somedudevt t1_j8ftlrw wrote
Reply to comment by Dadfart802 in Instead of a minimum karma/account for posting, how about minimums for commenting? by RamaSchneider
NAILED IT! It’s SJW types that make liberals seem like fucking pussies. We can’t get that whiny part of the ideology to shut the fuck up and stop telling everyone why their ancestors were bad, and that men and women are the same long enough to let the policies the ideology supports be effective.
The culture war shit is real and we are losing. It can’t be burn it all down because we dislike a little part, it has to be accept that incremental change is necessary. We should not cut off our nose to spite our face, but that’s what people who live in the echo chamber are doing.
somedudevt t1_j8fsxzk wrote
Reply to Instead of a minimum karma/account for posting, how about minimums for commenting? by RamaSchneider
I’m left of Bernie, but seeing your posts every day makes me want to vote for Trump. I can understand when seeing totally obnoxious SJWs why people like Ron Desantis get elected, and why places like Ohio become strong holds for republicans. Liberals need to shut the fuck up once and awhile and let out policies speak for themselves.
Also I post Asshole comments like this regularly that get down voted here to hell, but I have what I’d imagine is across Reddit above average overall karma score so the idea that karma in any way impacts whether someone posts a retarded opinion or thought is just dumb.
somedudevt t1_j7wvm17 wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in A probably unpopular take on the VT State College Libraries by vtdadbod007
Right but institutions don’t need libraries that’s the whole point. LSC doesn’t need a collection. JSC doesn’t need a collection. There is nothing in these libraries that can’t be found online, and when I was student teaching 15 years ago we were teaching 9th graders how to research, including accessing scholarly sites and collections. So yes at some point people need to be taught, but that is a middle and high school task. They should get to college knowing how to find sources.
somedudevt t1_j7tug6d wrote
Reply to comment by vtdadbod007 in A probably unpopular take on the VT State College Libraries by vtdadbod007
As a mid 30s person, it amazes me the number of dinosaurs on this REDDIT. Like I feel like I’m on the old side of acceptable Reddit users, but these people are arguing that college students need to be taught to use computers.
What the hell is the first 13 years of public education doing if it’s not teaching them that? I know in 2001 I was taking classes on how to use computers in HS, shit in 1998 we were learning to research online in 6th grade. By the time I got to college I had experience with Jstor and other scholarly journals, and utilizing things like LOC and the NYT archives.
Kids these days are born with tech in hand. My niece could find her cartoons on an iPad before she could form a full sentence and read.
I was probably on the early side of the no text book thing, I refused to buy them when I was at Lyndon, getting stuff I needed in digital form successfully most of the time. But as I progressed in my history and poli sci studies I never felt like I was struggling to get sources or access info.
Once a doc is digital it doesn’t need any maintenance, and anything that has value to society has been digitized in the last 40 years.
somedudevt t1_j7tt8yb wrote
Reply to comment by 8valvegrowl in A probably unpopular take on the VT State College Libraries by vtdadbod007
This is dinosaur think. If you need it it’s online. There is no way the LSC library archives have anything that the world needs that isn’t digital. There may be some local history stuff in the old Fiche files, but I was a history major at Lyndon 15 years ago and NEVER used the library for anything other than library of Congress book exchange, and that was 15 years ago when eBooks were just starting out. I could at the time get primary sources online in almost every case I needed them. The last 20 years of you and I solving captchas to verify we are not computers has allowed digitization of countless primary sources.
Last point is that we are talking about LSC, JSC, and VTC. This isn’t Harvard or Yale where their may be donated collections of important things that may only exist in that place.
somedudevt t1_j7d3my8 wrote
Reply to comment by Cap1691 in Open Position: Line cook. by [deleted]
Yeah I’m not a moron. That was my point. Capitalism is the issue. You can get your panties bunched about this place not paying a “living wage” but if every business did that tomorrow, the supply and demand balance would shift, people would have more money, they would spend more, and the owning class would see an opportunity to play invisible hand and raise prices to a new level based on the new demand side imbalance. As soon as that happens the cost rises for everyone, and those at the “livable wage” drop below the threshold.
Im not defending shit like this, it’s the terrible system we live in. But at the end of the day, all of us wage slaves making more just means the masters will be able to charge more for the fruits of our labor.
somedudevt t1_j794pka wrote
Reply to comment by Cap1691 in Open Position: Line cook. by [deleted]
Unfortunately as we have seen the last 2 years, when low and middle class people make more, businesses charge more to funnel that back to the top, when businesses charge more, the goal line moves and living wage calculations go up.
somedudevt t1_j6zyxe3 wrote
Reply to comment by claybo-marie in Looking to buy a house in Vermont - What cities do you recommend by psychicfrequency
Does anyone like wolcott? It’s only saving grace is it’s not hardwick, but it’s still wolcott
somedudevt t1_j6mj2vx wrote
Reply to My proposal for near-future inter-town/city passenger rail expansions in Vermont! (MAP) by DrToadley
This keeps getting posted with different iterations. It’s dumb. We don’t have the population density needed to have trains. There is a reason the current amtrac trains struggle to expand service. No one uses them.
Trains need people. We don’t have that, there isn’t a viable business model where we build out a network at a cost of billions, to provide 40 people commuting from Burlington to montpelier or vice versa a rail line alternative to the FREE and often empty bus service.
I get that your grand theory is that you can reduce emissions by using a means of transit that can be fully electrified, and take cars off the road. But you would put out far more emissions building this than you would save with it.
All that said, rail is a cool way to travel. It’s just not practical
somedudevt t1_j5ycgq0 wrote
Reply to Teacher moving to VT by thebaerfetus
You will need a roommate and to be frugal.
somedudevt t1_j5x0x9t wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
To say that there won’t be some sort of event in our lifetimes is hopeful. But I’d guess that in 1910 most people in Europe didn’t expect the next 35 years to go the way they did. I’d bet in 1830 people weren’t thinking to themselves “gah lee it’d be nice to shoot eachother in 30 years”
The military industrial complex is a thing, it is an issue, no refuting that. On the hole the world needs less violence. It needs more peace. I don’t disagree.
But my location on the spectrum of peace is if the asshole down the road with a trump flag and a confederate flag has a gun, I’m not gonna hope he misses. I have no plan to ever use a gun on a person. Or really anything other than some clays. But if there is even an infinitesimal chance that the fascists will feel froggy. I want to be ready to hit them in their leap.
And in the mean time the guns are fun as fuck to shoot, they are better than real estate for value growth, and they have no upkeep cost. It just seems like a no brainer to be prepared as a just in case.
somedudevt t1_j5wx4dt wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Were you under a rock on January 6th? Have you not met any of the fine folks who serve in our armed forces and police forces (many are great, but there are a LOT of well trained whack jobs with heavy artillery.)
I hope to fuck that shit doesn’t hit the fan. But as a person who plays the markets a lot, call owning guns and learning to use them a hedge. My main line of betting is that it won’t happen, so I spend most of my time and resources on fun stuff. But if I see a deal on ammo for a gun I own I grab a case. If I see a good deal on a gun I think would complement the collection I grab it. I take each to the range 2 times a year to practice, and I have them strategically around my residence.
Call it paranoid, I call it prepared and a hedge on my bet that the world is roses and sunshine. A cheap hedge at that. Costs me under $500 a year, and what I own is worth more than I’ve paid for it.
somedudevt t1_j5wx1r0 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Were you under a rock on January 6th? Have you not met any of the fine folks who serve in our armed forces and police forces (many are great, but there are a LOT of well trained whack jobs with heavy artillery.
I hope to fuck that shit doesn’t hit the fan. But as a person who plays the markets a lot, call owning guns and learning to use them a hedge. My main line of betting is that it won’t happen, so I spend most of my time and resources on fun stuff. But if I see a deal on ammo for a gun I own I grab a case. If I see a good deal on a gun I think would complement the collection I grab it. I take each to the range 2 times a year to practice, and I have them strategically around my residence.
Call it paranoid, I call it prepared and a hedge on my bet that the world is roses and sunshine. A cheap hedge at that. Costs me under $500 a year, and what I own is worth more than I’ve paid for it.
somedudevt t1_j5ww7ea wrote
Reply to comment by ThePecanRolls5225 in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Not from Vermont are you? The only people trying to “fix” it are the assfucks who come here from away thinking it’s utopia and discover it’s full of odd people who respect eachother and protect individual liberty and freedom.
somedudevt t1_j5wvtln wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
I can tell you for free that a sword isn’t gonna stop the fascists when they knock on the door. I’d rather defend my castle from them with my collection of Russian nazi killers, complete with baynets for your sword stuff haha.
somedudevt t1_j5wucii wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Snow phrase? by nowfromhell
This person must live in Burlington. I’d like to NEK this and says snow can happen any time from 9/1-6/15 each year. Accumulating snow can happen any time from 9/15-6/1 or so.
Growing up high elevation in the kingdom, we would have our first frost each year in late august and never made it to 10/1 without the first snowfall of the year. Usually the snow was there to stay by youth weekend in early November. I remember trick or treating in snow storms 25 years ago. Snow fell in May each year though June only 1-2 times.
somedudevt t1_j5wtap5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Right but free is free. All of those things were expanded freedom. You are revoking freedom. And I’ll pose it to you. Who is going to protect you when the massive arms stockpile on the right and the militias they are forming comes to the door? I don’t want to have guns for that, but I can tell you that 3 weeks before 2020 I bought 3 guns and a bunch of ammo, and I can tell you I was armed during that period of unrest. While I know that from your standpoint more guns isn’t the solution, in the end it is most of the time. The cats out of the bag. You can’t round up all the guns in the state let alone the country. There are a billion in the country and over a million in the state. The only thing we as individuals can do to be safer is to not be an easy target. Learn to shoot. Get a defense gun for the home. You don’t have to open carry, and you don’t have to be afraid. But you have to at least accept that the world is unpredictable and being ready is a good thing.
somedudevt t1_j5ws9xi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
One question for you:
When the fascists come, who is protecting you? Did 1/6 not tell you anything about the state of affairs in this country? Ammo has been being produced at record speed for the last 7 years and you can’t buy it because people like Daniel Banyai are buying it all for reserves. We as the other side need to learn, respect, and be comfortable with guns. It may never happen that shit hosts the fan, but I can tell you that 1933 Jews were probably not expecting what happened to them either. You can’t be the sheep when the wolf comes around.
somedudevt t1_j5wrjqh wrote
Reply to comment by Northwoods01 in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
I don’t fucking know. He’s not from vermont and while I love me some Bernie, the base of our issues is we don’t elect Vermonters to legislate in Vermont.
somedudevt t1_j5wr0re wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Guns are a part of Vermont. They have been since before any of us. They are in the VT constitution MUCH more clearly than the US. The majority of Vermonters and Vermont families have guns. The people who don’t are not from vermont and are trying to change Vermont. It’s that simple, if you don’t like where you moved (or assume ur parents moved since most of the anti gun posts are 15 year olds) then probably go somewhere that is more in line with that.
Can’t we just let people do what the fuck they want like we have for 260 years successfully?
Gay marriage? Go for it Change genders? Do it up Abort a fetus? Have at it Pray to some fucked up god and start your own religion? We wrote the manual on it Never talk to a person again and be a hermit? Why not Walk around naked? Don’t forget to carry a sweater for when you get cold Carry an AR at the store? Sure Ride a bike in January? Could do it
The point is NH says live free or die, WE FUCKING LIVE IT! Stop trying to change that it fucking works!
somedudevt t1_j5wpjjl wrote
Reply to comment by VermontRox in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Till the day the alt right fucks show up with theirs and only a few of us liberals are ready to fight back. Have fun living in a handmaids tale.
somedudevt t1_j5wp2zg wrote
Reply to comment by 71802VT in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Have you heard of Phil Baruth? He is pretty much the worst human on earth, and well…
somedudevt t1_j5wox72 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
My man, I’d like to offer you the opportunity to try guns out. The thing about anti-gun people is they lack experience. I too was very anti-gun in my teens and early 20s. I was raised by a hunter, and tried it as a kid and it was not for me. I got to high-school right as Michael Moores movie was coming out, and I became opposed to guns as bad things bad people had. An interesting thing happened to me in my early 20s, I was given a shotgun that had belonged to my grandfather and father. I didn’t have a ton of interest in it, but since both had been dead since I was a little kid, I thought I would try to experience it as a way of connecting. So I went to a range and with a buddy we shot some clays.
There is something strange that you feel when you are at a shooting range, it’s that adrenaline, but in a controlled and safe environment. From that point I started collecting guns, at one point even getting a FFL. Over time I’ve stopped shooting due to cost and other priorities, but I still go 1-2 times a year, and every time I feel the joy. I have what I would assume is a fairly average collection of guns by gun owner standards with 8 assorted guns (plinked, duck gun, grandpas gun, hunting rifle I bought when I thought maybe adult me likes hunting NOPE, couple handguns, and then some international guns from Nam and ww2.)
I don’t actively carry out of fear or for any real tangible reason, but there is usually a pistol locked up in the truck, that depending on the day I may carry with me. It’s not really for any reason other than to be prepared. I’m not afraid in Vermont, though I have had a gun pulled on me by a drug dealer at a bar when I was younger. I carry, when I carry, because I have the right to carry.
I think that if you got some experience with firearms at a range trying out different ones you would change your tune on them. Not everyone is a nut job who carries. In fact I’d bet that of the Vermonters who carry the most common use of their carry firearm is to dispatch a wounded animal that’s been hit by a car after contacting a warden or state police barracks, which is the only time I know of any of my friends using theirs outside of range days.
somedudevt t1_j5wm82k wrote
Reply to comment by SueRice2 in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Lots of dumb people do stupid shit to make a point. But objectively gun crime in VT will not be impacted by these changes. They are just an inconvenience to law abiding people like the dumb ones who open carry an AR in public. Ultimately it’s not that person committing crime, AND the person committing crime isn’t gonna follow the rule. All this does is makes scared liberals (said by a person who strongly supports Bernie and is on the antifa side of the equation) feel good.
somedudevt t1_j8fz9u0 wrote
Reply to comment by Dadfart802 in Instead of a minimum karma/account for posting, how about minimums for commenting? by RamaSchneider
I mean if I’m honest with myself I do think that liking trump makes one a moron. But that’s because he is a liar and a hypocrite and a generally unAmerican bag of jizz infused feces. But liking what he says about China, or trade, or a bunch of other things doesn’t. The one I think has a pulse on what the slipping liberals want to hear though is Desantis. I hate the guy, but he is right on a lot of the education stuff. We don’t need to teach 7 year olds about gender or sexuality. Liberals win if it’s about equality, the majority agree that people have innate rights. The majority don’t agree that we need to have a catalog of different options for 9 year olds to pick from to decide who they will be sexually and gender wise. Trans exists and it is a naturally occurring thing, but it’s not something that needs to be advertised to create confusion in people that are too young to reason and understand.