sorrycharlie88 t1_iv6ah9h wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in New England may not have enough natural gas to last the winter by mycophdstudent
Was quoting/replying to the guy above about NH, MA, and CT.
Also, lots of people in vt do indeed use wood but 95% is way way too high. Not to mention that there was a push towards exterior wood furnaces that require electricity and heat through water pipes running to the home, and a big push towards pellet stoves as well. And people who burn with wood stoves who also rely on oil or gas heat might not stack enough wood for winter to rely solely on wood so if something did happen they could burn through their supply too fast.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iv57kl5 wrote
Reply to comment by Distinguished_Parrot in New England may not have enough natural gas to last the winter by mycophdstudent
>may not be enough natural gas to provide for their electric grids, not that there will necessarily be a shortage of gas to heat homes
Heaters and heating systems tend to run on electricity....
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuw6i7o wrote
Reply to comment by bleahdeebleah in Anyone else get a free copy of "The Great Controversy"? by kosmonautinVT
Considering there's been newspaper articles and TV news segments on the books I'm sure they've caught wind of some people's irritations, and I'm pretty sure they really don't care what you guys think in all honesty.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuw4zm4 wrote
Reply to comment by bleahdeebleah in Anyone else get a free copy of "The Great Controversy"? by kosmonautinVT
Nope, it's third class mail which just gets recycled.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuw074w wrote
Reply to comment by West_Garden in Anyone else get a free copy of "The Great Controversy"? by kosmonautinVT
As a mail carrier, please dont do that. Not my job to throw away your trash.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuvt25n wrote
Reply to comment by Meow_Meow_4_Life in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
We end up paying regardless if they get unhealthy down the road. Damned if you do damned if you don't.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iujuslr wrote
Reply to comment by Room07 in Montana, a very conservative state, prohibits firing employees at will. Why doesn't Vermont have a similar law? by yhl-cis
Was only outlawed in vt in 2000
sorrycharlie88 t1_iudegrl wrote
Reply to comment by Quirfg in Deploy Malloy signs make good kindling. by Quirfg
Wasn't that a green party member...? As in, a leftist?
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu8c2rb wrote
Reply to comment by dmcginvt in Vermont ICBM missle silos by airhogg
Those cities are far away, we're well outside of the damage radius, and radioactive fallout wouldn't be a huge threat given the prevailing jet stream direction would take it away from us for the most part.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu5a0ob wrote
Reply to comment by mycophdstudent in Ukrainian soldier with vermontese maple syrup and pancakes by kievit4ukraine
These war mongers are so deluded. What happened to the anti war left? It's like these kids live in opposite world.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu59t05 wrote
Reply to comment by Traditional_Lab_5468 in Ukrainian soldier with vermontese maple syrup and pancakes by kievit4ukraine
Good answer to a simple question, thanks.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu59q1b wrote
Reply to comment by Dead_Squirrel_6 in Ukrainian soldier with vermontese maple syrup and pancakes by kievit4ukraine
Did I say uniform? No
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu474tb wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in Ukrainian soldier with vermontese maple syrup and pancakes by kievit4ukraine
He has an adequate amount of flair for now, plenty of time to add more during an endless war I suppose.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu3yiui wrote
Reply to comment by kievit4ukraine in Ukrainian soldier with vermontese maple syrup and pancakes by kievit4ukraine
What's with the American flag and American camo then
sorrycharlie88 t1_iu3x40a wrote
Judging by the American flag on the sleeve and the multi-cam pattern I think it's safe to say that's an American fighting in Ukraine
sorrycharlie88 t1_ist7n7m wrote
Reply to comment by durpdurpturd in Is wood cheaper than oil? by wholeWheatButterfly
Also, just thought of another thing. Depending on where you live and the particular year at hand, the heating season may well run from September through May, or somewhere inside of those months. While fuel use during those tails might be vastly lower than mid winter that still means an 8-9 month heating season, and depending on those other factors I mentioned it would certainly be possible to burn an exceptional amount more than your 3 cords. This is especially true considering you say you only burn for 3 months.
Plus some people simply might not be well versed/skilled with their stoves even if they have an efficient EPA stove like yours and don't operate them at proper efficiency. So many factors, now that I think about it.
sorrycharlie88 t1_issyl4m wrote
Reply to comment by durpdurpturd in Is wood cheaper than oil? by wholeWheatButterfly
House size, stove size, stove efficiency, multiple stoves, old leaky house, poor attic insulation, no/minimal oil backup use, heat preference, etc.
For me: 5-6 cords, large EPA stove, 175 year old house with shit insulation, tend to only use oil in fall and spring and prefer to prevent it from kicking in over night/early morning and while away during the day so I basically always have the living room stove burning. On sub zero stretches I have an old non epa stove with an air blower in the basement that really pumps out heat. Can go lower than 5 cords if I burn more oil and can go more than 6 if I burn no oil.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iv6cubt wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in New England may not have enough natural gas to last the winter by mycophdstudent
Do you understand that your furnace's power draw is irrelevant if there is no power?