
snow_michael t1_iu4gxll wrote

The UK, as well as all other LHD countries, put safety first

It's been shown repeatedly that when driving a car the 'off' hand should be the one for gear changes, fiddling with indicators and radio etc. while the hand that has better control grips the wheel

For most people, that's the right hand

Hence the safer way is to drive on the left


snow_michael t1_iu4evr3 wrote

The reaction time is also now at the point where distance from the starter's pistol^1 is becoming a factor

^1 technically from the collapsing waveform of the sound envelope. A starter's pistol 'Bang' does not radiate from the gun evenly in a circle, rather in a 3D teardrop shape

Depending upon the angle the starter fires it, it is not impossible that the moving sound wave could hit the eardrum of the second closest runner before the closest

Eighth lane is still screwed though
