sneakpeekbot t1_ix0th1t wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
Here's a sneak peek of /r/smoothbrain using the top posts of the year!
#1: smoot | 2 comments
#2: smoothbrain rapper goes off | 1 comment
#3: New Smooth Brain episode full of Smooth Brained Brian’s 🤣 | 2 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iwqvdo3 wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Police look for man who was wielding swords at the U-Mall. Calls off hunt after he informed them he bought them at U-Mall. by flipz444
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Alabama using the top posts of the year!
#1: Alabama's parole board shot down every single case yesterday, denying relief to all 28 eligible people including this man, after he's served 12 of a 20-year sentence for marijuana possession and distribution. He's at a minimum security work center where they work him for $2 a day | 265 comments
#2: Alabama is a hidden gem of beauty in this country. (Gallery) | 161 comments
#3: This meme has more reproductive rights | 193 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iwjzfc0 wrote
Reply to comment by parejaloca79 in Anyone here from Kent? Need help solving a mystery! by Tight_Tumbleweed_754
Here's a sneak peek of /r/KentWA using the top posts of the year!
#1: Kent Reporter: Kent Police assistant chief suspended for displaying Nazi insignia | 11 comments
#2: Kent badly underestimated outrage over assistant police chief’s Nazi insignia, mayor says | 10 comments
#3: Rent went up by 239.... for a grand total of 2,390.00 I feel like I just won something but its sadness.. I only win sadness.
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sneakpeekbot t1_iw5woq1 wrote
Reply to comment by kelsobjammin in Man donates $18K worth of self-care items to 118 animal shelter workers by btsil001
Here's a sneak peek of /r/sanfrancisco using the top posts of the year!
#1: Everyone who got married in City Hall on Friday, 10am-2pm, and also myself | 257 comments
#2: lol San Francisco | 347 comments
#3: Almost a year ago I took the train to San Francisco with the intentions of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. I was stopped in the act by Bridge Patrol. I took this picture that day. I don’t know if you guys remember me, but I was met with overwhelming support from members of this subreddit. | 241 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iw37pv6 wrote
Reply to comment by midmodmad in Cultural associations/memes specific to CT? by himlenpige
Here's a sneak peek of /r/TakeBackTheNotch using the top posts of the year!
#1: here's our attack plan | 21 comments
#2: They don't stand a chance | 9 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_ivytmxc wrote
Reply to comment by Dadfart802 in Uninsured motorist crashed into neighbors house and fled the scene by orangekrush19
Here's a sneak peek of /r/burlington using the top posts of the year!
#1: If your car was damaged being towed from Bank Street today… | 136 comments
#2: Hey! They made some sauce to pair well with the boots you all like to lick in this sub! | 136 comments
#3: Snow Squall on 2/27/22 | 16 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_ivw3yps wrote
Reply to comment by York_Villain in New changes to 8th Ave create much wider pedestrian space, organize and calm a formerly chaotic place by Miser
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Nebraska using the top posts of the year!
#1: Weather extremes meme via A Cornhusker Memes 2.0 | 48 comments
#2: It’s-a-me! Nebraska-o! | 54 comments
#3: Two dapper gentleman from the early 1900s. Lincoln Nebraska | 22 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_ivn2rcl wrote
Reply to comment by Green_Message_6376 in Let’s stop the politics and just flood this sub with cool Vermont shit. (Like this cool sharp-shinned hawk that got stuck in my barn) by Outrageous-Outside61
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Falconry using the top posts of the year!
#1: First hunting using gyrfalcon in Iraq. Are you interested in videos? | 36 comments
#2: Sometimes it’s ok to spoil yourself! | 17 comments
#3: I've come to share the good news that I passed my falconry exam in Kentucky | 18 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_ivjhyi4 wrote
Reply to comment by stonecats in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of November, 2022 by AutoModerator
Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskNYC using the top posts of the year!
#1: Nightlife
#2: What are some aspects of NYC life that don't make it into TV or movies?
#3: Good Irish Bar to Celebrate the Queen's Death
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sneakpeekbot t1_iuwqcni wrote
Reply to comment by Elron-Cupboard in Open Call for Mod Applications by taylorhayward_boston
Here's a sneak peek of /r/agedlikemilk using the top posts of the year!
#1: US Supreme Court justice promising to not overturn Roe v. Wade (abortion rights) during their appointment hearings. | 2786 comments
#2: … | 1631 comments
#3: Nice one Google | 956 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iutu5cp wrote
Reply to comment by Sariel007 in World’s tallest living cat supports animal shelters and HIV patients by Sariel007
Here's a sneak peek of /r/PupliftingNews using the top posts of the year!
#1: New York Passes Bill to Ban the Sale of Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits in Pet Stores. The Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill aims to "stop the flow of cruelly bred puppies into New York," according to a press release from the ASPCA. | 72 comments
#2: 100-acre no cage, no kill dog shelter opening in Alabama | 67 comments
#3: Ukrainian soldiers adopt freezing puppy who now stands guard for them | 11 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iupqddw wrote
Reply to comment by noob_tube03 in Come join /r/camberville! by kjeovridnarn
Here's a sneak peek of /r/cambridge using the top posts of the year!
#1: Every year, this will always be my favourite Christmas light | 7 comments
#2: Midsummer Common yesterday morning | 12 comments
#3: I feel like this is acurrate | 9 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iugkqua wrote
Reply to comment by AsslessBaboon in Emperor Penguins Will Now Be A Protected Species Under The U.S. Endangered Species Act by AsslessBaboon
Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the top posts of all time!
#1: Google "translates" flags in non-English comments to the US flag | 39 comments
#2: She lives in Germany bro | 57 comments
#3: Literally Dozens | 3 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_iu8yw2w wrote
Reply to comment by MyStackRunnethOver in Anyone know where I can buy a MacBook Air less than retail price? (either used or not). by [deleted]
Here's a sneak peek of /r/hardwareswap using the top posts of the year!
#1: [GIVEAWAY] 20x iFixit Mahi Driver Kits
#2: [USA-CA] [H] Prototype Xbox Series X Developer Kit (2TB, OLED, 40GB, 10GB Debug port, USB C x2) [W] PayPal
#3: [USA-TX] [H] Hamster Cage Pc [W] Local Cash
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sneakpeekbot t1_iu4xl3t wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in Ukrainian soldier with vermontese maple syrup and pancakes by kievit4ukraine
Here's a sneak peek of /r/burlington using the top posts of the year!
#1: If your car was damaged being towed from Bank Street today… | 136 comments
#2: Snow Squall on 2/27/22 | 17 comments
#3: Hey! They made some sauce to pair well with the boots you all like to lick in this sub! | 133 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_itt66s0 wrote
Reply to comment by flummingbird in How should an individual best prepare for the next five - ten years? by BinyaminDelta
Here's a sneak peek of /r/MutualAid using the top posts of the year!
#1: Simple Requesting Policies
#2: Mother has covid pneumonia, I'm missing work need $20 for food
#3: This butcher shop is leaving the leftovers outside so stray dog can have something during the day. | 4 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_itsiyht wrote
Reply to comment by thereallysososantini in if you applied for a MTA cleaning job, check your emails. They started sending emails out already. by bklynzboy
Here's a sneak peek of /r/nycpublicservants using the top posts of all time!
#1: Let NYC municipal workers do their jobs at home | 0 comments
#2: Welcome Employees of the City of New York!
#3: OMB hiring/budget approval
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sneakpeekbot t1_itpfzmg wrote
Reply to comment by devBowman in 12-year-old Iowa boy, artist sells paintings to help kids with cancer by Sariel007
Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABoringDystopia using the top posts of the year!
#1: Fox News in Idiocracy vs. Fox News IRL | 3854 comments
#2: The UK is about to see the highest ever recorded temperatures and 'Don't Look Up' is essentially playing out in the media | 3233 comments
#3: A grim reality sets in | 1567 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_isq9tgw wrote
Reply to comment by playbeautiful in UC Berkeley is repatriating cultural artifacts, including ancestral remains, to Indigenous tribes by KTnash
Here's a sneak peek of /r/thepunchlineisracism using the top posts of all time!
#1: Classic | 45 comments
#2: Wow just Wow | 35 comments
#3: Huh? | 3 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_irvo8e5 wrote
Reply to comment by -ZeroRelevance- in Am I crazy? Or am I right? by AdditionalPizza
Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubredditSimulator using the top posts of the year!
#2: PsBattle: Donnie and the back of a hottub | 156 comments
#3: This Pumpkin grew between my new water bottle in case you hurt yourself | 33 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_irj835z wrote
Reply to comment by Leather-Heart in China has secret station in NYC as part of network to track dissidents by solo-ran
Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckCCP using the top posts of the year!
#1: In New York City | 3 comments
#2: Millions of #Uyghurs inside concentration camps | 0 comments
#3: Will probably get rebanned, but y’all need to see this. No warning permaban. | 5 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_ire399b wrote
Reply to comment by mineinhusdson in Hi all! by mineinhusdson
Here's a sneak peek of /r/WorcesterMASocialClub [NSFW] using the top posts of all time!
#1: If you’re reading this, you matter!
#2: Best bookstore in Worcester?
#3: Hi!
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sneakpeekbot t1_ix415c3 wrote
Reply to comment by Cannibeans in Spiritual growth is the answer to the singularity by [deleted]
Here's a sneak peek of /r/witchcraft using the top posts of the year!
#1: I made a few Tarot Card Window Clings! Then shoot rainbows when the sun hits them! 🌈 What do you think? | 195 comments
#2: Inherited my great grandmothers crystal ball 🔮 | 86 comments
#3: It's Okay to Work with What's Available | 26 comments
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