somegridplayer t1_ivfacxf wrote
Oil is up 19% from when? 5 minutes ago?
I would bet it drops in a week.
somegridplayer t1_iv3n9z3 wrote
Reply to comment by misterspokes in My fossil I found while diving for clams. by Clamdiving
> not shallow enough to stand and dig
If they only made a thing with tines and a basket attached....
somegridplayer t1_iv0gbjy wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Election denier's donations to Fung top $100K by therealDrA
Just throw morals aside (which given we're talking about politicians, they don't have any anyhow) and it's easy to spew that shit.
Most outside of a few total nutbags don't believe it anyhow. It's a means to an end.
somegridplayer t1_iv0ar0s wrote
Reply to comment by bunnybates in Election denier's donations to Fung top $100K by therealDrA
>He's a bad tipper.
That should 100% be reason for him to lose by a landslide.
Anyone who tips like shit is a trash human being. Hard stop.
somegridplayer t1_iv0aoqp wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Election denier's donations to Fung top $100K by therealDrA
>he is 100% wrapped up in that GOP "push the lies" that they all do.
somegridplayer t1_iumyzo8 wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzbo64 in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
Buddy, the whole south coast is a trainwreck. Check out the Dartmouth and New Bedford FB pages. It's full of the same insane assholes.
somegridplayer t1_iulxyko wrote
Reply to comment by harborspirit in These idiots need to be stopped! by smedlap
>You'd need 50 translators at least to make it make sense.
I love how you post after post continue to prove you have no clue what you're talking about.
somegridplayer t1_iulviaj wrote
Reply to comment by Academic_Guava_4190 in Eversource CEO asks Biden to take emergency action on New England natural gas supply by OmarLittleFinger
128 is a 55, everyone does 75.
somegridplayer t1_iuj5hpl wrote
Reply to comment by PakkyT in Deer hunting question by Wishful_Thinking826
>but if I am out in the woods mostly alone and carrying a rifle or shotgun, a concealed handgun is now considered too much?
archery season its forbidden, shotgun or primitive season its very fuzzy and I don't know a single person who's been hassled about it on private or public lands. A friend is a prominent yote hunter in the area and ALWAYS carries.
somegridplayer t1_iuj0kwp wrote
Reply to comment by Cobrawine66 in Deer hunting question by Wishful_Thinking826
Of course he can't. He's just making things up.
somegridplayer t1_iuizy3w wrote
Reply to comment by Starlightandspirits in Deer hunting question by Wishful_Thinking826
We're not PA (hunters shooting other hunters. in fucking tree stands isn't unheard of) but fuck, some of it is over the top. Like the Norton shooting where the cop was never charged. MEP wanted to charge him, Attleboro magistrate let it go.
somegridplayer t1_iuizoqf wrote
Reply to comment by PakkyT in Deer hunting question by Wishful_Thinking826
>Is that true even if you have a general license to carry?
Yes because you're considered in the act of hunting.
somegridplayer t1_iuioib7 wrote
Reply to comment by Wishful_Thinking826 in Deer hunting question by Wishful_Thinking826
just go buy an 870 like everyone else does.
somegridplayer t1_iuio358 wrote
Reply to Deer hunting question by Wishful_Thinking826
>Why is it illegal to hunt deer with a rifle larger than .22lr, but I could hunt a Coyote with a 50BMG if I wanted? Its just counter to what most people use for hunting.
The original intent had to do with how densely populated MA is compared to other states and typical deer rifle calibers. I know, it makes no sense, but it is what it is. If I get bored enough I'll ask my local squirrel cop again. Although with our deer population I've never seen any need to bother after archery season to pull out the slug gun. You can fill a supermarket freezer with all the extra tags you can get these days.
We do every so often have some spectacularly stupid hunting accidents that rival any other state though so don't ever expect it to change.
>Second. I've found conflicting sources on this but from what it seems to me, you cant carry a side arm while hunting?
So the only explicit law is around archery season you cannot carry any firearm. Shotgun/primitive is super weird in it's wording but I would suspect nobody is going to give you any shit unless you intend on fucking around and finding out.
somegridplayer t1_iuik9t1 wrote
Reply to comment by BMorris2526 in Home Depot’s are out of pellets just a fyi. by Frequent_Ad_7824
First off, the number they're throwing around is based on days of reserve. The only time that would actually matter is if all cracking and refining was shut down completely.
Second of all, it's always being rationed. Distributors and stations can only buy so much fuel. If you have a bunch of morons going berserk and filling all their jugs with diesel and fuel oil then the dealers are going to run out and they can only buy so much more.
That's what happens when the tin foil comes out in force by people who have absolutely no idea how the oil/fuel industry works.
TLDR: we're not running out of diesel. Stop it.
somegridplayer t1_iuifrwm wrote
Reply to comment by BMorris2526 in Home Depot’s are out of pellets just a fyi. by Frequent_Ad_7824
I bet you think there's only 25 days of diesel left too.
somegridplayer t1_iu4ikza wrote
You wouldn't understand.
somegridplayer t1_iu3v1u0 wrote
Reply to comment by Chippopotanuse in Mass. Drink? by Momnipotent2k
>Wrapped in a styrofoam cup.
Which don't exist anymore.
somegridplayer t1_iu1ne67 wrote
Reply to comment by bubalusarnee in NIMBYs bare their fangs at new Mass. housing law - The Boston Globe by Bulky-Mark315
They don't want the poors in their town. They know divers have money.
somegridplayer t1_iu0rcwh wrote
Reply to Vote No on Question 4 by funferalia
Who hurt you
somegridplayer t1_iu0i12x wrote
Reply to comment by FAYCSB in A Top Newport Restaurant Group Repeatedly Delays Response to Fed. Lawsuit Alleging Wage Violations by MavDrake
Isn't NRG employee owned?
somegridplayer t1_itz8em5 wrote
Rockport if people are spending money in town but leaving (scuba diver fiasco): "hooray! come visit!"
Rockport if people want to live affordably: "GTFO"
somegridplayer t1_ituij6l wrote
Reply to comment by Comfortable-Scar4643 in Been seeing this sticker on cars all over the Boston area this year. What is it? by blueberry1997
I have a "my dude from forty fort" tshirt!
somegridplayer t1_ituigdq wrote
Reply to comment by enigma_explorer in Been seeing this sticker on cars all over the Boston area this year. What is it? by blueberry1997
It is. The Vodka Soda Close It cult.
somegridplayer t1_ivfccsu wrote
Reply to comment by funferalia in Why is National Grid increasing rates by 64% by oceansofmyancestors
Depends on when the oil distributors run out of oil at the current price really.