somedudevt t1_j0xlsyh wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
It’s funny, because I’ve yet to meet a dog owner who says they have a bad/misbehaved dog, or an owner who admits to being a bad one. So what I don’t want is to interact with your dog unless I am trying to do so.
somedudevt t1_j0xkwul wrote
Reply to comment by EmeraldMoose12 in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
any place that is indoors that is not your own home or the home of a friend who has asked you to bring your dog over.
somedudevt t1_j0xkmt9 wrote
Reply to comment by Internal-Fudge8578 in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
Dogs are not sanitary and have NO place in a restaurant. If you want to eat with your dog stay home. I don’t care if the restaurant doesn’t explicitly ban it, it’s common sense that dogs don’t belong in places like that.
somedudevt t1_j0ru411 wrote
Reply to comment by skivtjerry in Snow tires by Sorry-Ad-7884
I grew up on the top of a mountain in Vermont lived at 2300 feet my daily drive was 9 miles of dirt roads I never had any trouble with all season tires. I was on 89 in Milton last year when the 40 car pileup happened I had driven 70 miles at that point with a trailer behind me I watched a car go off the road ahead of me trying to avoid the vehicle stopped for the accident and I stop fine with all seasons. Not only that but they’re 10 ply all seasons so they are very hard rubber compound. Snow travel and ice travel has a lot more to do with understanding how your vehicle reacts and not making situations worse than it does your tires. no matter how good your tires are eventually you’ll find yourself sliding or spinning tires and that point it becomes the driver.
If your not comfortable driving in snow, go play in an empty parking lot. Learn what the car does when you push the limits. I also ALWAYS when it’s snowing or raining and cold check road slickness in a controlled manner where if I slide or skid it won’t result in going off the road. (Normally this is right as I leave my driveway just giving it a good heavy braking before accelerating to see if abs kicks in.
somedudevt t1_j0rcc2w wrote
Reply to Snow tires by Sorry-Ad-7884
I’ve run all seasons or AT tires now that I have a truck. Been doing it my whole life and have never had a weather related incident. AWD and being a good driver goes further than good tires and a bad driver will. The reality is that almost every instance of someone going off the road in bad weather is related to a decision that they made while driving. A good winter tire May let you drive through some slightly worse conditions without getting stuck, but if your a bad driver and overreact to tranction changes (braking on ice, or taking the wrong action when you break free of traction) the snow tires won’t help you.
somedudevt t1_j0o1kt6 wrote
Reply to comment by fergal-dude in This person really has a thing for the President by aquarifaeri
A matter of class? How so? As a Child Free person who grew up swearing, I don’t get the reason why we give 2 fucks if kids use the full English language. It’s moronic to pretend that they won’t swear, and you would be hard pressed to find an adult who never does, so what’s the point of sheltering the little air breathers from it?
Worth noting studies have shown that people who swear are both statistically more intelligent, and happier than those who don’t. So why do you want to raise unhappy idiots?
somedudevt t1_j0erkpp wrote
Reply to comment by mainone in LA to Vermont - DMV Do i have to take my written test again by mainone
DMV requires an appointment. Office in St J is only open 1 day a week. Otherwise you are driving 40 miles to Montpelier or Newport to their office which also require an appointment.
You will be very hard pressed to find anyone doing undercoating if this is happening any time after 1/1 (even now?). It’s a messy process that takes setup and cleanup, the places that do it, usually devote a bay to it during the peak season (sept-nov), it’s not something that they will schedule like an oil change on a rando Tuesday afternoon (at least most won’t want to do that).
Good luck. I stand by my statement about St J. It’s cute on the surface, but it’s just not great…
somedudevt t1_j0epiuf wrote
I get the feeling you haven’t put a lot of plan in into this, and if you did it was a poor job. You will NOT be able to get around in Vermont without a car. Even short term, it’s a terrible decision to attempt. St J is also a FAR cry from LA. St J has nothing, like nothing. It’s an old dead mill town. The only thing it has going for it is the High School. Having lived there for a number of years, it’s umm not great…
somedudevt t1_izu44zk wrote
Reply to comment by headgasketidiot in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
Here is the problem with your complaint against our society:
SIZE, you are ignoring size. Switzerland has 9 million people, in an area the size of roughly 2x VT. Burlington to Is the equivalent of crossing the furthest 2 places in Switzerland (~190 miles as the crow flies) NYC to BT is 260 miles as the crow flies.
The distances are greater and the populations are smaller. If you look at a Swiss rail map you will see that most of the network is in the northern part of the country, which makes up the vast majority of the population. The southern part of the country is very sparsely serviced by rail. And if you take the southern part of Switzerland it still has a greater population than Vermont.
The reality is passenger rail doesn’t work in low density places where you don’t have demand. And trying compare a place that is 10x higher population density to VT is crazy.
Dreaming big is fine, but to say that our region and society is somehow wrong for not having robust rail is just missing economics.
somedudevt t1_izqjwmm wrote
Reply to Shaws or Price Chopper or Hannaford by HappyAstronomer
I go to Walmart most of the month, it’s way cheaper, but I won’t go at the start of the month or this time of year. It’s too much of a zoo, and there are way too many people with their devil spawn running around creating chaos while the parents scream at eachother.
Fall back is PC or Hannaford. They tend to be 20-30% more than Walmart. Hannaford is poorly laid out, and it’s much busier with the billsville types. again I don’t go around the first but they have more selection on weekends when Walmart gets picked clean. IF I am in a pinch and need to shop at the start of the month I go to Shaws Berlin. It seems that its more expensive than the other 3 (BY A LOT), and that keeps the Tuesday midday pajama wearers spending our tax money away.
I sometimes go to Shaws Montpelier, but I feel uncomfortable pulling into the parking lot with a truck when everyone is in a Prius or Subaru. I feel like I’m being judged like I judge the Walmart people.
somedudevt t1_izmnv41 wrote
Reply to I’m in New Orleans for a couple of days… which one you woodchucks moved down here? The flag AND the Bernie sticker. by Twigglesnix
Ahhh New Orleans… piss, vomit, and shit baking in 95 degree weather, below sea level so it can’t be flushed away. But hey the drinks are are good, and drive through daiquiris!
somedudevt t1_izk0152 wrote
Reply to Tips for getting into snow-shoeing? by Dr_JackMeoff
- Buy snowshoes
- Find snow.
- Walk on the snow with said snowshoes.
somedudevt t1_iz70p0d wrote
Some of these properties are and were in disrepair prior, but let’s not pretend that a lot of these “unhoused” people are destroying them. There isn’t a day that passes where the police are not at the one in Berlin, breaking up a fight, arresting someone to disorderly conduct, the program has a value and serves a purpose when the people in it are invested in improving their situation. But when half are shooting heroin and causing mayhem, how can we expect these owners to be motivated to make the living situation better.
somedudevt t1_iyspxt0 wrote
Reply to comment by Holyoldmackinaw1 in Curious to know what folks think about this messaging? by Johnny9Toes
Yeah anyone who looks at a picture of the state in 1870 knows this. It’s actually crazy to think that the state was fully clear cut in that era. But we sure had a lot of sheep!
somedudevt t1_iyhpfy6 wrote
Reply to comment by faceswithfires in I miss Vermont so much by immersedinideas
I can tell you that barre is the only place where I’ve ever had a gun pulled… and In my life i have tried pot 3 times so im not a drug user… the person who pulled the gun was a drug dealer which I later found out; but it started as a guy being touchy on a friends girlfriend at gustos, and ended with a gun out.
Not saying barre is the worst place on earth, and it’s done well to export most of its crime to the hotel in Berlin, but its not great. When you see kids go to Christian school and 5 years later robbing stores for drug money… it’s well sad.
somedudevt t1_iy9hdz1 wrote
Reply to Addison Vermont Snow Geese by ABAtwood
It’s too bad they are not great to eat, because they are terribly overpopulated and destroying tundra habitat, putting other species at risk, and natural predators are not keeping them in check (result of population declines in those species).
somedudevt t1_iy1x0r2 wrote
Reply to comment by Thick_Piece in Why can't vermont tax Airnbn by Old_Ad_1301
They aren’t taxed to the “highest amount” the highest amount is theoretically infinity… they are clearly taxed to an amount that is less than the level that would result in the landowner selling the property. For any property being used as a short term rental there should be an annual tax of 100% of assessed value. That would get them on the market, or in the rental pool very quickly. It would also help the people who run hotels and motels stay in business as they hemorrhage guests to ABnB.
somedudevt t1_iy1utqv wrote
Reply to comment by travelingtutor in I need a place to live. by travelingtutor
We have gained some 8-10k residents in 2 years. As you are finding there is nowhere to put people. I mean I guess we can just board everyone at the hotels like we have been since Covid started, but we have almost 1000 people in state funded hotel housing right now, with no permanent residence, and every day there are more people coming here because we have gay rights, and abortion rights and it’s pretty, and we are liberals. I wish everyone in the country could live here, but until Montpelier fixes the housing crisis (bans ABnB, eminent domains unoccupied investment/2nd homes), and finds a way to cap predatory rental rates, we CAN’T have more people showing up adding to the housing shortage. You probably had no idea what you were getting into when you moved here, and most don’t, then they find themselves in this spot, needing a place to live but everything is out of the budget, or not being able to afford heating fuel because they are paying above their means in rent/mtg.
Intent isn’t to be an asshole, it’s to state the honest truth. We have a crisis. We need get through the line of people already waiting before we add more.
somedudevt t1_iy1r73l wrote
Reply to I need a place to live. by travelingtutor
But remember everyone, there is plenty of housing for more COVID transplants! We need to get this shit under control. Montpelier needs to do something, and we need to keep people out until then.
somedudevt t1_ixyynnw wrote
Reply to comment by codeQueen in How much land is posted in Vermont? by Crisp_Strudel
No it’s being a traditional Vermonter. This stuff is LITTERALLY written into the state constitution. So posting is as I said a selfish action that goes against what it means to be a Vermonter. Also posting unless you have a GIANT plot of land isn’t exactly protecting you from the irrational fear of a hunter. A .308 round can travel over 1000 yards. Take a look at a map and circle 1000 yards from your living room. Do you own all that? And is it posted? If not posting isn’t increasing your safety. Also hunting accidents are extremely rare.
The most recent stats I can find are from NY state showing that incidents 1 incident per 100,000 hunters, and showed that all incidents were among hunters not non hunters for the year in the article. It is exceedingly rare (not never) for a person who is not involved in hunting to be involved in a hunting related accident. So the fear that it will happen to you, and the action to post land to avoid it, is irrational and not based on an actual threat/risk. Your risk of a drunk driver visiting your bedroom with their pickup truck at night are higher than a hunter shooting you while hunting.
somedudevt t1_ixwtz05 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Lake Champlain Vacation Towns by [deleted]
Nothing in VT fits that. Basin harbor club is probably the closest to what you are asking for. It’s in vergennes. Vermont doesn’t have a ton of kid stuff. Everything we have is spread out (water park at Jay, 5-6 mini golfs spread around the northern part of the state) some stuff in Stowe. But it sounds like you are looking for a resort area and that doesn’t exist on Champlain.
Look at lake George in NY. It’s 15 miles from Champlain. Has all of what you are talking about. Plus has outlets for shopping, and other things.
somedudevt t1_ixwsy72 wrote
Reply to comment by Crisp_Strudel in How much land is posted in Vermont? by Crisp_Strudel
Do no harm. The most basic concept to keep people happy with you. If your looking at a house don’t get in a bidding war with a local family. If you think guns are evil, drop that at the state line. Don’t post your land, find a hobby you like and become active in that community, but don’t be over eager to try to lead/take things over. Don’t complain that Vermont isn’t XYZ place. Don’t drive in the passing lane not passing. When called a flat lander accept that even though your mountains are 3x as tall we are right. Call people from NJ MA NY CT etc flatlanders.
Pretty much just don’t try to change it here.
somedudevt t1_ixws4h0 wrote
Reply to comment by Amyarchy in How much land is posted in Vermont? by Crisp_Strudel
Posting is selfish in Vermont, and not in the traditions of our state. That’s the reality. Our history of public access to private lands go back to our founding 250 years ago. Hostility toward people who post is not a bad thing here, as it’s a cultural shift away from what has historically made Vermont what it is.
somedudevt t1_ixox5gi wrote
Reply to comment by headgasketidiot in Best heating oil company to use? We need kerosene but can't afford $7/ gallon at the company we called. New to this type of heating and kinda struggling to figure this out. Company says minimum of 100 gallon order. Our tank is 275g . 275x7= omg in gonna freeze to death. by [deleted]
But it does. Even an infinitesimal demand side imbalance can cause chaos on supply and price. Look at the stock market, and the concept of a squeeze. If you can get demand to even slightly outstrip supply you can create a cyclical effect where price rises because price is rising. The market snowballs.
If you have 10 houses on the market and 10 buyers the price will be at or below ask. If you have 10 houses and 11 buyers someone (the out of stater with means) will bid up the price on one property. When they do that the market resets at that new rate Bob down the road says “I have equity now as the market is up, I’m going to list” he lists at the inflated rate, and because we had 11 buyers and 10 houses the 11th buyer is suckered into that higher rate. And since thats the new rate Suzy across town says “I wonder if I can get x for my property and lists even higher, Bob pockets full from the inflated sale bites on that and we keep the cycle going up. Add in near 0 interest rates, full employment, Covid relief money, millennials starting to inherit boomer money, stuff goes arwry. It doesn’t take a large imbalance in supply and demand to make that swing. Houses needing work have been selling above assessed value no inspection, because demand is there. AND don’t pretend these are investments. The OP bought cash, and said so. All of my friends who have been outbid were outbid by cash offers who are residing in the homes. The investment thing is an issue in places where there is a value in investing in property. But that’s not Barton, or Orange, Or vershire.
somedudevt t1_j0yonzm wrote
Reply to comment by AllyEmmie in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
Remember Covid? People wore masks because it was common sense and a mandate. It wasn’t a restaurants or price choppers responsibility to enforce it but it was the rule.
Well dogs in those places are the same. The fda says they shouldn’t be there. Just because the restaurant hasn’t thought they needed their own policy to tell you not to do something moronic and unsanitary doesn’t mean that you have the right to do it.
I’ve never seen a restaurant that has any policy against driving an ATV through the door… would we agree it’s common sense you don’t do that? Most restaurants have front double doors. Were those installed specifically so you could drive your 4 wheeler around? No because a 4 wheeler isn’t a personal mobility device. The same for your pet not being a service animal
If I had a pet horse would you want me bringing it to a restaurant?