t
snausagesinablanket t1_j2ct9p6 wrote
What band is this?
snausagesinablanket t1_j1sp2cf wrote
Reply to Cat is blocking the way [OC] by Roimasse
Is it humid there?
snausagesinablanket t1_j0qtuw7 wrote
snausagesinablanket t1_j0qtfw0 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: This emergency light by AstronautLawyer
snausagesinablanket t1_j0aekma wrote
Reply to PsBattle: this hiking backpack by headgate19
snausagesinablanket t1_izzadz1 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: This Praying Mantis by RiddleTower
snausagesinablanket t1_izvnol2 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: A cat yawning by Twik
snausagesinablanket t1_izaz616 wrote
Paula Plownstone
snausagesinablanket t1_iypa4ji wrote
Reply to comment by dukeimre in Cruise ship passenger rescued from ocean isn't sure how he went overboard, he tells ABC by PichuLovy
>He was ashamed to say that he was blackout drunk.
>He was so blackout drunk that he has forgotten being blackout drunk.
>Someone slipped him a roofie.
>He was doing something else that was really risky (like climbing over the railing) or that he might see as shameful (like trying to commit suicide), so he chose to lie.
He was wanking and fell in when he lost his balance.
snausagesinablanket t1_iy6tzpi wrote
Reply to LPT: when making your bed and fighting with the fitted sheet…The tag always goes in the bottom right corner by Clementine1234567
How does that help?
snausagesinablanket t1_ixra1kj wrote
Reply to comment by GrevenQWhite in A Puppy Posed For Me In Front Of Petra by los_krompiros
snausagesinablanket t1_jd1njf9 wrote
Reply to Wrongfully convicted man, now free after 28 years: ‘I was finally heard’ by ethereal3xp
Wrongfully convicted man, now free after 28 years: ‘I was finally heard’
Lamar Johnson and his attorneys react emotionally in court
Lamar Johnson, center, and his attorneys react Feb. 14 after St. Louis Circuit Judge David Mason vacated his murder conviction. Johnson served about 28 years of a life sentence for a killing that he has always said he didn’t commit. (Christian Gooden / St. Louis Post-Dispatch via Associated Press / Pool Photo )
ST. LOUIS — As he languished in a Missouri prison for nearly three decades, Lamar Johnson never stopped fighting to prove his innocence, even when it meant doing much of the legal work himself.
Last week a St. Louis judge overturned Johnson’s murder conviction and ordered him freed. Johnson closed his eyes and shook his head, overcome with emotion. Shouts of joy rang out from the packed courtroom, and several people — relatives, civil rights activists and others — stood to cheer. Johnson’s lawyers hugged one another and him.
“I can’t say I knew it would happen, but I would never give up fighting for what I knew to be the right thing, that freedom was wrongfully taken from me,” Johnson said.
Thanks to a team of lawyers, a Missouri law that changed largely because of his case, and his own dogged determination, he can start to put his life back together. “It’s persistence,” the 49-year-old said Friday in an interview with the Associated Press.
“You have to distinguish yourself. I think the best way to get [the court’s] attention, or anyone’s attention, is to do much of the work yourself,” Johnson said. “That means making discovery requests from law enforcement agencies and the courts, and that’s what I did. I wrote everybody.”
He said he was able to contact people “who were willing to come forward and tell the truth.”
This photo provided by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shows special agents with HSI Los Angeles's El Camino Real Financial Crimes Task Force seize a Lamborghini from an Orange County businessman on Thursday, April 6, 2021, in Irvine, Calif. Mustafa Qadiri, 38, of Irvine, was named in a federal grand jury indictment and has pleaded not guilty to charges he obtained $5 million in federal coronavirus-relief loans for phony businesses and then used the money for lavish vacations and to buy a Ferrari, Bentley and Lamborghini, prosecutors said Monday, May 10. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement via AP)
Orange County man who bought luxury cars with COVID relief funds sentenced to prison
Feb. 18, 2023
Johnson was just 20 in 1994 when his friend, Marcus Boyd, was shot to death on Boyd’s front porch by two masked men. Police and prosecutors arrested Johnson days later, blaming the killing on a dispute over drug money; both men were drug dealers.
From the outset, Johnson said he was innocent. His girlfriend backed his alibi that they were together when the killing occurred. The case against him was built largely on the account of an eyewitness who picked Johnson out of a police lineup, and a jailhouse informant who told a police detective that he overheard Johnson discussing the crime.
Decades of studies show that eyewitness testimony is right only about half the time — and since Johnson’s conviction, across the country there has been a reexamination of eyewitness identification procedures, which have been shown to often reproduce racial biases.
At a December hearing on Johnson’s innocence claim, eyewitness James Gregory Elking testified that the detective had “bullied” him into naming Johnson as a shooter, allegedly telling Elking, “I know you know who it is,” and urging him to “help get these guys off the street.”
St. Louis Circuit Judge David Mason also heard testimony calling into question the informant’s integrity. Even more, an inmate at South Central Correctional Center in Licking, Mo. — James Howard — came forward to tell the judge that he and another man were the shooters — and that Johnson wasn’t involved. Howard is currently serving a life term for an unrelated murder.
After two months of review, Mason announced his ruling Tuesday.
“It felt like a weight had been lifted off me,” Johnson said. “I think that came out in how emotional I got afterward. I was finally heard.”
It was a moment that he wasn’t sure would ever come.
A connection to another wrongfully convicted man also played a pivotal role in Johnson’s eventual freedom.
Ricky Kidd was convicted of killing two men in Kansas City in 1996. He was sent to the Potosi Correctional Center, where he and Johnson became friends. One day, in the prison yard, Johnson turned to Kidd.
“He said, ‘You might not believe me, but I’m innocent,’” Kidd recalled. “I said, ‘Oh yeah? You might not believe me, but I’m innocent too!’”
The two became cellmates. Eventually, the Midwest Innocence Project agreed to take on Kidd’s case. Meanwhile, Johnson’s effort was going nowhere. Kidd recalled a night when he was awakened by Johnson’s quiet sobs and the sound of his feet pacing the floor.
“He said, ‘Man, I don’t think I’m going to make it out. I keep getting these doors shut,’” Kidd said. “I said, ‘You got to hang in there.’”
Johnson tried to stay busy. That included working in the prison hospice unit. It gave him a new perspective.
“Growing up where I grew up, death, shootings, all those kinds of things are kind of normal,” he said. Working in hospice, “you develop a greater appreciation of life, as you see someone go through that death process.”
Meanwhile, Kidd talked to an investigator with the Innocence Project and made the case that since Johnson had already done so much background work himself that the process would have a head start. The organization took on his case.
Lindsay Runnels, a Kansas City attorney who partners with the Innocence Project, said Johnson’s work was vital.
For example, she said his Freedom of Information Act requests uncovered the extensive criminal background of the jailhouse informant, which called into question the man’s integrity.
“He just did all of that groundwork on his own from his jail cell, with nothing but paper and stamp,” Runnels said.
St. Louis Circuit Atty. Kim Gardner believed Johnson was innocent. But her efforts to help him were blocked when the Missouri Supreme Court, in March 2021, ruled that Gardner lacked the authority to seek a new trial 28 years after the conviction.
Missouri lawmakers, disturbed that an innocent person could remain in prison on the technicality that too much time had passed since his conviction, passed a law enacted in August 2021 that allows prosecutors to request a hearing before a judge in cases of potential wrongful conviction. That law freed another inmate, Kevin Strickland, in 2021. He had served more than 40 years for a Kansas City triple killing.
Some states, including California and Hawaii, are also wrestling with wrongful-convictions cases. In California, Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta is setting up a commission to review criminal cases for possible wrongful convictions. The Innocence Project’s website says that across the U.S., it has helped free or exonerate more than 240 people, 58% of whom are Black.
The vast majority of their clients were exonerated by DNA evidence.
Now, Kidd is a public speaker who also works with prosecutors to help them avoid convicting innocent people.
He hopes Johnson will join him in his effort. What Johnson chooses to do next as a free man is unclear.
“I think we can move the needle, prevent wrongful convictions in the first place and help extricate more individuals on the back end,” Kidd said.
Johnson said he’s thankful to be free, even if he’s unsure what the future holds.
“It’s exciting and a little intimidating,” he said. “I have to go out there and learn, and survive, and get my life back in order.”