
somegridplayer t1_j4zq80b wrote

"Please be grateful for the minimum wage overworked slave labor jobs we give you." You sound like you work for Vail Resorts.

What's the average tenure of a resort employee? Where are the majority of seasonal workers from again?

Given the locals who traditionally have worked the resort jobs have been priced out from ever living anywhere near the resorts and more each day are moving on to greener pastures, I'm not sure you understand who needs who.


somegridplayer t1_j4wljry wrote

They'll just raise prices and cut staff again.

>but tons of people make their living on the mountains

an insecure job that they will fire you for any reason they can find. or do you mean the shoestring operations group they keep on year round?

>plus all the wildlife.

The wildlife will be better off without the resort.


somegridplayer t1_j23nqu9 wrote

>Yes, you can go to Newport. But half the year that's crawling with tourists and partiers. Hell to park or navigate through its traffic during the season.

Uh, when? Holidays? That's anywhere. Normal summer weekends? I suppose if you get stuck in the 138 beach traffic at noon. And parking has never been an issue in Newport during the summer. There's ALWAYS parking on either end. Hell, there's parking front and center during the boat show.
