somegridplayer t1_j4wljry wrote
Reply to comment by nixiedust in This winter is a repeat of the winter of 2019-2020 by nba123490
They'll just raise prices and cut staff again.
>but tons of people make their living on the mountains
an insecure job that they will fire you for any reason they can find. or do you mean the shoestring operations group they keep on year round?
>plus all the wildlife.
The wildlife will be better off without the resort.
somegridplayer t1_j4pn8zq wrote
Reply to comment by steelymouthtrout in The current housing market in a nutshell by LopsidedWafer3269
>work from home people.
Yo, leave us out of this, we have no impact on the housing market.
>How many people own more than one house just in Massachusetts alone?
Nowhere near as many as you think.
somegridplayer t1_j3t2gvr wrote
Reply to comment by RevengencerAlf in Worcester Walmart violated MA law after homeless camp clearing by HRJafael
>Small private landowners like homeowners get absolutely fucked.
This happens in affluent towns all the time. Rich people can afford it
somegridplayer t1_j3sfbre wrote
Reply to comment by PakkyT in Worcester Walmart violated MA law after homeless camp clearing by HRJafael
>The area in question are buffer zones near a section of river protected under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, so even if you own the land, you can not simply do things like remove trees and vegetation.
Private landowners do this and just pay the fines.
The fines need to be way way steeper.
somegridplayer t1_j3m4kwn wrote
Reply to comment by notanotheramber in Why do I need to inspect my car and need 2 license plates? Why can’t MA be like the other 30+ states by AxemanFromMA
That plate is hurting his MPG in the truck with the worst economy on the market.
somegridplayer t1_j3m4hmo wrote
Reply to comment by AxemanFromMA in Why do I need to inspect my car and need 2 license plates? Why can’t MA be like the other 30+ states by AxemanFromMA
> Front plates reduce the areo dynamics and hurt MPG.
You have a giant wing that you think does something don't you?
somegridplayer t1_j3m4bcb wrote
Reply to comment by modernhomeowner in Why do I need to inspect my car and need 2 license plates? Why can’t MA be like the other 30+ states by AxemanFromMA
somegridplayer t1_j3libux wrote
Reply to White supremacists litter state with hate literature, recruiting flyers by Rogue-Island-Pirate
Again? Didn't they realize nobody likes them the first time?
somegridplayer t1_j2n8wui wrote
Reply to comment by Syncope7 in Where are the REAL fresh fish markets? by canalguyopen
>RI Fishing Industry draws in $163.4 million
Is it really that small these days? New Bedford on it's own is over $450 mil. But NB's fleet is bigger than all of RI basically.
somegridplayer t1_j2n8ohj wrote
Reply to comment by LeetPleeb in Where are the REAL fresh fish markets? by canalguyopen
At that point you might as well make a (half) day of it and head to Kyler's and Fisherman's Market in New Bedford and get breakfast/lunch/dinner downtown.
somegridplayer t1_j2n8it7 wrote
Reply to comment by AmazingTast in Where are the REAL fresh fish markets? by canalguyopen
Total hijack, how is their frozen section?
somegridplayer t1_j2myp9i wrote
somegridplayer t1_j2mpc5l wrote
Reply to comment by SouthShoreSerenade in Massachusetts laws that go into effect in 2023 by ak47workaccnt
>This one leaves me fuming at the leftists and liberals who supported this anti-labor legislation and pulled a conservative-style "screwing myself to own the righties".
This is hilarious.
somegridplayer t1_j2jt6vs wrote
It wouldn't say it's completely normal, but we didn't crack the top 10 new years day high temps.
somegridplayer t1_j2jryg2 wrote
Reply to Homeless with a 3 year old by ItalianMama95
Lawyer and us embassy before you head back. Seriously.
somegridplayer t1_j2dflac wrote
Reply to comment by BigE1263 in Xfinity subscribers, what are we paying for? I haven't had cable in 11 years and I don't watch sports. Xfinity gave me the vaguest answer. by DistilledBrookie7
I think at this point we might as well accept that any and all corporate run provider is going to be mediocre at best. Time for real regulation.
somegridplayer t1_j28ngdj wrote
Reply to comment by Adorable_List3836 in Massachusetts lost an estimated -0.1% of its population, or 7,716 people, from July 1, 2021, to July 1, 2022, and 0.7% (47,975) between April 1, 2020, and July 1, 2022 by bassistmuzikman
I'm sure you would join them but you have a whole list of excuses that aren't real.
somegridplayer t1_j28muwa wrote
Reply to comment by JBupp in Boston man charged with bringing loaded gun to Logan Airport Terminal A security by JBupp
somegridplayer t1_j26vpv9 wrote
There is one of these in Dartmouth
somegridplayer t1_j23zqjw wrote
somegridplayer t1_j23nqu9 wrote
Reply to comment by RandomChurn in Which of two locations are safest by Zbofanaccount-
>Yes, you can go to Newport. But half the year that's crawling with tourists and partiers. Hell to park or navigate through its traffic during the season.
Uh, when? Holidays? That's anywhere. Normal summer weekends? I suppose if you get stuck in the 138 beach traffic at noon. And parking has never been an issue in Newport during the summer. There's ALWAYS parking on either end. Hell, there's parking front and center during the boat show.
somegridplayer t1_j1u46zk wrote
Reply to comment by Entartika in 2023 tax credits for EVs will boost their appeal by PhantomWizard2099
People with money memeing.
somegridplayer OP t1_j1nr84a wrote
Reply to comment by 228P in Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
I invented URMOM!
Submitted by somegridplayer t3_zv3146 in massachusetts
somegridplayer t1_j4zq80b wrote
Reply to comment by nixiedust in This winter is a repeat of the winter of 2019-2020 by nba123490
"Please be grateful for the minimum wage overworked slave labor jobs we give you." You sound like you work for Vail Resorts.
What's the average tenure of a resort employee? Where are the majority of seasonal workers from again?
Given the locals who traditionally have worked the resort jobs have been priced out from ever living anywhere near the resorts and more each day are moving on to greener pastures, I'm not sure you understand who needs who.