somedudevt t1_j3euioy wrote
Reply to Where should I start looking to move? by [deleted]
Plenty of nice places outside of Vermont.
somedudevt t1_j39uhpl wrote
Reply to comment by vinsalducci in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
What’s the confusion on liberals with guns? You know who was fucking liberal? The founding fathers. We just uphold the traditions of the founders, a constant push for progress, and equality (the founders were a little loose on that one).
Plus we need our guns for when we have our bolshevik revolution and forcibly take all the second and third homes so that our citizens have housing instead of having homeless people freezing while wasted places sitting empty so the rich can visit and look at the funny locals like we are savages seeing civilized people for the first time.
somedudevt t1_j39ucs2 wrote
Reply to comment by sad0panda in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
Oh I am a moron and replied to the wrong comment haha
somedudevt t1_j39txmq wrote
Reply to I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
I’m a certain type of person and I’m from Vermont. I agree with the wife’s friend, we are to be avoided.
somedudevt t1_j39srcr wrote
Reply to comment by suffragette_citizen in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
Shit I’ve been doing it wrong, I normally have clothes on at the fire, no wonder everyone looks at me funny.
somedudevt t1_j39rmc6 wrote
Reply to Back-up Generator for Entire House by ReadBonny
Do yourself a favor, look at power consumption of your house. These “electric backups” are normally 100ish ah at 12v or 1200watt total. Your refrigerator uses that in a couple hours. Then what?
If you look at off grid systems, they are 10-20x the capacity of these little portable power packs, and have 1500-5000w solar arrays to replenish them.
At the VERY Cheapest using old school SLA batteries to power a house for a day your looking at $1200 in batteries, some complex wiring, and a weight of 1000lb. Add to that chargers and stuff as batteries do not stay charged they must be maintained it’s just a bad idea.
Get a gas generator, 4 stroke. Get an electrician to install it. Grab 4 or 5 Jerry cans, and call it a day. It will be more reliable, cheaper, and not dependent on the sun to replenish it which generally when the power is out is t reliably uncovered.
somedudevt t1_j2uzfdz wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in Vermont Winters by Outrageous-Outside61
Read the article it’s winter temp not overal, and it’s Burlington not the state as a whole. For the full year BTV has warmed 4.5 degrees. The state 3. Also yes a January thaw happens. It happens at the end of the month though. You clearly don’t pay any attention when you are working if you don’t notice the difference. Crawl back in your hole of disbelief
somedudevt t1_j2uy564 wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in Vermont Winters by Outrageous-Outside61
I’m not a climate scientist, so I will let the NVU met kids tear you down, but your basic premise that warmer weather in the winter is NOT a result of climate change when Burlington is the fasted warming metro in the US is fucking moronic. BTV average daily temperature in winter has risen 7 degrees in the last 50 years.
Take a second and look at the lake Champlain freeze record that goes back to 1820 The lake froze fully almost every year for the first 160 years, and has frozen fully 3 times in the last 15 years.
Extremes are the highlight of climate change. More freeze thaw cycles etc. if you spend ANY time outdoors in the winter you will see this change very easily, and it’s happening really time. Year after year it gets a little worse.
somedudevt t1_j2uu5ga wrote
Reply to comment by _foxmotron_ in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
So let’s be clear:
Do you believe that there is an issue in need of addressing?
somedudevt t1_j2ut38d wrote
Reply to comment by _foxmotron_ in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
You said it’s an anomaly till we have more data. That is saying that we should wait for data before we think it’s worth addressing. It’s implied in the statement. Gathering more data is inaction. I can’t be alone in recognizing that the entire world is broken… nobody trusts instinct and observation any longer. Everything is crippled by waiting for data, which is then argued over. Look at the world warming and species dying while people argue over data. This is another case of that. It’s an anomaly we don’t need to act. Nobody wants to make a decision and take an action.
somedudevt t1_j2urzy0 wrote
Reply to comment by _foxmotron_ in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
But who cares if it’s an anomaly today? You are pretending that we shouldn’t act till we have more data. You must work in some corporate job where they just look at data and take no action.
January 6th 2021 had multiple people die in the transfer of power in the US. This was the first time in US history this happened. Statistically that’s an anomaly. But I bet you would agree that there is a problem with our democracy when that happens? Similarly these murders are a symptom of an issue and calling them an anomaly and writing them off is shortsighted and ignoring reality. Everyone sees the issue and anyone who pretends we don’t have data to say there is an issue is trying to avoid the truth.
The issue in a nutshell is drugs, poverty, and police who are afraid of being labeled biased or racist for doing the proactive policing and community outreach needed to reduce the crime.
somedudevt t1_j2dlqjq wrote
Reply to How is living in Vermont? by RockLobsterCakes
Fix where you are from. We can’t be the utopia destination for all the liberals from the south. We need you all to take back power. If you all come here, then all your states become more red. If you need to leave go somewhere purple where your vote could swing a national election. Wisconsin, New Hampshire are both not Florida and have outsized political importance. Nevada and Arizona also fit that bill.
somedudevt t1_j2dl5cf wrote
Reply to comment by scollaysquare in How is living in Vermont? by RockLobsterCakes
Thank you
somedudevt t1_j2dl1oq wrote
Reply to comment by Unusual-Form-77 in How is living in Vermont? by RockLobsterCakes
The gun violence thing is interesting, especially given how for 230 years we had 0 gun control, then as soon as our brilliant leaders enacted laws violence spiked.
It’s also interesting that if you look at the demographics of those committing the gun violence almost all of them are not from vermont. Our influx of migration is unfortunately bringing an influx of drugs and crime. Much of it is in populations who are underserved (esl, refugee, etc). In Burlington all but one murder this year was committed by a person born outside the state. While our population on a whole is ~95% white every murder in Burlington this year was committed by a POC and almost all the victims were also POC. It’s honestly sad, because it really shows how segregated our interactions are here.
We pretend to be such an open state, and yet we seem to have totally abandoned segments of our communities, which is what allows this crime to occur. As long as we allow young people to fall into life’s of crime due to poverty and educational factors, and as long as we fail to help those with addiction problems, we will see these crimes rise, and we will see the disparity in prison population makeup vs general population makeup.
somedudevt t1_j272g2h wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Unless it was at a light and you were directly opposite then for a time, cops looking at the windshield then the rear plate on every car without a front plate would be outrageously difficult while driving, and dangerous frankly as they would be taking focus off the road.
But the method isn’t 100% it’s just better than having a bad sticker, and works majority of the time. It’s all about it working often enough to pay for the ticket. My truck needs ~400 in cosmetic parts that are classified safety (cracked lights that still work) add in $60 for the inspection, I could get 3 tickets and still be under the cost to fix. I’ve gone 2 years without a ticket on my 2019 inspection, so I’ve saved $120 for the inspection and 400 on the fix. If I got the $160 or whatever ticket tomorrow I’m still net 360 positive. I can keep that trend of being positive going till it’s time to trade in, and get a car with a new sticker from the dealer.
somedudevt t1_j1yobs2 wrote
Reply to Is it worth visiting Vemont in January 2023? by singhm11
If you want rain and 50 and misery come on up! But really don’t. We are having the worst winter. There isn’t much to do since everything that makes Vermont nice is outdoors and it just keeps raining. Current 10 day has rain 5 of those 6 days. If we get lucky it will be colder than expected and that will all be snow which will suck for travel but be good for outdoor activities
somedudevt t1_j1xb1cx wrote
Reply to Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Be smart about it:
- Install the rear plate.
- Take the other plate, put it in the car under the seat.
- Drive the car.
Inspection is only needed if they realize you are from vermont. If your driving down the road with no front plate, and no sticker, they don’t know you are a Vermonter till you pass. There isn’t a cop in this state who is looking at the front plate then the window THEN the back plate to notice you should have had a sticker.
Keep your lights in working order, and don’t crash, and stay within 12 of the speed limit and you can go years with no sticker.
somedudevt t1_j1xaj98 wrote
Reply to comment by cprlcuke in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Neither of those is true. It was 125 or something the last time I got one. Pulled over for the sticker. I pulled the damn sticker, and called it a day
somedudevt t1_j1xab3x wrote
Reply to comment by Footie57 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Cheap sheet metal and some rivet. Call it a day. Exhaust leak is a different story. No easy way around that.
somedudevt t1_j12caz1 wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
Depends how we define interact. If I’m walking down a sidewalk, and you and your dog are walking the other way, and I have to adjust my path to avoid your barking dog on its leash, that is me interacting. If we are both in a park, and your dog is parking and jumping at the end of the leash like it’s trying to get away from the leash to come say hi to me, that takes my attention as I have to consider can you hold the dog (many dog owners can’t and the dog and leash go running) so that in my book is interacting, even if you have control, when a dog is going nuts a stranger has no idea you have control.
somedudevt t1_j11bk77 wrote
Reply to comment by AllyEmmie in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
Wow you are like all of the matter in the universe the moment before the Big Bang eh? How is letting a germ infested animal around food a public health issue?
But yes the intent there was to draw a parallel to a recent situation where society as a whole was given a rule to follow (in that case wear a mask at the grocery store, in this case don’t bring your fucking dog in the grocery store) where it was not the businesses responsibility to make a rule for something that already existed. If the FDA says dogs shouldn’t be in places that sell or serve food, then places they sell and serve food don’t need an additional rule saying the same thing.
But since people are dick fucks, and can’t be reasonable members of society we have dogs in grocery stores and restaurants and no one wants to be attacked by the psychopaths who don’t understand that we live in a society with a social contract to follow the rules, so stores and restaurants just let people do what they want.
somedudevt t1_j117wir wrote
Reply to comment by Realistic_Law1226 in Dear person who dislikes dogs by totallymike
If you need a service dog GET A FUCKING SERVICE DOG! But every pet is not that. Just because you call it a support animal does it make it so a service animal under ADA. If you feel you are disabled and qualify under ADA for a service animal, then there is a process. But just because you get a little sad or lonely, or don’t like people some days doesn’t mean you can bring Fido in the gricery store to put it’s wet nose on the produce and bark.
somedudevt t1_j0ypzl3 wrote
Reply to comment by How_I_wish_ in I’m tired of melting snow so we can flush. by IndefinableMustache
Generators are mad cheap. If you can afford to Reddit you can afford a genny. 4500w generators start at like $350. You can get a harbor freight China brand small one for like $80 that would be enough to run a heater blower and a household water pump. 4500 is more what would be needed to run refrigerator and lights and water and heater blower
somedudevt t1_j0ypo7a wrote
Reply to comment by IndefinableMustache in I’m tired of melting snow so we can flush. by IndefinableMustache
Ahhh the Jackery “Generator.” Battery packs are NOT GENERATORS. They may advertise them as off grid power supplies, or falsely as battery generators, BUT generators create electricity and battery packs do not. A generator with gas or diesel will continue to create electricity as long as there is gas or diesel in it. The jackery or whatever other brand has a finite amount of stored power, usually enough to power a few lights for a few hours, but a 100ah battery pack only has enough juice to run a dryer or toaster or refrigerator for 1hr. Once the power is gone it needs electricity to be replenished
somedudevt t1_j3ev1z4 wrote
Reply to comment by tootsandladders in Where should I start looking to move? by [deleted]
Fix your home state. Stay and fight. All you are doing is excersizing privilege leaving those worse off behind. We don’t need more liberal artists in Vermont. Sure you will fit in with the other 300k of them, but we are past saturation level. Better to try to make a better world where you are then run from it.