sneakpeekbot t1_j5a18my wrote
Reply to comment by piratebroadcast in Anyone know how much it costs to turn on utilities (specifically Comcast and Eversource) in Camrbridge? by piratebroadcast
Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskTechnology using the top posts of the year!
#1: [NSFW] Kik message requests won’t show
#2: Is google getting worse? or am I insane?
#3: Is Google getting worse?
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sneakpeekbot t1_j4hdrse wrote
Reply to comment by Uranusistormy in Breakthrough milestone in understanding the reversal of aging by duffmanhb
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Biochemistry using the top posts of the year!
#1: My Glove! | 35 comments
#2: Some nerd humor from my biochemistry lab | 15 comments
#3: Radicals | 22 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j4bn2kk wrote
Reply to comment by MOGicantbewitty in consent laws by TapAffectionate9434
Here's a sneak peek of /r/raisedbynarcissists using the top posts of the year!
#1: My 12 year old niece picked up on how toxic nmom (her grandma) actually is
#2: People that come from dysfunctional, abusive, unstable households are at such a disadvantage compared to those that grew up in healthy families. And I don’t think that’s talked about nearly enough.
#3: I recited my childhood story to my nmom but changed our names and pretended to be asking for advice for my “traumatized friend”. Her response was amazing…
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sneakpeekbot t1_j47w8pu wrote
Reply to comment by Kodiak01 in Tailgating me won't make the vehicles in front of me go faster. by NLCmanure
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dashcam using the top posts of the year!
#1: [AUKEY Dual] Chief of Police must have been having a bad day... | 943 comments
#2: [Tesla] Deer trips and ends up saving itself and my step-dads car | 183 comments
#3: Been staying at a hotel and found cheese slices on my car in the evening. I caught the turd red handed. Thanks Parking Mode! VIOFO A129 Pro. | 229 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j40imu3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [D] Is it a time to seriously regulate and restrict AI research? by Baturinsky
Here's a sneak peek of /r/ControlProblem using the top posts of the year!
#1: I gave ChatGPT the 117 question, eight dimensional PolitiScales test | 48 comments
#2: Computers won't be intelligent for a million years – to build an AGI would require the combined and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanics for 1-10 million years. | 9 comments
#3: Ilya Sutskever, co-founder of OpenAI: "it may be that today's large neural networks are slightly conscious" | 43 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j3vp8tk wrote
Reply to comment by RandomChurn in Are Rhode Islanders entitled? by Loveroffinerthings
Here's a sneak peek of /r/cozyrhody using the top posts of all time!
#1: Guesstimating about 850 pounds of trash picked up this weekend along Cadillac Drive. Thank you everyone for your help!! | 6 comments
#2: The rain held out for our cleanup at India Point! | 6 comments
#3: Cozy Rhody volunteers did some tremendous work yesterday. It was cold, it was frigid, but we turned the heat up! Thanks to all thr volunteers for putting in the 15 total person-hours to collect 463 pounds of garbage. Bravo on the good harvest! | 0 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j3umvn4 wrote
Reply to comment by jacle2210 in Anybody from Pasco, WA? That's sort of where I grew up, left in 2004 and haven't returned for 18 years. I found a photo of my eight grade class from 1999-2000 at Isaac Stevens. About 10% of the picture was eaten by fungus after sitting in the attic for so long. If you're in the pic, we probably met. by Voracious_Port
Here's a sneak peek of /r/TriCitiesWA using the top posts of the year!
#1: Instacart has donated 50,000 to the Krumbah family | 10 comments
#2: Tri Cities drivers when bad weather hits. | 62 comments
#3: Not in our backyard!!
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sneakpeekbot t1_j3fcqcu wrote
Reply to comment by broknkittn in Las Vegas restaurant goes from having almost no customers, to sold out after review from famous TikToker by CaptLeaderLegend26
Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedSouthPark using the top posts of the year!
#1: Little Known Fact | 1 comment
#2: Found on r/worldnews | 3 comments
#3: Yup did not expect this to work the name just came to my mind without thinking lol | 3 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j3dpgvd wrote
Reply to comment by Hopsblues in I love it here but… by No-Cod7466
Here's a sneak peek of /r/SwitzerlandIsFake using the top posts of the year!
#1: Finally a way out of this simulation | 15 comments
#2: Microsoft Flight Simulator With Mods | 14 comments
#3: Can this be real? | 27 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j34c763 wrote
Reply to comment by 09-24-11 in Traffic study by former head of NYC DOT reveals what he says is ultimate cause of congestion by HEIMDVLLR
Here's a sneak peek of /r/notjustbikes using the top posts of the year!
#1: Big news in France! | 114 comments
#2: North Carolina Elementary School vs Netherland Elementary School | 203 comments
#3: These building renderings are getting so realistic, feels like I'm there | 53 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j2zc6jp wrote
Reply to comment by sherryberry7 in New York lawmakers want to legalize DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline by Character_Mall_1966
Here's a sneak peek of /r/unclebens using the top posts of the year!
#1: fact about shrooms.. | 161 comments
#2: When the cashier comments on my 12 bags of Uncle Ben's saying, "Wow, you must really like brown rice!" | 47 comments
#3: Starry Night APE clone 🛸🛸🛸 | 200 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j2ubdtr wrote
Reply to comment by SemperFuu in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Here's a sneak peek of /r/burlington using the top posts of the year!
#1: Found a diamond ring in my creme brulee
#2: Hey! They made some sauce to pair well with the boots you all like to lick in this sub! | 135 comments
#3: Snow Squall on 2/27/22 | 16 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j2cbvqx wrote
Reply to comment by Lawjarp2 in Plan For the Singularity by tedd321
Here's a sneak peek of /r/collapse using the top posts of the year!
#1: A fresh cartoon from The New Yorker | 273 comments
#2: The system isn't broken it's working as intended. | 333 comments
#3: Made me laugh inside | 122 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j2b9wgu wrote
Reply to comment by Ohigetjokes in the singularity is already a threat to our mental well-being by Ohigetjokes
Here's a sneak peek of /r/iam14andthisisdeep using the top posts of all time!
#1: WatErMeloNeLy | 9 comments
#2: lol | 19 comments
#3: 2meirl4meirl | 7 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j28t23z wrote
Reply to comment by cole_braell in Will we be able to create companions after the singularity? by multiverseportalgun
Here's a sneak peek of /r/QuantumArchaeology using the top posts of the year!
#1: InstructGPT-175B proposes high-level approach for Quantum Archaeology | 2 comments
#2: Using Artificial Intelligence, Scientists have created a 3D render of a man who died over 500 years ago in England, believed to be one of Henry VIII's soldiers! 🤯😳 | 3 comments
#3: New Phase of Matter Opens Portal to Extra Time Dimension | 0 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j25vv3h wrote
Reply to comment by throwy4444 in Berlin Turnpike Citgo's disgusting fridge by lowlife9
Here's a sneak peek of /r/sugarfree using the top posts of the year!
#1: Things I’ve never heard anyone mention when quitting sugar that happened to me
#2: I’m starting to see sugar the way I see alcohol or weed. “Eh.” 😒 It’s good for a minute and then it ruins your day.
#3: I don’t know how but vinegar stops my sugar cravings dead in their tracks
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1xbk3s wrote
Reply to comment by tjr5zz in Driverless cars and electric cars being displayed as the pinnacle of future transportation engineering is just… wrong. Car-based infrastructure is inefficient, bad for the environment and we already have better technologies in other fields that could help more. An in depth analysis by mocha_sweetheart
Here's a sneak peek of /r/CryptoCurrencies using the top posts of the year!
#1: Elon Musk Says FTX CEO Did Not Come Under Scrutiny As He Was Major Democratic Donor | 267 comments
#2: Russia Attacked Ukraine, Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Says In Russian: "Very upset by Putin’s decision, This Is A Crime Against Ukrainian and Russian people" | 151 comments
#3: US Officials Owning Crypto Banned From Working On Crypto Regulations | 98 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1r8mg3 wrote
Reply to comment by AlexG55 in Going skiing for the first time by drudgenator
Here's a sneak peek of /r/icecoast using the top posts of the year!
#1: Vail has really crossed the line!
#2: (Jay Peak 3/13) A run that is now burned into my happy memories forever :) | 47 comments
#3: Killington Opening Day | 37 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1prfw2 wrote
Reply to comment by _ologies in Track selected: Ice world by Miser
Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the top posts of the year!
#1: Fuck planes ? | 4222 comments
#2: Lol. Elon Musk's Boring company has traffic jams. I was told it was impossible. | 3390 comments
#3: 1 software bug away from death | 3474 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1nv6dw wrote
Reply to comment by Green-Future_ in RethinkX and the Star Trek economy by Green-Future_
Here's a sneak peek of /r/OurGreenFuture using the top posts of all time!
#1: Bladeless Wind Turbines - Improving Renewable Generation Capacity of Urban Homes
#2: Gene Therapies
#3: Nuclear Fusion's Role in a Green Future - Limitless Energy?
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1lr5nw wrote
Reply to comment by glennjersey in Best knife sharpener in RI by planeman125
Here's a sneak peek of /r/knives using the top posts of the year!
#1: When you find a neo-nazi sticker on a light post first thing in the AM on Manix Monday | 443 comments
#2: sometimes, I manage to impress myself. | 173 comments
#3: Saw a post asking about how appropriate certain knives are for office carry. Thought I'd make a handy chart. | 435 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1l33jq wrote
Reply to comment by Fusseldieb in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Here's a sneak peek of /r/ChatGPT using the top posts of all time!
#1: 10/10, must-see moment! ChatGPT just did something that will shock you to your core! | 177 comments
#2: Invent a new type of color and describe what it looks like | 158 comments
#3: nice | 78 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1j7mw6 wrote
Reply to comment by WarImportant9685 in There are far more dissenting opinions in this sub than people keep saying. by Krillinfor18
Here's a sneak peek of /r/ControlProblem using the top posts of the year!
#1: I gave ChatGPT the 117 question, eight dimensional PolitiScales test | 46 comments
#2: Computers won't be intelligent for a million years – to build an AGI would require the combined and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanics for 1-10 million years. | 9 comments
#3: This from the GPT2 simulator | 6 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j1e5ru7 wrote
Reply to comment by somewhere_in_VT in Power Outage Roll Call by Trajikbpm
Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the top posts of the year!
#1: a worm driving an apple | 671 comments
#2: Emo idioms | 766 comments
#3: Knicky Knocky nine doors | 3236 comments
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sneakpeekbot t1_j5ls0l1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in George Santos proposed to teen boyfriend while still married to a woman: report by [deleted]
Here's a sneak peek of /r/longisland using the top posts of the year!
#1: Governor Hochul guarantees woman’s rights throughout NY state. | 619 comments
#2: SCPD [off duty] rear ends me, almost kills my son, SCPD treats it as you'd expect | 298 comments
#3: A visual to help those who always ask “is it IN or ON Long Island?” | 49 comments
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